Monday, July 30, 2007

This just in...a plot is Hatching

Despite serving on Anne Estabrook's US Senate exploratory committee, and promising her the county line in the 2008 primary in exchange for large donations to the county party, Adam Puharic has been telling other Senate candidates that he is not endorsing Estabrook and offering them the opportunity to speak at the finance gala tomorrow night in exchange for significant contributions.


Barry Goldwater said...

Is her background check back yet?

Anonymous said...

Since he's soliciting funds,which is a violation of the Hatch Laws, should someone inform the US Attorney? Oh, yeah, I forgot, he's running too....

Anonymous said...

oh no, you got him now. how scandalous, this game of politics.

Anonymous said...

Oohh...good one! Afraid to use your name? I love anonymous thing....say anything and never be held accountable for what you say. I am always accountable for my postings. Anonymous posters are cowards.

Anonymous said...

...and people wonder why this petty tyrant single handedly derailed any pay to play measure for the County Freeholders...gimme a break!