Thursday, September 28, 2006

There's a new Blog in town

Tommy DeSeno has brought his Justified Right column to cyberspace! He actually has two blogs in one. The main one addressing National Issues, and a Jersey Shore edition that addresses State and Local issues.

Welcome to cyberspace Tommy. I'm sure your thoughtfulness as well as your wit and humor will be a welcome addition for many readers.

PS. Do something about that picture!

Monday, September 25, 2006

"Sounds to us like she stepped right into it."

Hopefully stepping in it is still good luck, but it looks like Anna Little's resignation from her Highlands Council seat has backfired.

It's hard to argue with the points the APP makes. However, it seemed as though Anna had skillfully put the issue to bed when she announced that she would resign her Highlands seat if elected Freeholder in November. The issue had taken the back burner, but is now back front and center. It could be a major problem for Highlands Republicans. More than likely it will only be a blip on the county level.

On a postive note, the sign campaign appears to be in full swing as the Peters Lucas Little signs are all over. I did hear one Republican suggest that the slogan, Lucas' Little Peter, would be more memorable, but its too late. The signs are printed.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Highlands Borough, NJ. Freeholder Anna Little released the following statement this evening after announcing her plan to resign from the Highlands Borough Council.

An open letter to the residents of Highlands:

It is with deep regret that I announce my departure from the Council of the Borough of Highlands. I will tender my resignation effective September 30, 2006. I will spend these next days reviewing with other Council members the shelf ready plans that I have worked with our Borough professionals to prepare. I will provide copy of these plans to the Council and the Borough Clerk. It is my hope that others will continue to seek funding to see that these plans come to fruition.

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity you have given me to serve you. I have sincerely enjoyed listening to your concerns and your suggestions, while working with the governing body, Borough employees and professionals to maintain the character of highlands while improving quality of life here. I will cherish the memories of this time.

I am very proud of our accomplishments as a governing body since 2003 when I first became your Councilwoman. I am especially pleased that the firehouse is finally under construction. How exciting it is that the Community Center is being rehabilitated, and that the playground at Snug Harbor park will be improved. We can also enjoy the improvements at Miller Beach. I am proud and grateful to have been part of these important projects.

I am asking others on the Highlands Council to continue my efforts to establish recreational programs for the various age groups of citizens here in Highlands. Mr. Hill has completed a significant amount of work on this programming. I am satisfied that it is ready for discussion and implementation by the Council.

I am also asking the Council to establish a committee for the purpose of creating a library system in Highlands. Facilities at Henry Hudson Regional School are now available to us for community use if we enter into an agreement with the school board and cooperate with shared funding. I hope the committee would also consider a downtown location as an extension for elementary school children who might not have means to get up to the Henry Hudson location. I am certain this library system can now be accomplished in a reasonable time if it is given serious attention.

I will continue to work with the Route 36 Bridge Project as a community partner on the steering committee, as that project may be near to completion. I will always be available whenever I am needed as a citizen and former councilwoman to lend historical information and past experience to any Highlands project for the future.

As you know, I was appointed to the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders on February 25, 2006. I have been working for you in Freehold in addition to my local responsibilities since that date. My job as Freeholder has been equally challenging as it is rewarding. After almost seven months on the Board I am convinced that I can best serve the people of Highlands and the people of Monmouth County together through my work as your Freeholder.

Our biggest threat to quality of life in Highlands is our tax bill. I am working with professionals in Freehold to streamline the county budget and create efficiencies to help hold the line on spending. With the help of the Freeholder Board, especially Deputy Director Robert Clifton, I am also working to encourage shared services between municipalities. I am hoping that the state and county might consider sharing services with each other and with municipalities as well.

This work in Freehold to produce a sharing plan for services is the best way to lower your tax bill in the short term. From Freehold I am also working on an Economic Development Plan that will hopefully create more jobs in Monmouth County. This too can only help you here, in Highlands.

