Saturday, January 19, 2008

The $888K report

Corzine finally released the $888K toll road report, with 100 pages missing.

Truck traffic on the turnpike will reduce by roughly 40%. Over all traffic between 20-30% on all the toll roads. I would have told them that for $700K.

Transportation Commissioner Kris Kulluri says the report is wrong because it doesn't account for new rules that restrict truck traffic on non-toll roads. Maybe the analysis of the new rules effect are in the missing 100 pages.

Even with the reduced traffic, the report says the toll roads will generate $3 billion per year in 2022 and the major increases are complete. That's up from $800 million now. Over the 75 year period, the toll road's "public benefit corporation" will soak over $200 billion out of the New Jersey economy. For that Trenton gets $38 billion now.

Corzine is right, there is an emergency in Trenton: the Governor is a word that was voted out of the constitution last fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'll have to come back and take care of those toll gates again. Those who are not willing to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.