Freeholder Anna Little made the following comments at today's workshop meeting. Today's meetings are Little's final public meetings as a Freeholder, prior to her term expiring.
"I would like to take a moment to reflect upon the many rewardiing experiences that have enriched my life since becoming your Monmouth County Freeholder February 26, 2006. These experiences have not only offered me the opportunity to give back to Monmouth County, my home, but they have also contributed to my growth as an individual and as a governmental representative, your elected office holder.
In 2006 my Freeholder Assignment was Finance.
After suggesting 5% - 10% budget cuts, a goal of keeping budget increases below the rate of inflation, and convening a Budget Review Committee, I participated with fellow Freeholders and staff members in the open discussion of direct departmental budget cuts and the effect upon county departments and the tax levy.
Impressed with Rob Clifton’s commitment to developing a shared services department
with a grant from the state of New Jersey, I was excited about taking part in a shared services round table armed with a list of shared services opportunities already existing in Monmouth County government.
We investigated and later that year began using biodiesel fuel in county vehicles
highlighting the potential cost savings, taking advantage of incentive grants from the state of New Jersey, and also benefitting the environment.
And the highlight of 2006 for me was hosting the Economic Development Summit on
September 29. This exciting event brought together top business, government and civic
officials to explore programs to preserve high-paying jobs and to attract new ones in
Monmouty County. We heard from municipal and business leaders and individual citizens
committed to preserving and enhancing our wonderful way of life. Some have already
spun off into discussions of their own regarding topics and issues raised at the Summit. Others have gained renewed enthusiasm for projects they had already initiated. I am very proud of all of these efforts.
In 2007 my Freeholder Assignment was changed to Administrative Services:
(Belford Ferry, Brookdale Community College, Buildings and Grounds, Clerk-Board of
Chosen Freeholders, County Administrator, County Counsel, Economic Development and
Tourism, Information Services, Insurance Office, Personnel, Public Information, Reclamaton Center, Vocational Board of Education)
I was privileged to support the dock and roll program between Middletown train station and
the Belford Ferry.
Brookdale Community College accepted my proposals to consider revenue producing
opportunities when designing their capital improvement projects, and Monmouth County
educational institutions considered my suggestion to promote expansion of technology
related curriculum into technology and business incubation in Monmouth County. The
recent federal grant received at the Biotechnology vocational school is evidence of these efforts.
Committees of professionals have been created within Monmouth County to evaluate and
make recommendations regarding awards of contracts via the fair and open process. While no process can produce perfect results, these committees further professionalize government operations.
Board meeting miinutes have been posted on the world wide web. This is evidence of a
growing commitment to transparency in government.
Monthly reports on legal expenses have been instituted with a commitment to explaining the sources of legal expenses and resulting financial awards. Steps have been taken to prepare for a full analysis of a potential for reducing expenses over time.
I feel privileged to have participated in discussions regarding establishing a salary guide for all county positions via the department of personnel and to establish an approved procedure for posting, interviewing and hiring for all county positions.
The department of public information's commitment to a public information campaign is
clear, and should define its purpose as accountability to the public, improving public trust in government, and performing a public service in related subjects.
I hope the Reclamation Center will explore a possibility of expanding of its methane gas to electricity project to generating and distributing electricity to fully offset electriciy usage in Freehold Borough county offices to eliminate these expenses.
I also hope that the Vocational Board of Education will consider convening a meeting with all school administrators in the County of Monmouth to provide specific input to legislators regarding a new school funding formula.
However, the highlight of 2007 for me was selecting a new county administrator via a
historically novel process involving an RFQ, widespread advertisement, and a professional interview process.
In closing, I wish to thank members of the Board of Chosen Freeholders with whom I have served (Ted Narozanick, William Barham, Rob Clifton, Lillian Burry, Barbara McMorrow)and the staff in Monmouth County for providing me with these notable experiences over the last two years. I am truly indebted to you all for contributing to the person I have become today. Likewise, I must thank the people of Monmouth County for their trust, their votes and their support throughout my term as Freeholder. You have truly touched my heart."
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
15 hours ago
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