Saturday, December 01, 2007

Corzine: "Things are not so horrible"

Corzine tried to sell the Family Leave scam to the South Jersey business community this week. Wisely, the businesses aren't buying the scam. Read the Asbury Park Press article here.

Check out what the Guv had to say about his Asset Monetization scheme:

"Yes, it will involve toll increases. I want to build mass transit in South Jersey to get some cars off the road," said the governor.

A new mass transit system in South Jersey! What happened to paying down the debt with the new debt?

Check out what he had to say about the New Jersey economy and business climate:

"Things are not so horrible," said Corzine, citing strong activity in the state's ports, New Jersey's low unemployment rate, its highest-in-the-nation median income and educated work force.

Things are not so horrible, yet! And they're not so good either!

Keep this up Governor and New Jersey's biggest export is going to be its educated workers.

This governor is dangerous.

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