Adam doing his Tom Cruise imitation on the couch.
Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic is still whining about Honest Abe and I writing about his house being for sale. He should be thanking us. I hear Weichert had to dedicate more servers to their website for all the traffic they are getting. The calls and letters keep coming, begging me to let up on him. Who knew Adam had so many friends?!
Hey, if anyone is shopping for a home and wants to improve Monmouth County by getting rid of Adam, by all means buy his house! It is priced reasonably compared to like houses in the area, and it's a very short walk to the supermarket.
Puharic is whining that "this is a security issue." Hogwash. His address is not on the listing or in any of the posts. Guess where his address is published. On the website of Puharic's charity. I'm not going to link it out of concern for his security, but it is there. It takes a little surfing on the site to find it. So, if you'd like to add Adam to your Christmas card list, you can find his address there. Mark the envelope, "please forward," just in case the house sells.
If Adam spent as much effort trying influence his Rasta friends not to post so much false trash about other Republicans when he had the chance, he might actually have a chance to get re-elected chairman.
Puharic is whining that "this is a security issue."
The security issue being that Chuck Casagrande is now furious that Puharic listed with Weichert.
This isn't about a security issue.
The real issue here is we have some lamebrains out on the internet with too much free time on their hands.
Why you keep harping on Anna Little? No one cares about her anymore.
i have to tell you, i don't know what happened to adam but I was friends with him politically as young republicans, have broken bread with the guy and tried to give him true advice. i am still baffled by how he backstabs his friends and wonders why nobody gives a crap about him anymore. adam, this is why nobody cares - you are bungling a party that was a pretty cool thing - and you did it for guys like kyrillos that are all about making money. they don't care about you at all - don't you get that by now? you think they care about you and your family and your bills? wake up man. they will kick you to the curb and laugh about it.
what an ego you can go to google earth and look at prairie chapel ranch for cripes sake
So after you all complete the trash and destruction of Adam, who will the new chairman be? Is anyone good enough for you all? You wanted Bill out do you trashed him. Down he goes. You wanted Fred. Got Fred. Trash him. Down he goes. Adam was next and soon out he goes. We have no stability and no plan and nobody is good enough or smart enough and you posters on the web seem to have all the answers. So what is it? Which of you will run? You Art? Someone else? Who is the next person to be cruficied?
few have done more to help the dems. . . .onto victory!
Anonymous said...
So after you all complete the trash and destruction of Adam, who will the new chairman be? Is anyone good enough for you all? You wanted Bill out do you trashed him. Down he goes. You wanted Fred. Got Fred. Trash him. Down he goes. Adam was next and soon out he goes. We have no stability and no plan and nobody is good enough or smart enough and you posters on the web seem to have all the answers. So what is it? Which of you will run? You Art? Someone else? Who is the next person to be cruficied?
Oh please, now we're back to blaming the blogs for the party's problems. Next it will be The Asbury Park Press's fault.
Here's a tip for all who hate the blogs and resent their influence: Stop reading them and stop talking about them. Good luck with that.
This blog, to Honest Abe, daTruthSquad and a few others have gained our initial influence because those we were critical us were obsessed with what we were writing.
Regarding who is running, I've heard of several possilbe candidates. In another week or so, I expect that candiates will announce.
Don't ever think people don't care about an honest politician.They are SO RARE that we all care about an Anna Little and what the imbeciles did to her. We judge the party by those doing this crap and then we vote for what currently offers HOPE....the Democrats.Giannell could offer some hope.to restore integrity.sure.hope he changes his mind and runs for chairman and good riddance to the current bunch of goons.
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