In today's Asbury Park Press article about Anna Little's withdrawl from the 2007 Freeholder's race, Wall Municipal Chair Bob McKenna is quoted as saying that Anna Little did not put forth many initiatives as a Freeholder.
Anna Little did not put forth many initiatives?
How about calling for reduced county spending? Little actually accomplished that, though not as much as she would have liked. McKenna ranted and railed against last years budget increase and then went home angry when Little defeated him for the Freeholder seat. This year he was too busy undermining her to say a word about excessive county spending.
How about reducing the county's legal bills? Little's political problems within the party started when she took on Malcolm Carton, a battle she continues to fight. McKenna is a vocal critic when it serves his purposes, helping to take down Bill Dowd, Fred Neimann and now Anna Little. He has been silent about Carton.
What about ethics? Anna Little has proposed Freeholder term limits and a rotational directorship, so that the culture that gave us Operation Bid Rig will not happen again.
Perhaps the most important initiative that Little has called for is an Economic Development Council that would attract new industry and venture capital to Monmouth County. It hasn't gotten much ink or traction, but she keeps putting it out there. With the loss of Ft Monmouth, Lucent, ATT, Prudential, and with Vonage on the brink, Monmouth's economic future is precarious and it won't be long until the bond rating agencies notice. The AAA bond rating is more than a political platitude for Republican candidates to tout. It's a reflection more of our county's economic soundness than it is of good government. Little has had the vision to see that we have a problem coming and continues to call for solutions. Her petty political opponents can't see beyond the next election and their plum appointments.
Monmouth County loses big time without Anna Little on the Freeholder Board.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
19 hours ago
Wherever she is today, there are tears in Mama Cass' eyes:
Monmouth GOP is down
Are the skies still Gray?
Puharic’s boys are throwing
everything away.
It was safe and warm
Til we got the big “A”
Former glory dreamin'
On such a winter's day
I watched at the convention
A divisive day
You know, he brought us to our knees
Just so he could have his way
Well Adam likes to lose
Like he proved last year
Former glory dreamin’
On such a winter's day
All the stars are gone
GOP power’s gone away
We need Puharic gone
for a better day
Dems are taking over
Adam’s turned us into clay
Oh, former glory dreamin'
On such a winter's day
On such a winter's day
Adams’s turned us into clay
On such a winter's day
In my opinion Bob McKenna is another person who jumped on the "reform the party wagon" so he could grab more power for himself.
He belongs on the roster with
M.Carton, Stominski,Bennett and a host of others who are happy to do away with a tyrant or with democracy, as long as they can call the shots. That is how it looks to me anyway.
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