Friday, May 25, 2007

$159,000. It pays to go along and get along.

Wall Mayor John Tobias is set to be appointed as the new head of the county public works and engineering department. He was reportedly the only applicant for the job that currently pays $159,000.

Let this be a lesson to all you mavericks.


John Tobias was given a one year appointment at $138,000 at last nights Freeholder meeting. The county's contract with Benjamin R. Harvey and Co. for the Halls of Records renovation was terminated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This appointment is what is wrong with Monmouth County. Tobia who touts himself as a "farmer" works for the New Jersey Highway Authority making about $100,000. With only a few short years left before retirement, he needed a way to pad his pension.
Barham gave him this job in return for stepping down from his challege for Larrison's Freeholder seat several years ago. Was it a coincidence that there were no other candidates for the job?
Some history explains it all-- Tobia took his name out of contention for the sheriffs seat (what his qualifications for sheriff were are anyone's guess) and he was given the DPW job.
How about some allegiance to those that voted him into office for a second time? Clearly, this was another chance to do for himself before his "public service" was complete. I hope he doesn't miss any work in Freehold. Good riddance.