The Asbury Park Press has endorsed Chairman Adam Puharic's Ethical Roadmap
Will the County Democrats voluntarily take the wheeling off their fundraising machine? Their rhetoric suggests otherwise.
Even if the Dems agree to limit spending to $75,000 per candidate, will we know if they complied before Easter?
I have requested that the chairman call me back (732) 957-0070, ext. 6116, to do an interview with one of our reporters about the new plan.
I think if Chairman Puharic has something like this then he deserves a lot of credit for the initiative.
He seems to be having a good start.
But-but-but. Democrats don't wheel. Jim Purcell said so:
"...democrats on the county level, at this point, cannot have a case of wheeling, because to wheel someone must get something out of a contribution or at least have the APPEARANCE of impropriety."
the dems have nothing to give...so they can't give anything. so that's a donation. pay-to-play addresses quid pro quo. how can you have "this for that" when there is no "that" to give.
does anyone here get the concept or is this really flying right over your head.
i wouldn't be surprised, i was just wondering if it was.
JIM: Dems have plenty to give, but its being raised through no bid contracts in other counties such as camden and hudson.
I see where you are coming from but you are also proving yourself wrong in the same place.
Now, do you still support wheeling?
ok rasta:
i get what you're saying now. but here's my problem with it...i do not see monmouth as that much of a player on the state stage. if what you are talking about is right, that would mean that the monmouth dems would be able to influence who is hired in camden, essex, hudson or somewhere like that. and, i do not believe that is possible at this time or in the near or far past even if they wanted to do it. because to have influence ANYWHERE at some point you have to win at least something on the county level. and the dems here have not. influence comes with WINNING something.
i see the premise, though, and the possibility is there. i just do not think, at least at this time, it is going on. i could be wrong but i don't think i am.
it's sort of ironic that one consequence of losing so much is that a party will not attract sizeable investment.
i think doherty and riley came with money. i think individual candidates, like panter and karcher, raise a lot of their own. i think there was some investment into the pringle/morlino race but it didn't work out for whatever reasons. but i don't think this county has enough juice to wheel from anywhere else... just my opinion. and if it could i don't think it would.
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