Atlantic Highlands Councilman Jack Archibald's message to Senator Joe Kryillos, published in the Atlantic Highlands Herald
Archibald writes a weekly column for the AH Herald, and publisher Allan Dean does a great job with the online newpaper. Bookmark it.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
7 hours ago
Hey, at least you CAN comment on the Atlantic Highlands Herald. I sent a reply to a column, was asked to register, did so, and was told that even though I sent and received mail from them, my registration was not accepted because I didn't have a comcast address. I have used my AOL address since 1998, and never got a comcast one. I only wondered how it was known that comcast was my ISP, and what difference it made? Or, are only people with the same philosophy as the Herald's editor allowed to voice opinions? So much for free (E) press and/or speech I guess.....
I use an aol address at ahherald with no problem. Contrary to what you are saying, there are many diverse opinions expressed at ahhearld. Allan Dean is very much committed to the free exchange of ideas. I'm sure if you contact him, he will resolve the issue.
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