Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Unanue withdraws. No foolin'

Goya heir Andy Unanue has withdrawn from the U.S Senate race and gone back to his ski trip in Colorado, according to Politickernj.

Former Congressman Dick Zimmer, who ran for this Senate seat when Bill Bradley vacated it and lost to the Torch, is the candidate of the moment to replace Unanue.


Anonymous said...

I liked Zimmer as a Congressman and thought he would have made a good Senator except he ran a really stupid campaign against Torricelli. The tired old "he's a tax and spend Democrat" crap wasn't going to work, but that's all you heard.

And frankly, I'm tired of all these last minute candidates. It sends the message that the guys who are running for the nomination aren't worth voting for. That'll help in November I'm sure.


Teddy Roosevelt said...