Friday, September 05, 2008

In trouble, the left is trying to play the race card, again


It's not a racial slur.

The PC leftist language police is trying to make it the new N-word. They are so overweening.

Take an uppity overweening elitist to dinner. That will be $28,000. Tonight at Bon Jovi's.

Let's the attacks begin. Somebody call Lorenzo Dangler and Joe Caliendo. Alert the Human Rights commission. Gallagher said uppity overweening elitist on his blog!


MiddletownMike said...


Why so angry, did my post hit a nerve?
The world doesn't always have to be a reflection on you. Chill out a little and relax.

It's nice to know that even though you de-linked my blog again from MMM you still pay attention to me.


Art Gallagher said...

What are you talking about?

I got this story from

BTW, Do you know a place in New Jersey where Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans are doing in Middletown and Monmouth County.