Thursday, September 04, 2008

In Case You Missed It

Governor Sara Palin's address to the Republican National Convention


Anonymous said...

When the republicans can decide to get out of the people's bedrooms where they do not belong,then they will have more appeal to the general population.The abortion issue IS a divisive one and always will be. No party can try and set back the rights of women in this country and prevail! If men had the babies,abortion would be a sacrament!!! This issue and the current stance of the candidates on the republican ticket may very well defeat them!!

Anonymous said...

No party is trying to set back womens rights, However, at what point does the unborn child receive rights???

Art Gallagher said...

The liberal scare tactics about McCain/Palin wanting to trample woman rights is false.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would not make abortion illegal, rather it would make the legality or illegality of abortion a matter for the states to decide.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pro-choice Republican, but I don't see where you can say that issue will defeat them given that the GOP has won every Presidential election (except '92 & '96) since they officially adopted the anti-abortion stance in 1980.


Anonymous said...

How effective can any republican president be with a huge democratic congressional majority?????? Bill Clinton served 8 years and his male daliance aside ,he was better for this country on the economic and foreign policy side. This president's ratings are clearly related to his inabilities!! The only thing he ever had going for him was he was George H.W.Bush's son and without the capabilities of his father only the family money ! That's for the courts to decide on the rights of the unborn child and the women in this country want equal rights in managing what affects them and their lives. We need courts comprised of judges who represent ALL the people not just the anti-abortion side of the issue.Until that happens this issue will always be divisive and remain unresolved.