Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Christmas Cards

During this special time of year when we remember and acknowledge our family, friends and associates, I encourage you to remember the ACLU with a Christmas card. Not a Holiday card, but a Chirstmas card.

The address is:

ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

You might want to write "Gift enclosed" on the envelope.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Just in case you missed it, Gus Toomey III wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Howell still radioactive

"If you claim to have had your fill, you aint seen nothing yet."

Part Grisham novel, part soap opera without the sex (yet?), FreeHowell is a new tell all blog by a disgruntled former insider of the Walsh campaign in Howell.

It is a compelling, entertaining and somewhat believable read.

Who would have thought that Fred Neimann and Sue Veitengruber would be playing for the same team?

Who would have thought that Joe DiBella was only conditionally Fred's horse in the Freeholder nomination races?

While its not quite 24, I am looking forward to the next post.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Principled Leader

Time after time she has overcome the powerful moneyed interests and beaten the odds.

Time after time she follows her conscience and instincts...That angel on her shoulder that some call integrity.

Time after time she has baffled and defied those who have underestimated her.

Not two weeks after her victory, those who can't beat her and won't join her are again plotting a futile attempt to replace her.

She has become the face reform in our county party and our county government, at the time we need it most.

Tuesday November 21, Anna C. Little of Highlands will be sworn in to complete her term. 7pm at the Hall of Records, with a Victory Celebration to follow.

An overflow crowd would send a powerful message to those who would undermine her.

Be prepared to buy a drink or two, in the event that the crowd is too large. This is a new era, and she returned questionable donations.

Friday, November 17, 2006

What if....

Sam Thompson retires?
Does Rob Clifton run for Sam's Assembly seat? If so, who runs for Rob's Freeholder seat?

Steve Corodemus and Sean Kean have a primary for the 11th's Senate seat?
Does Anna Little run for an open Assembly seat? If so, who runs for Anna's Freeholder seat?

Bill Barham is not Director next year?
Who will the Director be?

Does Bill run for an open Assembly seat? Does he challenge Corodemus and Kean for the Senate seat? If so, could Barham and Little be running mates?

Jen Beck does not challenge Ellen Karcher?

Does Lillian Burry run against Karcher?

Is it time to talk about By Laws?

Now that a hard fought election, with bittersweet results, is behind us, what better time to get to work creating the rules under which our county party is governed.

Spring will be here before we know it, with multiple candidates vying for spots on the county and legislative ballots. The candidate selection process and other party rules should be in place by the end of February and I imagine would require a convention for ratification.

Time to get busy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Democrats Barbara Mc Clure

Andrea Alexander of the Asbury Park Press reports that the Republicans BARBARA McMORROW signs were the handy work of Barbara McClure of Ocean Township, a childhood friend of McMorrow's, and not that of Joe DiBella, Lillian Burry or Tom Powers.

Notably, McClure couldn't say how many signs were ordered or distributed.

Friday, November 10, 2006

What happened and where do we go from here?

The Asbury Park Press Editorial Board argues that the election results are a "Nightmare" for the Monmouth GOP. Chairman Puharic says we fought back the tide of the Democrats national success.

Both the APP and Puharic got it wrong.

While Barbara McMorrow's election is historic and significant after 2 decades of all Republican rule, that we won two of three county seats up for grabs is not a nightmare. Operation Bid Rig was a nightmare, and so far we have survived very well.

That Tom Kean Jr carried Monmouth with 53% of the vote disproves Puharic's thesis. The national tide was more of a ripple on Monmouth's shores.

McMorrow's win can be attributed to several factors other than "local voters fed up with corrupt, free-spending, patronage practicing county Republicans." as the APP says. There still are some such Republicans in Monmouth County, but they weren't on the ballot this year.

With no incumbents in the race, McMorrow's victory can be chalked up to name recognition, given that this is her second time out. The APP's endorsement no doubt helped, but was not decisive, as Anna Little's victory proves. The Republicans BARBARA McMORROW movement, rumored to be supported by both supporters of Joe DiBella and Lillian Burry, also was a factor. Not that the signs made a difference in and of themselves. They didn't. The signs were demonstrations that Republican support for Andrew Lucas was weak and divided.

That Lucas's support was weak and divided is only in part his own doing. He was selected, by one vote, by the reformers of the party, but then embraced the old guard in the chairman's race and continued to dance with both sides throughout the summer and most of the fall. He failed to identify himself as a reformer to an electorate that is still angry over the culture of corruption exposed by Operation Bid Rig. His weak endorsement of Anna Little's position on the county counsel fiasco came too late to be considered anything but pandering. He tried to cruise in by offending neither side. Not a bad strategy for a rookie, but not enough to carry the day in this environment.

