Where in New Jersey are Democrats doing a better job governing than Republicans are doing in Middletown and Monmouth County?
I've been asking that question on this blog since July.
I've been getting lots of responses but no answers.
The responses have ranged from the attempted destruction of my reputation to silly name calling.
It is not a trick question. It is an important question. Our way of life in Monmouth County is under attack. From Trenton with COAH and from Washington with FEMA maps.
On the county level, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry is fighting back the feds and holding FEMA, The Army Corp of Engineers and the state accountable for broken promises over the safety of the Bayshore. John Curley is flexing his maverick muscles attacking cronyism, even when it puts him at odds with his fellow Republicans. The Democrats are offering nothing more than fancy pictures of themselves.
In Middletown, Republicans continue to do a fine job governing. Once again they are rated one of the top 100 places to live in the United States of America. Once again they have a AA bond rating. They are fighting back the urbanization that will happen if the new COAH rules forced on us by Trenton Democrats are implemented.
Middletown Democrats are offering the same old tired BS. They say the Middletown GOP township committee members are nothing more than puppets doing what they are told by Peter Carton. I don't believe that is true, but even if it is, so what? Things are pretty good here and they will get terrible if Dick Codey and Joe Roberts start pulling the strings. How can we count on Democrats fighting back the coming urbanization dictated by Trenton?
Democrats Pat Walsh and Jim Whatshisname say Middletown government should be more transparent and efficient. I'm not aware of anything Whathisname has done, but Walsh has been on the Board of Education since the Eisenhower administration (not really, but it has been a long time). Let's take a look at the transparency and efficiency of the BOE. I've asked correspondent JJ Sullivan to work on this, and to do so objectively. Let's see how it shakes out.
I like Pat Walsh personally, and I like bi-partisan government. If Pat were on the Township Committee now, rather than Patrick Short, I would be fine with that.
But I think it is too risky to give Democrats control, especially now. Pat's apologists/supporters, probably expecting scrutiny of the BOE have been saying "she's only one of nine on the board." In other words, give her credit for the good stuff but not the bad. But, if her platform is "I'm only one of nine" that tells me she admits to not being an effective leader.
If we're going to have followers on the Township Committee, I don't want Jon Corzine, Joe Roberts, Dick Codey or Joe Caliendo leading.
I'll take Peter Carton over them any day. Fortunately we don't have to.
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Wow Art, sounds like you and the Carton cronies have kissed and made friends. Investigating the BOE, good luck. The best Carton cronies can hope for to keep two seats. I cant wait until Mayor Scharfenface is the lone "juvenile" on the committee. I woud rather have a town for everyone than an elitist oligarchy. Have fun with Fiore, flip flop
No kissing. Peter has that funny mannerism with his tongue. No kissing.
Hey Art, if you listen to Pat & Jims speech under middletown mike you will notice alot of crickets in the backround. That is pretty much their campaign. It really is funny.
no, those are the Bayshore Young Democrats waiting to get a merit badge in being a bad politician. Geez they are a mess
Anywhere accept Middletown under the dark side. Go farm bees
Red Bank, ha
The idea of a town center and a COAH increase is horrifying. Robertd dhould be tarred and feathered
With Azzolina and family leading the charge, it is highly unlikely they will leave a penny before taking all possessions from sheer greed. When is enough money enough? You pressure a town center, cost us millions so your kids can grow up not having worked one real day in their life, having been spoon fed. Bossing people around as a food store manager is not very nice, and people remember how you treat them. Its Azzolina who initiated this legal battle costing hundreds of thousands, all for his greed and his distate for the common folk of our township
That video is hilarious, unless you guys lose (I'm not being sarastic, about either the hilarity or the video, nor its wretched irony if you go down to the cricket crew.)
First- the sewerage authority is a major conflict of interest.
Second- How is your burberry-scarf wearing, smug newsie going to report objectively when you are unobjective? Why would she talk to him?
Fifth- country club JJ's dad probably golfs with the Planning Board
Finally- no matter what you say, thisis a WITCH HUNT. You country club boys stick together. The sink is shipping, so what a great idea to pay an arrogant little carton jr to help with the smeer campaign. You people are shameless but change is coming.
that's pretty funny oracle
Oracle, What happened to the third and fourth points?
Also, check your facts. Carton hasn't been on the Sewerage Authority for 3 years. He was not re-appointed the first year Brightbill & Wilkens were on the Committee. You must be a Purcell clone b/c this is a talking point he has used for the last 3 years, even though he was at the re-org meeting when Carton was removed. Just shows that he must be hard of hearing ... or maybe (shhh) he may even have an agenda.
What about Smith and Stokes and Bouw? Give me a good reason for them. that isn't political patronage..We know why Parkinson serves,he's in charge of the authority but also a former committee person.Stop thinking the public is ignorant. Maybe ignorance lies in the author of this blog when you refuse to acknowledge a candidate's name correctly !!!
Maybe ignorance lies in the author of this blog when you refuse to acknowledge a candidate's name correctly !!!
I should help the unknown Whathisname increase his name recognition? Why should I do that?
BTW, speaking of ignorance, your own I mean anonymous, I do not support having a sewage authority and think Middletown should eliminate it, as Hazlet recently voted to do.
But what are Walsh and Whathisname going to do about it if elected? Appoint their own Caliendo cronies no doubt.
Oracle you are HILARIOUS
Whatsyourface.....can't stand an opposing opinion?
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