Republicans Pamela Brightbill and Tony Fiore dealt a crushing blow to the Middletown Democrats and maintained control of the Township Committee for the GOP.
The results are as follows:
REP - Pamela BRIGHTBILL 19,961 30.73%
REP - Tony FIORE 19,000 29.25%
DEM - James GRENAFEGE 12,970 19.97%
DEM - Patricia WALSH 12,972 19.97%
Write-In 48 0.07%
This victory is particularly sweet for me, as the Middletown Dems early on attempted to make this blog a factor in their campaign.
Be careful what you wish for.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
22 hours ago
60% to 39% is HUGE.
Brightbill and fiore's victories have more to due with presidential politics then your blog! Don't get to full of yourself.
Middletown had a voter turn out rate of 77% and McCain beat Obama county wide by 12,000 vote and that more than ANYTHING lead to Middletown loss.
Historically Middletown Dems have done very poorly during presidential years.
If Short loses next year, then you have something to crow about.
Brightbill did not even open her mouth. Fiore did all the heavy lifting and our community still answered the question of political allegiances with a resounding NO to the Democratic camdidates.
All the fabricated headlines and issues are no longer issues, except as lining for my hamstercage.
Middletown got exactly what we wanted on election day.
How can you suggest that the GOP benefited from the federal election when the entire election was the Democrat's to lose?
Obama had a giant fundraiser in town and brought out record numbers of new voters across the state. The exception was Monmouth and Middletown, and I do not think it had to with pro-McCain voters. Not a coincidence.
Now now folks- knowing the courier crier picks sides so obviously, with sweeping dem victories in Keyport and republican victories in Middletown, I migh have to blame their poor endorsement skills as part of the problem. I think the courier took the biggest losses last night- not the candidates. I am sure their half witted teenage reporters are crying in their fuit loops today thinking to themselves "Say it isn't so Jim".
This was a great victory for Pam & Tony and for Middletown. Now lets get Walsh off the School Board. I would love to see Tom Hall or Tom Wilkens win Shorts seat next year.
A 12,000 plurality in the county for McCain = a 6,000-7,000 vote spread in Middletown? I highly doubt an honest analysis of the numbers would lead to that conclusion.
I'm not taking credit, I'll leave that to others. To the extent MMM was a contribution I am pleased. Nevertheless, it is sweet for me.
If I'm still blogging next year when Short is shown the door, I'll take you up on that crowing.
why did Mallet do so well? Democratic dilligence?
Anonymous said...
Now now folks- knowing the courier crier picks sides so obviously, with sweeping dem victories in Keyport and republican victories in Middletown, I migh have to blame their poor endorsement skills as part of the problem. I think the courier took the biggest losses last night- not the candidates. I am sure their half witted teenage reporters are crying in their fuit loops today thinking to themselves "Say it isn't so Jim".
Let's not forget Matawan!
Purcell's best hope is for Mallet to maintain her 18 vote lead. Then he can arm wrestle Mike Mangen for the county PR job that he covets.
This was a bottom up campaign. Look at the numbers.
The results were embarressing for the losers. They could have saved a few months worth of their time and still gotten about the same number of votes
Anonymous said...
why did Mallet do so well? Democratic dilligence?
Good question. I don't think Democratic dilligence had anything to do with it.
I didn't see this one coming. In hindsight, I think it might have a lot to do with a faction of the Democratic party that supported Lillian. That faction and Curley are sworn enemies.
Hopefully John will pick up the votes and it won't matter.
Short has proven to be a devisive figure that unwilling to work with the other side (it is not the other way around). I think people will see he has been all about self/partisan promotion and nothing about substance for the residents of Middletown.
What was surprising was how poorly the Democrats did in the Belford area.
Fiore & Brightbill proved there's no such thing as a shoe-in for Township Committee
Maybe in two years the crier will make a difference, if its still in operation
It looks like the people of Middletown have grown weary of Caliendo's lame histrionics and wildly untrue allegations year after year. They looked at the constant attacks on the Mayor, and deputy mayor, who people genuinely like and the Dem declaration that the town is going downhill, and then they see the reality of a town that is a great place to live with a mayor and deputy mayor who aren't afraid to find the lunacy of Trenton and they say, wait a minute - I don't want to turn the town over to the shady Walsh and woefully inadequate and unqualified Grenafege.
