Thanks to Red Jersey's Eric Sedler for finding this piece published as a comment on The article commented on is about Corzine closing 9 state parks as part of the budget cuts.
If James Hogan hadn't written about this guy, I would not have known he is running.
So far, Hogan is the hardest working candidate.
My name is Peter Cerrato; I am the owner of Charles Stamp Shop in Edison; as a citizen of New Jersey I have had enough of CRIMINALS running our state. Last year America celebrated the 400th anniversary of its founding at Jamestown and the 225th anniversary of the Constitution; this year is the 250 anniversary of the Old Barracks Museum, 400th anniversary of the Hudson River, 225th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris, 150 anniversary of Lincoln Douglas debate, and next year is the 200th Birthday of President Lincoln, 220th anniversary of the Bill of Rights signed first in Perth Amboy, 100th anniversary of NNACP. We need to have another AMERICAN REVOLUTION against the Parties of TRAITORS posing as good citizens before they get elected. I am referring to all elected officials and their supporting staff. Since the beginning of America we elect people to represent us and guide our County down the path of righteousness so WE THE PEOPLE can enjoy the GOD given FREEDOMS expressed and guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The document that seen its birth right here in Perth Amboy, New Jersey 220 years ago. Why is it that these ELECTED OFFICIALS who pledge and swears allegiance to uphold the beliefs written in the Constitution and then break their OATH are not punished more severely as TRAITORS? Not only should they go to jail they should also loose their houses, cars, boats, stocks, bonds, money and pensions when they are convicted. Why should the dishonest, corrupt public official come out of jail without suffering financial loss as do WE THE PEOPLE they serve do by paying for their corruption? It cost the taxpayer an additional $50,000 a year for room, board and health care which goes up every year by 10% plus for their dishonesty. Their estates should be taken to cover the cost of their imprisonment like it would cost the average person his house if he did not have medical insurance. Senators Lynch, Sharpe James, John J. Montefusco Sr, and Robert Stears. Moneys alone would fix most of the states debit and send a message to others to be honest. Take all the convicted politicians and their private partners over the past three year’s monies, properties and we would balance the budget. If the Democrat Party can get the State Supreme Court to change the law to allow Senator Lautenburg to enter the race for Senator against Doug Forrester then they should be able to take away everything from these TRAITORS.
Rush Was Right About Illegal Immigration
12 hours ago
He seems to have some anger issues. Has he thought of taking any anger management courses?
Most of us have anger when it comes to the condition of our town.
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