It's no secret that Manalapan GOP Chairman Steve McEnery and Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic are allies. McEnery was one of Puharic's thug body guards when Puharic met with then Freeholder Anna Little last year while they forcing her off the ballot for re-election.
McEnery has made two statements this week that he probably thinks are funny, but are unnecessarily insulting and inflammatory.
To the Asbury Park Press, in an article about the primary race Manalapan is having for GOP municipal candidates and county committee members, McEnery said, "The Republican Club or the Mickey Mouse Club can endorse anyone they want, with the same effect." If his political opponents are "Mickey Mouse," why even address them? McEnery will look Goofey if he loses.
Later this week, in a email leaked to "Teddy Roosevelt", McEnery makes what is arguably an ethnic slur against Jim Gianell, "I'm not sure how to say it in Greek, perhaps some one can translate for Mr. Giannell, what goes around, comes around."
Certainly, McEnery could make his points without being inflammatory, yet like his buddy Puharic, he can't resist making the dig that is really a gaffe.
A Taste of the Swamp
23 hours ago
That wasn't the strangest thing in that email. McEnery sent that email to all the municipal chairmen OUTSIDE of Manalapan. Bear that in mind when you read the sentence that says, "none of us need outsiders helping to split Manalapan Republicans." One wonders why he is attempting to enlist the help of the other 52 towns in Monmouth County to help block "outsiders" from splitting the Manalapan Republicans. I have to agree with McEnery about one thing, however. There is certainly no need for outside help to split the Manalapan Republicans. He seems to have been able to do that quite successfully on his own with only a little help from Democrat in Republican clothing Andrew Lucas.
Steve McEnry is basically a nice person, and, no question , has some political talent.
Unfortunately, he has exhibited some very poor political judgment in the past couple years, affiliating himself with some of the most divisive people in the history of the Monmouth County Republican Party, people who will say or do just about anything in order to use the system for their own financial benefit, bringing our Party to its precarious position at the County level
If our Party is to re-invigorate itself, the smear tactics, insults, name calling, etc., affiliated with the Puharic team ( McEnry, Moretti, etc.) must be terminated and replaced with new leadership in several areas and at different levels. In short, rebuilding requires tolerance and civility; something currently lacking.
In Manalapan, Steve seems to have applied the Puharic mindset; agree with me or else!
Do as I order! Most normal Republicans will not tolerate this attitude, yet he wonders why there is a contested Primary in his community. Steve has had some good ideas in the past, I don’t know what happened to him but he should take a good look inwardly in order to determine the cause for the split in Manalapan and not try to blame others.
I have met with the leaders of Steves competition, Kalman “Butch” Budai and Steve Johnson. Two classy guys who have volunteered much of their time over the years to the Republican Party. I believe they and their team are looking to restore the values, tolerance, and civility that made the Republican Party in Manalapan so successful years ago and that contributed so much to our success at the County level
I was contributing $500.00 to their cause but after McEnrys e-mail letter I proudly gave them a check for $1,000.00. They have many good people working with them but they are running off the line and are, without question the underdogs. I know they would appreciate our help. If you can send a contribution, please send it to:
Committee to Elect Budai & Johnson
C/O Mr Kalman Budai
13 Notting Hill Court
Manalapan, N.J. 07726
Thank You for your time and consideration
Jim Giannell
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