Why would DiBella's support of Lucas be lukewarm? Heck, he lost the nominations to both Freeholder candidates by the thinnest of margins, and McMorrow is from his town. His ticket had a tough race and took a "thumping" in Howell. I'd be surprised to find that he had anything to do with the signs, but given the circumstances I would not expect him expend a great deal of effort for the county ticket. His appearance at Branches was weird though, especially after what happened in Howell.

Would Burry be behind the signs? Maybe, but that will have to wait for another post, and the answer may not be apparent until January.

Enough about what didn't work.

What worked and why did Anna Little and Rose Marie Peters win?

Little won because she established herself as a reformer and not part of the old corrupt culture. Her refusal of Fred Neimann's PAC money in the spring and again in October, along with her vote against the rehiring of Malcolm Carton as county counsel, convinced the electorate that she is the real deal. Her independence, which can drive her colleagues crazy, won over the voters, if not the APP who couldn't get beyond how she handled her resignation in Highlands.

Peters won because she is clearly better qualified than Bova-Scarano, because no one really cares about who the Surrogate is, and because neither the APP nor the Democrats made an issue of the her only vulnerability.

Where do we go from here?

As a party we need to unite behind a reform agenda. The Freeholder Board needs to cut spending and taxes. We can't have anymore county counsel type headlines. The Republican Freeholders need to unite as four reformers, and prevent McMorrow from taking credit for the reforms, otherwise we lose another seat, maybe two next year.

Rob Clifton, who's seat is up next year, needs to firm up his reformer credentials. He made a good start with his county counsel vote, but the Democrats will come after him on the Matawan Train Station next year. He needs to do a great deal more to make that story ancient history and he needs to do it before he faces a convention or primary challenge. The old playbook for a Republican incumbent doesn't work anymore.

The Sheriff is fine and only a major scandal will hurt him. However, he needs to exert more leadership within the party. The Chairmanship was his for the taking and he passed. Our Chairman had a good rookie season, but he is not universally respected and he needs seasoning and guidance. Only the Sheriff can provide that.

If she keeps doing what she's been doing, Freeholder Little will be fine, in which ever race she runs in next year.

The legislative races in the 11th, 12th and 13th districts are frought with danger.

In the 11th, it looks like there will be a primary between Steve Corodemus and Sean Kean. That will leave two open Assembly seats. This should be avoided, and it will require Corodemus to swallow his pride. Wall Township kept Corodemus and Kean in office last year and Wall Township will overwhelmingly vote for Kean, ending Corodemus's legislative career. While Corodemus has seniority and is a better legislator, Kean is a better campaigner and has union support, in addition to Wall. If there is no primary, Kean, Corodemus and Dave Rubell are the winning ticket in another race against well funded rookies. If there is a primary, look for Anna Little to move from Freehold to Trenton in Corodemus's seat, and look for the Democrats to take control in Freehold. Not a good scenario.

In the 12th, Jen Beck shoud not challenge Senator Trans Fats. It is not worth risking the district entirely. Jen cruises to victory and Declan O'Scanlon can beat the goose defender this time out. We need a well heeled new comer to challenge Karcher. Mayor Kleinberg is a long shot.

In the 13th, Senator Kryillos will have a well funded challenge and the Matawan Train Station will be the issue. If Thompson runs, he wins. Amy Handlin is a lock for re-election.

We remain vulnerable on several levels, but our voters are still Republicans. If we listen to them and respond accordingly we win.

If there are anymore Bid Rig indictments, and there might be, we are in deep doo doo, unless we have a definative break from the past before they hit.

Friday, November 03, 2006

What has really changed in a year?

From the Asbury Park Press Editorial of October 30,2005 :

"The Democratic candidates, Manalapan Committeewoman Rebecca Aaronson and former Freehold Borough Councilwoman and Howell High School Principal Barbara McMorrow, of Freehold Township, have run lackluster campaigns. They have failed to demonstrate the grasp of details or the fire in the belly needed to rouse the current board from its lethargy."

Is Gibadlo that much better than Aaronson was?

Has McMorrow developed a grasp of the details or developed a firey belly?

Does this "Gang's" campaign have more luster than last year?

In their latest embarrassment, "The Gang" has put out a campaign piece (with the Governor's money and union money) claiming that Beverly Bova-Scarano was endorsed by the Asbury Park Press. She was not. Will the APP cover the latest gaff?

There are two proven reformers running for freeholder in Monmouth County, and they both have excellent track records. Their names are Andrew Lucas and Anna Little.