Thursday, February 28, 2008

Corzine: "If you want a friend in New Jersey, get a dog"

This guy should give up on the animal references.


Anonymous said...

Yes, get a dog. Then Corzine can collect a $700 licensing fee like they established with Congo.

Anonymous said...

uh-oh. looks like Corzine is thinking about taxing dog food now. First he gets everyone to buy a dog. Then you have to feed the dog. Then he gets you with the dog food tax.

Anonymous said...

Dog food is already taxed. Let's face it every man, woman, child, pig,turkey, and dog in this state is screwed. Corzine doesn't like small towns, small businesses, or farmers.

Anonymous said...

Why should I want a dog for my friend when I already have one for my governor.

Anonymous said...

Corzine doesn't like anyone but his political cronies and the people of NJ don't like him. He couldn't win a dog fight right now. Get real govenor and go back to the Mid West or Wall St. ,if they'd have you and leave us alone. Mc Greevey's excuse was he was a gay american. What's yours???