In my estimation, the reason whay Mallet did so well was two reasons.
1. Disharmony between Burry and Curly caused Burry voters to split the ticket.
2. Women voters tend to vote for women no matter what.
Middletown has over 21,000 registered Independents, most of which lean Republican. The huge turnout yesterday was the result of the presidential ticket, not the local ticket.
12,000 more votes for McCain in Monmouth is a direct reflextion of what happened in Middletown. It happens every presidential election cycle in Middletown, Dems get killed. Non presidential years dems rebound and sometimes win because those Independents don't care enough to vote.
In the next few weeks when the numbers are actually crunched and broken down as they always are you'll see.
Hey Middletown Michael (catchy name)
Obama's fundraiser had nothing to do with Middletown and contributed nothing to Middletown.
Monmouth and Ocean Counties are true RED. You can take nothing for granted.
Voter turnout was the key in Monmouth and Middletown, turnout that was resoundingly Republican.
Mike, Monmouth and Ocean counties are also really nice. It's no coincidence.
Hmmm, now let me see, ...what's that question that never gets an answer? The one that goes something like, "Where is it being done better?"??
the dems should take a note from mccains playbook and bow out gracefully. campaigns get ugly. everything is fair game, amd all skeletons are outed eventually.
last night, mccain said any fault for his failure to gain election was his alone to bear. he also stressed that the leaders must recognize the campaigns for what they are: in our case, the political gauntlet that is middletown. dont play the game if you cant handle the heat.
next time, please take the gloves off, conduct a serious, well-planned election that identifies actual issues that resonate with voters and maybe the next election will be a little less lopsided.
if conducted properly, Obama could have been your trump card. instead you busted. better luck next time.
Republicans won 41 of the 46 Middletown Districts. That is not just because of presidential politics.
Did it ever occur to Middletown Mike that Fiore and Brightbill are two excellent candidates and Walsh and Grenafege were absolutely horrible? Be honest, name one qualification that the scarily unstable Jim Grenafege brings to the table? As for Pat Walsh, aside from her ethics problems and horrendous record on the BOE, do you think her zany antics and perennial lust to dig up dirt (which, by the way, always fails) is what government needs? Stop looking for statistical quirks to explain this blowout.
Monmouth will be under Democratic rule.
how long until azzolina realizes purcell is useless and sells the courier to pat walsh's mom? word on the street is that its bleeding SUBSTANTIAL FUNDS and after the recent election, how can the expenses be justified?
well enjoy monmouth we're talking middletown, which is still red as rust.
plus, if shes elected, gop has none to blame but themselves
Middletown Mike,"Women voters tend to vote for women no matter what." Bet you also think we should have never gotten the vote!
Speaking for my gender, we tend to vote for the best person for the job! Unlike our Democratic counterparts who vote Democratic no matter what.
"Never underestimate the power of a woman."
Dems just picked two bad candidates, simple as that.
They will have a year to figure out something better than their last showing...
No relief from the parade of bad Democrat candidates in sight. Next year, Pat Short will be their candidate. He makes Grenafege look stable.
1. If Purcell and Mangen arm wrestle for the job, will it be naked?
2. Could I join them and make it 3?
3. Could Middletown Mikw join in? A 4some?
4. Can we use jello?
I just lost my appetite.
Anonymous said...
I just lost my appetite.
You obviously haven't met Lisa.
It was the vision of Purcell and Mid-Mike that did it. Lisa can stay.
Midletown Mike is cuuuuuuute! + I bet his mustach tickles.
Lisa - your low standards and obvious poor vision has given hope to every overweight, semi-literate repulsive male in town.
when are the GOP lackies going to thank Art and JJ for discarding integrity and winning the election for them?
JJ- You have a bright future as a spineless politician- Congrats!
Anonymous said...
when are the GOP lackies going to thank Art and JJ for discarding integrity and winning the election for them?
Anonymous---Didn't you here? We had nothing to do with it. Just ask Mike.
Since when is reporting the documented truth discarding integrity? Have you seen the ragtag motley crew that comprises the Middletown Democrat party? Have you seen the absurd campaign literature vomited up by Joe Caliendo year after year? All any reporter has to do is shine the light on them and you will get what happened last Tuesday.
The campaign run by local Middletown dems was average at best.
The take-no-prisoners assault led on this website was more indicative of the streetfight elections in nj are supposed to be.
