Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Gang, Part III

19 days to go and the Monmouth County Dems are still looking for tips.

Lenny Inzerillo got booted from their ticket for failing to file ELEC reports, even though the County Disorganization didn't file their's for 2005. Now we learn that Surrogate Candidate, Beverly Bova-Scarano didn't file hers for a failed municipal election in 2002.

Maybe Greg Gibadlo should demonstrate his extensive executive expertise fixing his party's operations before we trust him with the county.

Maybe Babs McMorrow should audit her party's books before we let her hire Charlie Fallon to audit the county.

And how about that PR operation. One would think that this time of year they would be trying to get as much free ink for their candidates as possible. Evidently there's free ink to go around. Chairman Vic, "The Humanitarian of the Year" is the headliner in The Courier this week, with a front page picture and a full page story espousing his generousity.

That Vic is generous is well known. What is puzzling is why he is hogging the spot light from his handpicked candidates, 19 days before the election.


Honest Abe said...

"...he is hogging the spot light..."

I noticed that too. The Monmouth County Dems' website is basically the "promote Vic" website.

Downtowner said...

If I can answer this one...I liked the Vic cover because it was really about a guy's philanthropy.

I mean, he's the Dem chair, but he's done good things in the community that really have nothing to do with politics.

We do the same with Republicans and even ...dare I say...Independents.

Not everything is about politics despite even this time of year.

Art Gallagher said...

If I can answer this one...I liked the Vic cover because it was really about a guy's philanthropy.

I mean, he's the Dem chair, but he's done good things in the community that really have nothing to do with politics.

We do the same with Republicans and even ...dare I say...Independents.

Not everything is about politics despite even this time of year.

There is no question about Vic's good works and his generousity. He deserves the honor and the coverage.

Yet, as County Chairman, he would have better served his troops if he arranged for the award and the coverage to come at an another time of year.