By Tony Fiore
It seems that not a month goes by without the taxpayers of Middletown learning about a new way for Governor Corzine and his Democratic friends to hit our wallets. First it was a rise in the state’s sales tax from 6 % to 7%. Next, it was $1.5 million in unfunded state mandates, $1.1 million in state pension costs, and $634,000 in cuts to municipal aid (money that is sent by Middletown residents) leading to a rise in our property taxes. Now, the fate of the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike is in his hands with a 143% toll increase on the horizon.
Unfortunately for the taxpayers of Middletown, the tax plan outlined by the Governor is exactly what we should expect from the election of the Democratic candidates in this year’s local election. Take candidate Patricia Walsh for example. During her tenure on Middletown’s Board of Education, Walsh has voted for increases in taxes each and every year. Walsh has voted for over 140% in tax increases costing the average Middletown taxpayer an additional $1400 per year. These increases are the most by any elected official in the history of Middletown Township.
The taxpayers of Middletown need leadership that will fight against these tax and spend policies, not embrace them. While Walsh and her running mate may call for lower taxes her record speaks otherwise. While three of a kind may be a good hand in poker, it would be a bad deal for the taxpayers of Middletown.
Tony Fiore is a candidate for Middletown Township Committee
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
11 hours ago
41 comments: can you even post this crap. Especially from someone with a dubious background. You're not doing yourself any good here...he's been shown to stretch the truth a tad, and even I don't think the people of Middletown would vote for someone who's shown not to be too honest about things. I mean, c' should know better than this.
This character wouldn't know what good government is. He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Would love to know what rock he crawled from under. Is this the best Carton and Co. have to offer? Thanks but no thanks. No government is better than what the republicans have to offer.Every one of them speaks with a forked tongue......P.S...not a democratic operative.....a disgusted, unaffiliated resident looking for good government which doesn't currently exist in Middletwon under this majority of "little kids" who got their noses bloodied in the last two elections.Stop blaming someone else and get to work for the benefit of the people NOT YOUR PARTY !!!! It's not about YOU !!! you realize your credibility is on the line.You won a lot of followers when you supported the young mayor in your town but this current line is a killer of your sense of decency.Grow up and don't continue this crap or you become as bad as the juvenile candidate fielded by your party in Middletown.
confirm with a yes or a no. do you have any business relationship with middletown republican party officials in any way shape or form?
Dubious background? The truth hurts. Walsh is the one with a dubious background. She never found a tax increase she didn't vote for in all her years on the school board. She has voted to raise taxes more than the entire middletown township budget, even when the state gave middletown BOE millions in extra aid earlier this decade, she still voted to raise taxes. Why dont you ask her about her substantial gift she never reported.
confirm with a yes or a no. do you have any business relationship with middletown republican party officials in any way shape or form?
A vote for Bin Laden would be safer than a vote for Pat Walsh. Art, would you care to comment on the promise of Walsh and Company voting to put in the Town Center based on Azzolina's financing of their last few campaigns? That's the real question here.
Speaking of reporting.....look at the required forms on reporting sources of income for people employed by this township. NONE are complete or accurate. Before the mud slingers sling their mud they should CLEAN UP THEIR OWN ACTS.... you bunch of clowns!!!! Silly season at it's worst!! Art,you are aiding and abetting these liars.
Hey ambrosiajr - rather than dismiss something as "crap" why don't you refute the data it provides? Are those numbers inaccurate? If not, then why is Mr. Fiore wrong in his assessment? And while you're at it, why don't you explain the illegal loans that Walsh never disclosed on her disclosure forms for the BOE?
I find it amazing how posters who believe the lies that the Caliendo Crier puts out, use that as a basis to attack someone as if it were actually the truth. This joke of a publication, whose owner unabashedly uses to smear people who opposes his shopping mall, or publisher, whose pea brain blames certain people for not giving him the county PIO job, is a laughingstock even among long term readers. The only thing more pathetic is the Democrats who use what is written as fact, even after it has been disproven over and over again.
To Anonymous...again, Pat Walsh is one of 9 members of the school board. To say that she singlehandedly raised taxes is just another Fib from Fibber Fiore. Why is there no mention, other than from a poster on another site, that claims that Brightbill voted to raise taxes in Middletown nearly 16%. That is verifiable.
Fibber Fiore has been exposed for his embelishments of his so-called career. How come you're not disputing that fact. Its not lies, its been verified. You may want to paint it as lies, since that's all you can do, but there's no disputing the facts.
Once again, ambrosia - unless you are one of Azzolina's relatives looking to protect an inheritance, you will see that Mr. Fiore did not embellish his career, in fact, it is just another in a long line of lame attempts by a pimply-faced, student playing reporter to create something - anything to take the focus off of another two weak Democrat candidates.
