Marlboro Council President and GOP Freeholder candidate Jeff Cantor has been called back to active duty and is preparing to go back to the Middle East. He resigned his candidacy early this morning.
Adam Puharic has called an emergency meeting of the screening committee for this afternoon. Speculation is that the committee will be choosing between Andrew Lucas and J. David Hiers to take Cantor's spot on the ticket.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
19 hours ago
April Fools
I think I posted mine first!
Ronald Reagan said...
I think I posted mine first!
You are to be congratulated! Well done!
a changed bee said...
Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in Cantor you get CARTON?
Or Ratcon
how about "or cant" or "orc ant" or "can rot"
and if you rearrange Puharic, you get "pu chair" "hair cup"
mcenery = RC Enemy. Is that a new rap star?
Jeff Cantor said...
You are a jack ass for printing this farce. I realize this was an April Fools joke, but I've been getting calls to my house all day about my deployment, which is very probable. I think you used lousy judgment and I regard this as being in poor taste. I can take a joke as well as the next guy, but this was really stupid!
I doubt that is really Jeff, but if it is, why would you run if your deployment is very probable? That would be poor judgement.
And just in case it is Jeff, didn't Adam tell you that you're not allowed to participate in blogs? Come on now, get with the program!
Hmmm, maybe that was Jeff. Someone from Astrazeneca was on the blog just before that comment was posted.
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