Teddy Roosevelt said...
We seem to be plagued by poor leadership. Leader after leader in our party has failed to heal our rifts and reform our party. I actually had high hopes for Adam but it appears he lacks the maturity to do the job correctly.
Anna is strong willed which I am sure makes her difficult to work with. She has crudely stepped on some toes and perhaps she could have been more diplomatic. There are times to be a maverick and times to be a team player. Anna may be stuck in one mode. On the other hand many people in the party agree with her on issues where she has disagreed with the other Freeholders.
Love her or hate her she has proven she knows how to win an election.
If the motivation of the people who drove her off the ticket (yes that is what happened) is to win elections they have clearly made a huge tactical mistake.
I believe that if Anna is not our candidate it will result in loss of control of the Freeholder Board and could lead to loses across the county.
I could be wrong. It has happened before.
So we should let this play out. If my prediction is wrong then maybe what was done was best for the "party".
However if I am correct then all those who participated in the debacle should resign and the rank and file should demand it. Hopefully there will be some competent people who will step forward and pick up the pieces.
I will therefore not engage in any further criticism of the process as at this point that would serve no purpose. I will just let things play out and see if I was correct.
Who should we support?
Clearly if you believe that Anna is doing in office what you want done then and she runs in a primary you should support her. There is no disloyalty to the party in disagreeing with who they picked to represent the party. The party endorsement is a recommendation that you are free to accept or reject. That is the reason there is a democratic process called a primary. I personally liked the positions Anna took. I therefore will support her in the primary should she choose to run.
If she runs as a Democrat what to do? Actually a tough question. I am not entirely pleased with some decisions our current elected officials have made but while I really like Anna I fear what the democratic machine would do to our county. Not so much the local Dems but if the party bosses get their hooks in us things could be a lot worse then they are now.
In the final analysis we should all "to our own hearts be true".
There is a loyalty that transcends party loyalty. We should always act in the general good above the good of the party. The difficult question is; what is in the best interests of the general good? That will take a little thought.
Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:51:00 AM
Thank you TR
Make Alberta America
21 hours ago
I would be very surprised if Anna ran as a Democrat. I know those are the rumors -- spread mostly by Adam's people. But let's not forget that Anna is a very intelligent woman -- apparently far more intelligent than Jennifer Beck who just forfeited her Assembly seat for a fool's mission. Anna knows that she will have little Democratic support, despite Vic's normal shallow promises that he's broken every year he's been the Democratic Chairman. She knows she will win the Republican primary and she knows that as a Republican, she is not Andrew Lucas, she will win the general election. Anna will make the smart move. She will not become a democrat.
Teddy Roosevelt has been so on the mark lately that he warrants his own blog.
How about it, TR? I'd link you.
"However if I am correct then all those who participated in the debacle should resign and the rank and file should demand it. Hopefully there will be some competent people who will step forward and pick up the pieces."
ahhhh, and there's the rub.
Are there any "competent" people willing to commit to said task???
Certainly we all know what's at stake here, and anyone who chooses to throw a hat in the ring has got to be willing to take the fire and eat it, too.
I, for one, am betting that there's at least one brave soul out there that's just been waiting for the chance to make right (with integrity) that which has gone so terribly wrong.
Last part of the puzzle, folks!
Somebody else has got to want the job bad enough to embrace the fire and know he/she can walk through it, unfazed.
Any challangers??
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