Ask any parent in town - Pat Walsh is known as a real loon who is given to bizarre mood swings, public outbursts at freeholder and town council meetings, and has even been know to sit for hours in the assembly and stare psychotically at her opponents. Is it any wonder that the Board of Ed is in the shambles that it is?
So pat walshes votes for every tax increase ($50M+) on the school board don't count, but brightbill's on the twp committee--which hardly touched taxes do? I'll take 16% over 140% tax increase any day.
Don't know how long you've been in Middletown ambrosiajr, but I can give you a little history lesson. When the Democrats had control, a township administrator actually resigned citing the "excessive political demands of Joe Caliendo." During this time, the APP ran a story about Middletown and its poor leadership entitled, "A House in Disorder." They could reuse that headline if, God forbid, Short, Walsh and Grenafege were ever to take over.
Three of a kind is a bad deal for has been three republicans this year,four republicans last year and more the years before....Government in Middletown has become a whining bunch of juveniles who blame everything on somebody else....don't take resposibility for their own actions and just plain are disgusting.....Remember plenty wrong in Trenton started in the Whitman administration and that was a republican administration. The blame game floats NO BOATS!
But can you name a place in New Jersey where Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans are doing in Middletown and Monmouth County?
Where else do indicted committemen continue to serve,orders for revaluation by the county go illegally ignored and on and on? Gallagher....your party in Middletown stinks currently and the people are voting for change...It's not about parties anymore.It's about the people and the demographics have changed here aplenty.Continue to ignore that and next chance the voters get for change it will be five democrats!!!!!How many crying towels do you want then????
Don't waste your breath Art, there are no examples. The Democrats in Middletown are frustrated because Middletown has prospered in spite of the state being in the death grip of the unions and the socialist policies of Corzine and his henchmen in Trenton. Isn't it ironic that the headlines were filled with towns throughout the state who have been very vocal about the damage done to suburban towns by Corzine, yet it is Middletown who should keep its mouth shut, go along with it and keep it a secret from the voters?
Indicted committeeman? The only one was Ray O'Shady and while a republican, he was not on the same team as carton & co. In fact, he was a pawn of azzolina and the town center who tried to overthrow the party that remains today. Also, Middletown township and school board got twice the state aid when whitman and difranseco were governor and that was when the state budget and debt was half of what it is now. in fact, the last time school taxes were virtually flat--only 1 cent increase--was when republicans in trenton got extra aide in middletown. Never happened once since dems in trenton and gets worse every year. Dems in trenton are only good for newark or camden, regardless of who is in office locally.
I guess we shouldn't hold Congressmen and Senators accountable for raising taxes because there are hundreds of people in Congress and the Senate and they don't vote for it all themselves. What a lame excuse by the Middletown Democrats. The truth hurts and so does her voting record. As far as Brightbill voting for tax increases, thank King John of Trenton for imposing those increases.
Only in New Jersey can local towns be punished by the state for being well run. The "financial wizard" of Trenton, Jon Corzine cuts funding to small towns and threatens to close the state parks and get rid of the Dept. of Agriculture, and the turns around and lavishes millions in "distressed urban aid," billions in schools construction, and billions more on every other idiotic social program. Yet the Middletown Democrats can't seem to grasp the problem.
The blame game floats no boats,Gallagher.Bi-partisn government is healthy....keeps each side more honest because of the proclivity of each side to engage in abuses when there are no checks and balances!!!!When this state finally revamps the way it funds education,a lot of the problems will be on the way to solving the property tax situation in a more equitable way.No one member of the BOE is responsible for tax increases and Middletown buys what it decides it can afford.Stop trying to make a scapegoat out of one member of the BOE because she is a candidate for the township committee regardless of what ticket she is running on.
The blame game floats no boats,Gallagher.Bi-partisn government is healthy....keeps each side more honest because of the proclivity of each side to engage in abuses when there are no checks and balances!!!!When this state finally revamps the way it funds education,a lot of the problems will be on the way to solving the property tax situation in a more equitable way.No one member of the BOE is responsible for tax increases and Middletown buys what it decides it can afford.Stop trying to make a scapegoat out of one member of the BOE because she is a candidate for the township committee regardless of what ticket she is running on.
I agree that bi-partisan government is the best government. And I have not started the blame game regarding Middletown.
All I have ever said regarding Middletown is "Show me a place in New Jersey where Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans are doing in Middletown and Monmouth County."
Middletown has split government. No one has offered an argument as to why control should be switched to the Dems. Given the Dems record throughout the rest of the state, I think it is too risky to give them control here.
Others have commented with blame. To be fair, the Dems started it. If Brightbill is responsible for the municiple tax increases, then blaming Walsh for the school tax increases is fair game.
