Monday, January 07, 2008

Barham undecided about running

As I've been reporting since September, former Freeholder Director Bill Barham is ambivalent about continuing to serve as a Freeholder.

"Barham has not decided whether he will run, saying he wants to talk with his family before making a decision, which he expects to make in about a month. Burry said she is running for her second three-year term."
~ Asbury Park Press, January 7, 2008

Barham will not run and will probably not complete his term. Watch for Barham to resign shortly after the primary filing deadline if there are no challengers, so that the party's choice to replace him can start serving, or after the June primary if the establishment candidate wins a contested primary.

Meanwhile, Democratic Freeholder John D'Amico, who holds the seat previously held by Amy Handlin and Anna Little, has picked up his predecessors' reform banner:

"D'Amico said he wants to move the good-government focus to "additional meaningful changes in the way the county does business, such as enactment of an ethics code, creation of an ethics board and an open-appointment ordinance, to ensure honesty and integrity in government operations." "
~ Asbury Park Press, January 7, 2008

Freeholder Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Rob Clifton would be wise to take the lead on a reform agenda and to put Handlin and Little in speed dial. Otherwise, it is Bergen County with Beaches come November.


Anonymous said...

If you check the ELEC reports, you'll see that Madame Burry filed her re-election papers about 2 minutes after she won the first time. And I'm sure she will do the same again. As I've said before, and as evidenced by her orchestrating her ascendency to the directorship over the course of the year, she would step over anyone to get what she wants. Machinations are her strong suit.

the inside airbather said...

Will there be a nude beach @ BergenCounty with beaches?


Anonymous said...

The most important word in the article is "former" Director Barham.
He is like the emporor who wore no clothes. It is time real public servents held public official positions. Bye Bye Billy.

Anonymous said...

Its sad Art is so fixated on Bill Barham. Bill is everything Art is not. W leader, a winner, a successful businessman and someone that has made a positive influence on others. Art is so jealous it makes him mad. Its really just sad. Hey...great line about the nude beaches....does anybody that posts here go to nude beaches...Art, any comment about that one? Do tell!

Art Gallagher said...

....does anybody that posts here go to nude beaches...Art, any comment about that one? Do tell!

I do, Mayor. Does that tantilize you? Call me the naked astronaut.

You guys have been looking for dirt on me for months and all you've come up with is my halloween costume and tanning habits.

Maybe you ought to look in the mirror and start cleaning up your own acts.

Teddy Roosevelt said...


Too much information way to much information. LOL

Downtowner said...

For the "Anonymous" attacking Art: Again, with the anonymous cyber shankings. I do not agree with Art or anyone else at all times. But anonymous attacks on people has become a signature for a certain level of cowardly politician or political supporter.

Frankly, if someone cannot voice their criticism in the broad light of day, then it would be all the better for them to just not do it.

It doesn't degrade Art for him to allow this to be posted; but the quality of the post speaks volumes about the people this "Anonymous" is supporting.

As usual, this kind of post speaks to a certain kind of person.

Anonymous said...

what town?