My heart and my home are here in Highlands. This is where I am raising and educating my children. This is where I return to at the end of a busy day to relax and find comfort. I will carry Highlands with me everywhere I go and I will consider Highlands in everything that I do. You can take the girl out of Highlands but you can't take Highlands out of this girl.

Friday, September 15, 2006


From the APP:

Democratic Party boss John A. Lynch Jr. is scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court, Newark, today, apparently to plead guilty to corruption and tax evasion charges. He faces possible prison time.

All reference to Lynch has been removed from the web site of what is now apparently is his former law firm.

Robert Menendez is said to be meeting with his consultants frantically editing their commercials that call the US Attorney's office partisan hacks reporting to Karl Rove.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

From the Desk of Freeholder Anna C. Little

September 2006

Friends and Supporters:

I am pleased to inform you that my campaign for election to the one year unexpired term as a member of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders is going extremely well! I am most gratified by the support given my candidacy by so many Monmouth county voters; and consider it an honor to carry out the responsibilities of a Monmouth County Freeholder

I now face the task of raising the funds necessary to bring our GOP record of accomplishment to the voters. With respect for your valuable time during these busy months, I am asking you to join me today in spirit, rather than in person.

As a friend and loyal supporter, I am most thankful for any financial assistance you may be able to render. Below is a form to allow you to make a contribution to my campaign electronically. As time is of the essence as we implement our campaign plan, your prompt response is deeply appreciated.

Thanking you in advance for your continuing encouragement and support, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Anna C. Little

Anna C. Little, Esq.
Monmouth County Freeholder.

Click Here to Contribute

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Peters, Lucas & Little for Monmouth County


- Republicans Renew Call for Campaign Spending Cap -

Republican candidates for Monmouth County Surrogate and Freeholder today challenged their opponents to act on recent calls to implement campaign spending reform measures in this year's county campaign.

"This past weekend the chairman of the Monmouth County Democrat party rejected a campaign spending reform proposal," said Monmouth County Republican candidate for Surrogate Rosemarie Peters. "Today, we are calling on our opponents to distance themselves from their party leadership and adopt our package of reforms."

To date, Democrats have not provided any alternatives of their own to the reform package proposed by Republicans. According to reports, last year Monmouth County Democrats received over $87,000 from labor unions outside of the county. The New York Council of Carpenters gave $25,000 to local Democrats and Trenton Democrats rolled in $37,000.

"Last year Democrats wheeled in tens of thousands of dollars from a variety of sources around the state," said Freeholder Anna Little. "Our opponents' silence draws serious questions on how they intend to raise and spend their campaign cash this year."

Last month, Monmouth County Republicans proposed and implemented a campaign finance reform plan touted as an "Ethical Roadmap for Monmouth County Republicans." The plan called for a campaign spending cap and online disclosure of contributions by both parties in this year's county race for Surrogate and Freeholder.

"One of our proposals is to cap how much we spend on our campaign this year in an effort to limit the amount of money in politics," said Andrew Lucas. "Now that our opponents have been selected, they should do the right thing by joining us and lead by example. We want to focus our campaign on the issues that matter most to Monmouth County taxpayers, not the kind of partisan mudslinging voters are tired of seeing."

The Republican's Ethical Roadmap calls for a $225,000 total expenditure cap by each party, limiting candidates to $75,000 each.

"It has been over a month and our opponents have been totally silent. Instead, the Democrat chairman launched a vicious series of attacks and innuendo," said Little. "When will the Democrat candidates stand up and say where they stand? The voters of Monmouth County need to know that they are committed to a positive, issue based campaign and this is a good first step in proving that."

Sunday, September 03, 2006

No Straight Shooters in this Bunch

In today's Asbury Park Press Democratic County Chairman Victor V. Scudiery calls Republican Chairman Adam Puharic's Ethical Roadmap a ruse to keep power and criticises the APP for endorsing it.

