"Finally, blogs are a form of mental retardation because those who post and reply only allow similar opinions to perpetuate on their sites - thereby reinforcing an already weak gene pool" ~ Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic to the News Transcript
Adam Puharic has been a contributor to MoreMonmouthMusings.
Where does that leave me? I seem to have differing opinions on most everything. I think Comrade Puharic should look in the mirror when he talks of mental retardation. Here's the definition of retardation...
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
re·tar·da·tion /ˌritɑrˈdeɪʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ree-tahr-dey-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the act of retarding or state of being retarded.
2. something that retards; hindrance.
3. slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.
They could put that fine picture you use of Comrade Puharic right next to this in the dictionary and people would understand what this word means
Where did you people find this idiot? And how long do you plan on keeping him around? He's been great for us Dems, so I don't want him to go anytime soon. But I predict that when we take control of the Freeholders this year, he won't be around for the next election. That would be a shame for us since he keeps putting his foot in his considerably big mouth all the time, and it just helps us evertime he does.
Ya just gotta love it!
That goes for Manalapan oberfuehrer Steve McEnery, as well. He single handedly took a republican party in 2005 that was on the verge of reestablishing its dominance in Manalapan, and ran it into the ground, guaranteeing not only democratic control for another five years, but actually having his pet monkey Andy Lucas join the democratic ranks. Steve is a frequent blogger on NJ.COM while accusing everyone else of doing so.
While I disagree with adams qoute about retardation. His premise that dissenting views are depressed is false.
In general the article raises valid points about civility on Blogs. Many times I wonder if I have gone too far and there are Anom Bloggers who definetly post things that cross the line.
teddy roosevelt said...
In general the article raises valid points about civility on Blogs. Many times I wonder if I have gone too far and there are Anom Bloggers who definetly post things that cross the line.
I agree TR, and I have always endeavored to keep MoreMonmouthMusings from crossing the line, especially when I was writing as Seward.
Speaking of civility, Adam's comments about genetics really surprised me. Given the personal tragedy that lead to the establishment of his charity,and his strong pro-life views I would think he would find another way to make his point than to make fun of those with genetic disorders.
In that context, Adam's comment is far more offensive than Dan Gallic's joke was.
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