Monday, March 24, 2008

At least they didn't demand he resign

“We don’t think a nightclub-owning playboy can compare to Murray Sabrin’s 30-plus years of conservative leadership.” ~ George Ajjan, Murray Sabrin's flame thrower, about Andrew Unanue's entry into the U.S. Senate race.


ESedler said...

Yet Art, yet...

they'll get there.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! He owned a nightclub! Then he had the nerve to make his announcement on Easter Sunday! Good heavens!

That's it Murray, play the morality card. That always works.

Gee, I wonder why conservatives have a hard time getting votes. Maybe being the morality police makes you feel superior, but it loses you votes.

Okay Murray now tell the one about outlawing the Theory of Evolution...


Teddy Roosevelt said...

Gosh, heaven forbid we expect out politicians to have morality.

Not that I have an opinion about this guys morality I do not.

I am just saying given a choice between upholding morality and votes morality is more important.
If the people no longer want maorality then it is pointless in any event.