Monday, February 27, 2006

Congratulations to Freeholder Little and the Monmouth County GOP Committee

It was wonderful to see a 57% turnout for the convention to select our new Freeholder. Thank you to all who came out to Manalapan. For many it was a long drive. 450 + volunteers, elected (in most cases) by their respective communities took time away from their weekend routines to select a new office holder. Judging by how quickly the room cleared out when Mrs. Little’s victory was apparent, it is clear that these are busy people who had other things to do.

The convention was an example of what is great about our Republic, our county and our party.

Now is the time for us to unite behind Freeholder Little. Let there be no convention or primary challenge. We have a good candidate who will prove to be an excellent Freeholder. The leadership of the various factions should come together and put their differences aside. Let’s hope that the selection of our other two candidates, one Freeholder and the Surrogate will be free of the acrimony that existed behind the scenes and on the blogs in this most recent race. If Ted and Marie both re-up the selections will be easy. Let’s hope they make their intentions known soon. We are probably in for another sprint of a campaign. Let’s hope that this race will bring people together, in healthy and respectful competition.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Down to the Wire

The biggest question going into tomorrow Title 19 election to fill Monmouth County’s Freeholder seat is, Will there be a quorum? Will 401 Republican County Committee Members show up to vote? Will committee members from east of Route 34 make the trek to Manalapan?

The race is shaping up as a match up between Howell Mayor Joe DiBella and Highlands Councilwoman Anna Little.

As the establishment candidate, DiBella still has an edge, despite his problems in Howell and the press attention they have received this week.

Little and her growing entourage have been crisscrossing the county and burning the phones gathering support. The “Little Lady from a Little Town” has developed a powerful message and established herself as an emerging star.

Wall’s Bob McKenna has been a disappointment. While he has been trying to tone down his “in your face” style, McKenna lite is not playing well either. Even his Wall support is weakening. Whispers about his past advocacy of eminent domain and his “Middletown gets everything” comments will make him a first ballot casualty. His attempts to make deals with other candidates have fallen short.

Marlboro Mayor Kleinberg’s on again, off again, on again campaign has had too many adjustments.

Bridget Antonucci is not ready for prime time. She has gained some name recognition, but won’t get 20 votes.

Tom DeSeno as established himself as a future star and should be considered a serious candidate in November if Ted doesn’t run.

My prediction: No quorum and the seat remains vacant. If I’m wrong about that, Little on the second ballot.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

“There you go again” ---The real Ronald Reagan in a Presidential debate against President Jimmy Carter, October 1980

Some have alleged that blogger “Ronald Reagan” is Fred Neimann and Dan Gallic. I hope this is not the case, as this blogger is certainly not adhering to President Reagan’s 11th commandment, “Thou shall not speak ill of fellow Republicans”

ever you are RR, I suggest you change your moniker to Richard Nixon or Alan Spector if you are going to continue to stir up the negativity. And get your facts straight. Honest Abe was at his namesake dinner. Your attendance figures have been disputed elsewhere…back them up. If 750 attended produce the bill for 750 from Garden Manor.

Little’s team did a great job, and shame on the other candidates for not doing the same and being prepared to politic at a political event. There had to be at least 100 “Get A lot for Little” stickers being worn and the Little cocktail napkins being distributed by the wait staff and bartenders was brilliant! If this smart team runs the campaign in November we are in for victory.

You forgot to mention that in addition to Jim Purcell’s editorial that the Little team distributed my endorsement, which I found quite amusing.

Distributing Purcell’s editorial might have ruffled a few Middletown feathers, but Peter and the gang are too smart to let that get in the way of their supporting the best candidate, who happens to be the one who was raised in Middletown, Councilwoman Anna Little of Highlands.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Little Gets My Endorsement

Having considered all the candidates William H. Seward has concluded that Councilwoman Anna Little of Highlands is the best choice to fill the open Freeholder seat.

She is a classy candidate. Not a negative word about any of her opponents. No meaningful controversy about her stands on the issues, her professionalism or her qualifications. The immigration lawyer controversy is a non-starter and a lame attempt by those who support other candidates to knock her.

She will work well with the current Freeholders and she will be a strong candidate in November. She is the best candidate for the party to unite behind. She will be a very good Freeholder and a strong asset to our party for years to come.

The only other serious candidates are Joe DiBella of Howell and Bob McKenna of Wall. Neither Bridget, Kleinberg nor DeSeno have a serious shot.

There is just too much controversy around DiBella. He should mend his fences in Howell and build a track record as Mayor for a full term or two before moving on to higher office. Joe on our ticket is the Democrats best chance of winning a seat in November.

McKenna is controversial for other reasons. His angry,combative style and attacks of the current Freeholder Board indicate that should he be elected to fill the open seat that there will be more division and acrimony on the Board than there is now and worse, that it will be very public. Bob’s stand for lower county spending is a good one, but he needs to sell it rather than ram it down the throats of his fellow Republicans. Bob’s position that he will not be a Freeholder candidate in November if he doesn’t get his way this time is immature and arrogant. He needs to get rid of the holier than thou attitude and polish up the salesmanship skills that made him a great insurance broker. He has a lot to contribute and he disempowers himself and the party by stating that he won’t contribute if he doesn’t get his way.

If Bob can lose the attitude, he would be a more effective chairman than any of the other candidates mentioned so far. He would also be a good Freeholder candidate if Ted doesn’t run. But he shouldn’t seek or hold both positions.

So there you have it my fellow Monmouth County Republicans. For the good of our county and the good of our part, I encourage you to elect Councilwoman Anna Little of Highlands as our next Freeholder.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Has anyone else noticed that only Little's campaign literature has the "Paid for" disclosures?

You would think DiBella, McKenna, Antonucci and Reily ever ran for anything before.

Are ELEC reports required for this campaign?