Walsh can't run both on and away from her record. Maybe if The Caliendo Crier was the only game in town she could, but not any more.
Same with transparency. I am surprised that Walsh is making transparency an issue given the BOE's terrilbe record with regard to OPRA.
Either JJ or I will have a post about OPRA and the Middletown BOE in the next couple of weeks. We're also working on BOE spending and accountablity. It should be fun.
Anyone who knows Pat Walsh, even casually, knows she is devious, dishonest, and a relentless political social climber who brings nothing to the table except a record filled with bad judgment and self-serving platitudes. I have attended numerous BOE meetings where she missed important votes while off doing something for her own campaign. She is not the sort of person who should be anywhere near government and hopefully, this will be her last term on the BOE.
Ironically, the mayor's column in the local newsletter describes in detail the township's efforts at transparency. I've spoken to numerous people who have said, and I agree, that they weren't aware of many of the things that the town has made available to people. So it is pretty funny that Pat Walsh has picked, of all things, transparency as an issue - especially since the BOE is the most clandestine body in Middletown and Mrs. Walsh herself, hasn't disclosed much of her shady dealings with free legal counsel, undeclared loans and most of all - her mama's newspaper as an undeclared campaign publication.
This latest attack on the democratic BOE member sounds like the crap I've heard from a person,a frequent agitator at BOE meetings and now spewing this crap at committee meetings,who has a talent for distorting the truth . .Say anything to get her way regardless of the needs of others. The time has come to debate the issues and stop the mud slinging....this community deserves better. As for Brightbill the only time she has ever taken a stand on anything herself was to vote against the Mc Cormack farm preservation.Justify that one.She's good at saying Yes sir,yes sir. Think for yourself Ms.Candidate and tell us what you stand for.For that matter let's hear what all four of you stand for at a public debate!!!!
Three out of five is a whole different ball game than one out of of nine unless you engage in funny math. There are nine BOE members and these are dedicated people who all serve well.Politics is a shitty game and the public is aware. Stick to the issues.Vote for hell with party politics accomplishes nothing....maybe time to change the form of government.
It must be a real hardship being a Democrat who must support a woman that has the worst record in Middletown history and has a reputation for bizarre behavior on a personal level. Then again, she fits in well with the other Democrats in town - Loigman, Short, Beaver, Schweibel, Caliendo and the rest of the rag tag nuts who stand on street corners every year and do the bidding of Jon Corzine like the good little socialists they are.
The world is full of a-holes and they all stink.... comment not referring to any party or person...This writer is not affiliated with any party. Just have a broad view of the decline in republican politics in Middletown in the last three or four years and the success of the democrats because of it..This township deserves better and hopefully better days are ahead. What we need is people of caliber from both parties to be elected.....and when elected sworn to represent the people not themselves and their parties.Unfortunately this is not always the case.
Don't you love when people make these cryptic generalizations and never give a concrete example of what the frig they are talking about?
i look forward to more work from JJ on clarifying these partisan disputes accurately and with INTEGRITY
If he's working for More Monmouth Musings, I wouldn't hold my breath. Have you been reading this blog? Have you noticed a certain republican bent? I wouldn't be so sure we'll get the whole picture on anything.
But then again, that's what they have posters like me for.
Art, btw - one of the posters used the term "nose-bloodied" which appeared in a letter to the editor by a woman named Barbara Thorpe. This is the same person who sub-divided her property years ago, presumably to reap large financial gains, built a house along the road, and now blames everyone else about traffic along the road. Incredible.
For your information anonymous the woman you refer to didn't own the property referred to.Her husband's father owned that land from the middle 1940's and left it to his heirs......Get your story straight .You don't know what you're talking about.
ambrosiajr, you crack me up!!! A 'certain Republican bent?" If this blog leaned any farther to the right the world would fall off it's axis!!! But keep posting; I try to once in a while, but it's all too much for me sometimes.
So let's see - this woman's husband's father left the land to his heirs, which presumably, is her husband, which means the land was hers. Where did I go wrong?
I know the woman you are talking about. She is known in the neighborhood as a bit of a kook, who supports Pat Short (birds of a feather, I guess) and is mad at the world because Lincroft no longer has horse-drawn buggies traversing Phalanx Road.
Anonymous.....I know who you are.....the author of the flyer full of lies....don't know what your agenda is and don't care .Heirs is plural and there were three of them and the person you refer to had lived on SRR for more than a decade before her father in law passed away.Give it up .You only think you know it all and can assure you, you don't .Your big mouth didn't stop the dental office.
Wrong again, I'm not the author of any flier, just a Lincroft resident who is tired of this nutty old broad and her constant whining about a situation that she helped create. She, and a few others like her are the reason that people in Lincroft have had it with the LVGA.
Oh yes you are!!!!!!! btw....what does this have to do with the this blog????
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