Word is that Freeholder John D'Amico is increasingly concerned that Amy Mallet's five year old six figure campaign debt may derail his plans to be Freeholder Director.
Monmouth Democrats have been gleeful since the Presidential primary when they surpassed Republicans in the number of registered voters in Monmouth County. However now that the election is some 70 days away, the Dems are realizing that Obama is likely to lose in Monmouth County and certainly won't have coat tails. Most of the new Democratic registered voters were for Hillary and against Obama.
Mallet's debt and her running mate's lack of name recognition(the running mate's name will not appear here until it appears in a paper other than the Caliendo Crier) have D'Amico concerned that his coronation may never happen. If the Dems don't pick up at least one seat this year, Republicans are assured control of the Freeholder board for at least two years when D'Amico and Republican Rob Clifton will have to defend their seats. Only Democrat Barbara McMorrow's seat is up next year.
The problem the Democrats have is that their bench is very light.
Former Assistant Prosecutor Robert Honecker would be a formidable candidate, but he declined to run back in March when the candidates were chosen. He is not likely to change is mind about that.
Former Freeholder and Assemblyman John Villapiano would probably like to rejoin D'Amico on the board, but he ran an unimpressive campaign for State Senate last year and got crushed by Sean Kean.
Keyport Mayor Robert Bergen has more experience than either Mallet or her running mate, but her running mate is also from the northern part of the county. Monmouth Dems have factions too, and the southern Dems probably wouldn't go for two candidates from the northern part of the county.
Wall Township Mayor John Devlin might be the best choice for Democrats. He has proven appeal to Republicans, having served in heavily Republican Wall since 2000. He also has more experience than either Mallet or her running mate.
Biden Wanted to Save Assad
13 hours ago
Art, here are a few links that has commented on GLENN MASON, who is runnign with Mallet. You could have done some research to see that GLENN MASON has been in the local newspapers, as well as other websites. He's a retired detective and currently the President of the Hazlet School Board.
You're just too cranky these days. You need to take a pill. You need Premsyn.
This from PolitickerNJ
Here's one from your own website that you obviously forgot about.
This is from the Independent
Those are all from March. What has the running mate done to increase his profile since he won the nomination?
I'm sorry I forgot to mention you as a possible replacement Rick.
Granted...they've been a little slow. Although the most we heard from Curly this summer is that he left Red Bank and moved to Middletown. And then there's Madame Burry who is the Chuck Schumer of Monmouth County. She never met a camera or a photo op she didn't like. She'll knock down someone's mother just to get in the shot...any shot.
I wouldn't want that job...especially with the likes of MMM and Voice of Reason on my ass!
don't sweat mallet stepping down; she'll be raring to go come labor day
I hear the Dems are trying to woo Bob Walsh from Howell.
quick, Dem-controlled election board: print those ballots with those names, now!!!.. we need this one badly....
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