Adam Puharic is said to favor Holmdel's Serena DeMaso as a Freeholder candidate. No word yet on which incumbent Puharic wants to dump, but he has been shouting at and hanging up on Freeholder Director Lillian Burry. Dumping incumbent Freeholders has become a Republican tradition in Monmouth County.
Democrats are floating former Assembly candidate Pat Walsh's name as a Freeholder candidate. They are optimistic about taking control of Monmouth County and Middletown this November.
Bill Barham's new mantra is "I don't have to be Director to control Monmouth County."
Double secret polling data shows Rudy Giuliani leading in Monmouth County by a wide margin. Romney is polling a distant third.
The RastaMen are looking for a replacement for Kid Rasta.
Make Alberta America
22 hours ago
why doth thou teaseth us so.
Why is he yelling at Lillian?
who is Barham saying that too.
(by the way that would have been true if he had taken that approach before insisting on being the big bad director.Of course you can not control anything once no one listens to you. He is really thick if he does not understand that he is irrelavant at this point)
Who are the rastamen and how do you know this.
stop being a tease!
Why is he yelling at Lillian
Because she wouldn't give the Directorship to Robby.
who is Barham saying that too.
To everyone within earshot at the post reorg party.
Who are the rastamen and how do you know this.
Sorry, I have to keep teasing you with this one.
"Double secret polling data shows Rudy Giuliani leading in Monmouth County by a wide margin. Romney is polling a distant third."
DUH! And this is news??
"Adam Puharic is said to favor Holmdel's Serena DeMaso as a Freeholder candidate."
Ahhhhhh...but does she support Romney? That's the real test.
DUH! And this is news??
You read it here first!
Ahhhhhh...but does she support Romney? That's the real test.
Adam and Bill are not on good terms either. However, he needs only to lose one more seat to throw the county to the Democrats.
Freehold Black Sox anyone?
Adam and Bill are not on good terms either.
There are only two elected officials Adam need to remain on good terms with...Joe Kryillos, because he is the source of Adam's power, and Caroline Cassagrande, because Adam works for her father.
Despite what Adam told the APP, he has been seeking government insurance contracts in Monmouth County.
"Ahhhhhh...but does she support Romney? That's the real test."
Well, then, I hope she is reading this blog .... for this is just the sort of nonsensical pattern predicted in making Monmouth a greater laughing stock (thank you, Mr. Gallagher) than it already is. I hope Ms.DeMaso understands she has made herself the centerpiece of it. Her stock drops. Amazing what some people will do for a shot at what they perceive to be "a step up" ... and quite sad for our Republican party.
First that last anonymous post makes no sense at all. Does anyone have any idea what he is talking about?
Second how Romney does in Monmouth County has no bearing on how powerful Adam is. The people who will be voting in the primary could care less who Adam or Kyrillos or Barham or Kean or Beck or Clifton or I for that matter (btw I am a Fred man) think who would be a good presidential candidate. So lets all get over that right now.
Third Serena would make an outstanding candidate
for almost any higher office. Should have went with her the first time she threw her hat in the ring. Unfortunatly Adams support may hurt her nore then help her.
After the re-org I heard the Curley and Dibella tandem mentioned a few times. I also heard that Brian Riley is still said to be interested (which is unbelievable actually)and so is Drew Lucas (the closet Democrat). Dibella apparently is not on speaking terms with Adam so Adam will likely block him from getting a real shot. Middletown also says they need a Freeholder sinces they are the largest town and should have someone on the Board from there so bank on them pushing someone. Curley is a bit of a hot head but smart as a whip. Dibella has the loss at the last convention but keeps winning in the general elections. Both would be ok but Burry is not going anywhere and I also predict Barham is also going to run again.
From teddy roosevelt:
"First that last anonymous post makes no sense at all. Does anyone have any idea what he is talking about?
Second how Romney does in Monmouth County has no bearing on how powerful Adam is."
Ted, perhaps you should read all that Art has posted recently about this topic on other sections of blog and then you'll see the connection. As to your second premise ... it is the converse that is the concern (e.g., if Adams' stamp of approval is contingent upon one supporting Romney first).
I have also heard Drew Lucas. The Manalapan chairman privately tells people HE is the real muscle in the Party and this time Drew boy is more experienced and vetted out. He also said that Joe Dibella would be a good candidate but would never get Adam's blessing because Dibella is for Guliani (?)or something stupid like that. Best bet for Freeholder's to replace Billy are; (1) Drew Lucas, (2) Brian Riley, (3) somebody from Middletown, (4) Anthony Amiano (heard his name on Tuesday as well), (5) Anna Little, (6) Dibella, (7) Serena or (8) Curley or (8) Billy Barham himself.
Like everyone else in the party, we've all heard Steve McEnery tell everyone that HE controls Adam Puharic and that Puharic always has and always will do whatever he tells him to do; and he is going to tell Adam to make sure Andrew Lucas gets Billy Barham's seat. The rest of the party knows, of course, that Lucas could never win an election anywhere -- in Manalapan, he was reelected, but with only 40 per cent of the vote, they threw in a bogus independent candidate who spent no money and had no campaign literature, just to divide the anti-Lucas vote, and it worked like a charm. He didn't have that luxury the last time he ran for Freeholder, when he became the first republican to lose in what, thirty years? I don't think the rest of the party is going to stand by and allow Puharic to run a guaranteed loser over Barham. If Lucas runs, he will have been personally responsible for giving the democrats two of the three seats they will need to finally control the county. Look for the party to band together to stop the Puharic/McEnery/Lucas insanity.
Not to knock the Mayor of Howell, but isn't it true he hasn't run for office since 2002? So how can one postulate about him winning elections. All the County loses were well after his last run for office.
FYI the Howell town council is no longer controlled by Republicans loyal to the Mayor. I know there are reasons other than the Mayor for this change, but do not presume he is some magic candidate.
Dear Anonymous,
I had read Arts posts and I respectfully disagree with my esteemed colleague on that premise. That did not help me understand what you are saying.
Your comment that Adams support depends on who you back for president makes your post a little clearer.
If that is true that is one of the more ridicules things that one of our republican Chairmen has ever done. (and that is saying a lot)
"I had read Arts posts and I respectfully disagree with my esteemed colleague on that premise. That did not help me understand what you are saying.
Your comment that Adams support depends on who you back for president makes your post a little clearer.
If that is true that is one of the more ridicules things that one of our republican Chairmen has ever done. (and that is saying a lot)"
Ted, then we are on the same page. To draw a connection between one's choice for the presidential nomination and Adam Puharic's good graces is a dangerous if not deadly proposition.... insofar that the Dems will make good on it and gain more power.
Thanks for your clarification as well.
Anonymous addressed...
"Dibella apparently is not on speaking terms with Adam..."
And apparently he is part of an ever-growing list. A mad, rapidly growing list.
BTW Art, has the Mayor of Howell called you up yet?
BTW Art, has the Mayor of Howell called you up yet?
Not lately
Correction, the Mayor of Howell did run in 2004, but that was still before the County defeats. The rest of the post is accurate.
Teddy ... glad to see you stand behind the only real (and consistent) Republican in the presidential field, Fred Thompson!
No problem Dan
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