Thursday, December 06, 2007

Lazy and Corrupt Politicians Think You're Stupid

When I saw Juan Melli's headline, New Jersey Businesses Think You're Lazy and Corrupt, I thought he was writing about Trenton politicians and that he and I agreed on something, which happens from time to time.

Turns out that I was wrong. Juan was writing about me, my fellow business leaders and business owners. Juan thinks that because we oppose the Paid Family Leave bill that we think that our employees are lazy and corrupt.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We do, along with our employees, pay the salaries of a lot of lazy and corrupt people, but we dread it when they show up at our places of business. We'd prefer that most of them take a permanent leave.

I like Juan, and his blog, BlueJersey. I'm proud that our blogs are linked to each other despite the fact that we disagree on so many issues and that I am a Republican and he's a Democrat. I am disappointed that Juan is demogoging this issue.

Juan argues that because a similar measure in California was only used by 1.2% of the population the first year after it was enacted, that business leaders are misguided for opposing the bill. I argue that since so few people use it, it really isn't necessary. The bill simply increases taxes on our employees for a program that they will not use.

When you start with the assumption that taxes and entitlement programs are good for productive citizens, it is understandable that you would support such a misguided program.

Juan obviously doesn't understand the bill, and he is spreading misinformation about it. He states:

"When you begin with the assumption that your employees are corrupt and out to hurt you, it's almost understandable that you would oppose a sensible option for them to take time off for medical emergencies or to care for a newborn child. There will always be those who try to abuse any system, but these scare tactics fly in the face of reality."

Taking time off for medical emergencies and to take care of a newborn child is not what this bill is about. NJ employees already have those benefits.

The bill the lazy and corrupt lame duck legislature is considering would create a new tax and entitlement for employees of companies that have between 1 and 49 employees. It would allow them to take off 10 weeks per year, every year and receive up to $502 per week if a family member has a medical emergency or a hang nail.

Juan also thinks that small businesses should hire consultants to train our HR teams on how to make sure our employees don't abuse the system.

There go the do good Democrats go spending more of our money.

New flash to Juan: Most companies with 1-49 employees don't have HR teams. The shareholders of these companies know their employees and their family members my name. We also know which employees would abuse the system and which wouldn't.

Juan correctly points out that most people will not abuse, or even use this new system. So why have it? Because the lazy and corrupt politicians think your stupid and want to take more of your money.

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