According to Politikernj.
Politikernj also said the race is a preview of Puharic-Gianell rematch for chairman.
I don't see that chairman's race happening. Nor do I see the Freeholder race as a Puharic vs. Gianell faction fight.
Both Curley and DiMaso have run respectable, adult campaigns for the nomination. Both have established themselves as viable candidates. The question is not who is most qualified, but who gives the ticket the best chance of a sweep.
This race may hinge on each candidate's speech at the convention.
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
19 hours ago
Kyrillos supports DiMaso? Gee, that's funny. He personally told me and my club memeber thathe thinks Curley would be a great Freeholder choice. What a two faced Senator he turned out to be.
Kyrillos supports DiMaso? Gee, that's funny. He personally told me and my club memeber thathe thinks Curley would be a great Freeholder choice. What a two faced Senator he turned out to be.
Maybe Politikernj got it wrong. They didn't quote him or attribute a source.
This reaks of the campaign of last year. The Middletown element STINKS!!! ALL OF IT and it smells worse everyday.Hopeully the people aren't snowed by this CRAP. We need to send Kyrillos,Puharic and Carton to the showers for once and all. Both Cartons....The Republican party in Monmouth County needs a real cleansing when they begin to eat their own!!!!
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