Hiring a headhunter to dig up dirt could have carried this election for the GOP. Middletown Mike was a poor substitute for Fiore's campaign manager, the lap dog JJ.
The lack of an offense spelled certain defeat, and the creditrentials mattered less and less. JJ and the recall took focus off Fiore the Fibber. I am still shocked we lost to a whippersnapper with a grudge.
That said, to the victor the spoils, and despite the negative tone it resulted in a landslide victory. I hope Fiore and Brightbill promised you some nice positions in exchange for your soul.
Walsh, Caliendo and my partymates- get your sh$% together or it will GOP in MIddletown until you pass the torch to the next watered down loser. Middletown Dems need new blood! (any lap dogs available?)
I hope Fiore and Brightbill promised you some nice positions in exchange for your soul.
Nothing was asked for or offered. We did this with integrity and documented everything we wrote about.
While I appreciate that you think this blog has a lot of power, I don't know. Maybe it does. One thing is for sure. The Courier has squandered any influence it ever had.
More that any influence this blog might or might not have, I think the GOP took Middletown so stongly because, there is no where in New Jersey that Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans are doing in Middletown.
Also, the public apparently thought Walsh's "sins" were more significant that any schmantics over Fiore's resume that the Crier crowd tried to make an issue of.
No souls were sold or stained in the process.
fed up -
A headhunter looks for jobs for people - you must mean "opposition research specialist". And it isn't digging up dirt, it's finding facts that the candidates try to hide from the voter.
By the way, name calling is so childish, no matter which side does it. "Peppermint Patty", or "lap dog" or any other attempt at humour adds nothing to the dialogue.
I certainly recommend the dems come up with new faces, both as candidates and as leaders. Joe Caliendo's campaign style of slash and burn can be matched by his opponents, with truth and facts on their side.
I have been called a lap dog, a pretty boy, unkempt and unethical.
It is of note that all of these "insults" were levied by malcontents upset with the local elections.
I have done the best job I can doing opposition research with integrity, and stand by everything I have reported on.
That being said, my soul is still intact, and personal e-mails have asked if it is available to the highest bidder.
In response, I suppose that depends on the bidder.
Art - you recently had a poll asking readers who would have a better chance of survival past Nov. 4, Walsh's political career or the dolphins. How about asking, who has a better chance of survival next year - the Courier or Walsh on the BOE? With the paper bleeding money and advertisers drying up, how long will Joe A. subsidize a paper that has lost all credibility and has been shown to be completely devoid of any influence?
Thats the type of attitude you need JJ - its you versus the world. At least you learned something
Anonymous said...
Thats the type of attitude you need JJ - its you versus the world. At least you learned something
JJ against the world? It seems to me that "the world" was informed by JJ and discounted his ney sayers.
JJ- I heard Short is looking for opposition research for next election. Apparently some incumbent has falsified petitions in the past. Are you adverse to name Middletown JJ ??
It pays next to nothing but it inflates an already-sizeable ego: Perfect for pretencious turn coats like yourself
And no ethics or morals required: just do what your told like a good Christian from the upper-class.
Have you gotten any good tee-times, or will you be doing opposition research in Palookaville, USA?
john joesph - if you fail to receive any job offers you will be hearing from me shortly
You sore losers are really embarrassing yourselves.
JJ is not a turncoat. He reported the facts a he found them and both he and I were committed to having impeccable documentation before we published anything.
When I first interviewed JJ for MMM he told me of a story that was squashed while JJ was still at the Crier. It is a story people will go to jail for if it ever comes out. We didn't have enough backup in either my judgement or JJ's so we haven't published it. (yet)
Quit your hating and let's move on.
JJ did his job. The Middletown GOP did their job. The Middletown DEMS can't answer the question, "Why should we take a chance on your when things are working here as well as they are?"
This thread is closed.
I consulted my old Latin grammar book, and I believe this old adage applies to the laughable losers:
Victor mereo mereor triumphus.
Victum mereo mereor a fortuna adversus.
Velico mereo mereor nusquam.
Art - the post that begins, "JJ- I hear Short is looking for opposition research" and the succeeding post may be the most incoherent posts I ever read. Do you know what he/she is talking about? For the record, it was Short who falsified petitions - a fact that will likely become ingrained in the consciousness of the voters by this time next year.
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