The problem is that, much like his new candidate, J. Gregory Gibadlo, Mr. Scudiery embellishes, twists and takes liberties with the facts.

Scudiery said:

"First, the Republican proposal suggests limiting campaign expenditures to $75,000, but ignores these facts:

There are criminal investigations into Republican fundraising accounts that contain more than $120,000.

Puharic just held a fundraising event for this year's campaign and touts it as yielding more than $100,000."


Adam's plan called for $75,000 in spending per candidate. That would mean $225,000 for the county campaign. If Adams's fundraising event raised $100,000, that doesn't cover the cost of his proposal.

And where does Scudiery get his information from regarding criminal investigations into "Republican fundraising accounts that contain more than $120,000." Prosecutors don't comment on ongoing criminal investigations and there has been no news of subpoenas served or investigations initiated.

Who is investigating, Victor? Is there a leak in the Monmouth County Prosecutor's office? You know, that office where you failed to get one of your own cronies appointed by asking for the help of a Republican State Senator. Or maybe the State Attorney General is investigating. Now that Zulima Farber has been sent packing and Stu Rabner has been on the job for 3 days. Did Stu call you? You said it was a state investigation, so I assume the US Attorney is not involved, unless you got that fact wrong too.

Maybe there's an ELEC investigation. Has ELEC finished investigating why your 2005 reports where four months late? Have they finished investigating why your last candidate's reports for 2003 and 2005 were late?

I assume the $120K you are talking about is the PAC money raised by our former chairman. Mr. Scudiery, the rank and file Monmouth County Republicans sent our last chairman packing because we were not comfortable with his ethics. The County Republican Party has no control over that money. Even though the money was raised legally, our Freeholder Anna Little turned down contributions from those accounts for ethical reasons, thereby leading to the chairman's ouster.

Mr. Scudiery knows all of this. The problem is that, much like his new candidate, J. Gregory Gibadlo, Mr. Scudiery embellishes, twists and takes liberties with the facts.

Mr. Scudiery goes on and says:

"County Republicans have been arrested and convicted for taking kickbacks."

So have Democrats! And Mr. Scudiery was is the only leader of either party to defend the crooks! When Operation Bid Rig broke, the Republican leadership condemned the corruption. The Republican Freeholders suspended those indicted without pay and stopped doing business with the vendors that were implicated. Mr. Scudiery defended the crooks, saying they “were enticed to do something wrong: It was entrapment.”

It is Mr. Scudiery who is "disingenuous."

Scudiery says that "Certainly there is a need for campaign finance reform.." but not until ..."the Republicans clean their own house and the results of criminal investigations into their fundraising are complete."

In the mean time, Scudiery will keep wheeling money in from Middlesex, Union and Camden Counties, all of which have ongoing and documented criminal investigations into Democrats, and he and his gang will continue to embellish, twist and take liberties with the facts.

We have cleaned house, and we keep cleaning it. Again, what criminal investigations? Those are serious allegations and Scudiery better be able to back them up.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Here's a tip

J. Gregory has made a career of keeping his eyes open and looking for tips.

Well J. Gregory, now that you've embarked on your new career in politics, here's a tip for you:

DON'T EMBELLISH THE FACTS. Not even the Little ones.

In the press release announcing his candidacy, Mr. Gibadlo states that "He has resided in Middletown for the past 30 years..."

If that is the case, what was he doing working in Los Angeles, California in 1998, eight years ago. Maybe he was telecommuting. Director of Sales and Marketing for a hotel telecommuting from the opposite coast? Forgive my skepticism.

As recently as a "month or so ago" according to the receptionist at Emerson Place, J. Gregory was working 152 miles from Middletown in the Catskills. I suppose a 5 hour round trip commute is possible, but I wonder.

JGG, while you're out making the rounds with Barbara to "find out what the issues are" make sure you keep your facts straight. You're not the only one "keeping your eyes open."