Jon Corzine and Kris Kolluri have consistently lied to the people about their plans to build a new bridge over the Shrewsbury River between the two towns. The former investment banker and former transportation and development attorney are running rough shod over the people of Highlands and Sea Bright.
The Highlands and Sea Bright borough councils have passed resolutions opposed to the new structure as proposed, and local residents, Citizens for Rational Coastal Development, have organized and are about to file a lawsuit to stop the their neighborhood from being transformed into a Turnpike exit ramp. Yet Kolluri keeps dodging questions, changing rationales, making threats and plowing forward under the assumption that he will just wear the people down.
What has been puzzling to me is why is DOT so hell bent on building this ugly monstrous bridge in the face of community opposition? Why have Congressman Frank Pallone and Assemblyman Sean Kean issued supportive statements yet really not gotten behind their constituents? Why is this a fiat compli?
It has to be about money. Some contractors and unions will be making a ton a money off the bridge as proposed, as opposed to the smaller bridge being requested by the communities. And those contractors and unions have made big contributions to certain politicans and PACS. Who that is we don't know yet, but the vast research staff of the Citzens for Rational Coastal Development and MoreMonmouthMusings are on the case. Maybe the folks who exposed BRAC scam will help too.
In the meantime, the citizens will continue to seek legal and political remedies. Legally, a suit will be filed on or before July 9. Politically, we're calling the Governor's office today, all day, and asking that he send the Rt 36 bridge project back to the drawing board and that the draw bridge be reconstructed, not replaced by a 73 foot high, steep sloped fixed span bridge.
Want to help? Please call the Governor at 609-292-6000. Make sure the aide that takes your call has assured you that your name and address have been documented for the record in opposition to the DOT plans and DEP approvals for demolishing the Sea Bright/Highlands Bridge.
Do it now.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
22 hours ago
It looks like the Edison Bridge.
You guys just don't get it. First with the ferry, and now working on the bridge, the 'broker' society has and is continuing, to take over the area. Of course it's about money. And convenience. Why do you think all the half finished condos & houses abound? The 'yuppie' mentality WANTS...a nice home with no degrading yard work to do, and convenience to get to NY so they can work like the lemmings they are. They have no respect or regard for history or scenic beauty. This is convenient for them, and they will have what they want at any cost. Come back and look at Highlands and Sea Bright in about 5 years. See if you recognize us.
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