Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Christmas Cards

During this special time of year when we remember and acknowledge our family, friends and associates, I encourage you to remember the ACLU with a Christmas card. Not a Holiday card, but a Chirstmas card.

The address is:

ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

You might want to write "Gift enclosed" on the envelope.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Just in case you missed it, Gus Toomey III wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving)


Honest Abe said...

Sounds like a great idea! Happy thanksgiving, Mr. Secretary!

Downtowner said...

Happy Holiday Season, including all traditional and alternative meanings for that phrase.

I want to make it clear that by wishing people in general happy holidays i am not discriminating upon any specific group, their holiday or their rendition of a higher power.

that is probably the most politically correct happy holidays i have wished anyone yet.

Art Gallagher said...

Merry Christmas Jim

Monmouth RastaMan said...

Happy Quanza Democrats, Republicans and Jim Purcell. (we put him in his own catagory)

Art Gallagher said...

The Big Professor said...
One would think that you right-wing extremists would have more important things to do than to harass the American Civil Liberties Union.

It takes very little effort to spread The Lord´s love Professor

Anonymous said...

Jim, why not just wish people a "Decent December"? I mean if you say "Happy Holiday" you offend me because I don’t agree with you that I should be happy in December or even celebrate one of your “Holidays”.

Teddy Roosevelt said...


Anonymous said...

at some point, you and abe will actually write something new, right?

Honest Abe said...


Anonymous said...
