Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Predictions

Jon Corzine will defeat Christopher Christie for Governor of New Jersey. Corzine will make history by being re-elected with an upside down approval rating.

No one will care who the Lt. Governor candidates are.

The NJGOP picks up one seat, Linda Stender's, in the Assembly. They declare victory despite losing to the least popular governor since Jim Florio.

All Monmouth County incumbent Assembly Members will be re-elected.

Wally Edge's identity will not be revealed.

At least one more of the Monmouth Rastamen will be revealed.

Barbara McMorrow will be re-elected Monmouth County Freeholder.

Patrick Short will decline to seek re-election to the Middletown Township Committee. Tom Hall comes out of retirement and defeats Whatshisname, giving the Middletown GOP a 4-1 majority.

A new weekly newspaper will appear on the bayshore of Northern Monmouth County to fill the void left by The Courier Caliendo Crier.

U.S. GDP will be positive in the in the second quarter of 2009. The media will give Barack Obama credit for a miraculous economic recovery.

Oil will be trading at over $80 per barrel in July. Gasoline will cost over $3.00 per gallon.

Frank Lautenberg will announce his retirement in November. Corzine will appoint Congressman Steve Rothman to fill the U.S. Senate seat. Frank Pallone is appointed Ambassador to India.

The New York Times will cease publishing a daily print edition.

Tom DeSeno will be a guest host on Fox and Friends.

What do you think will happen?


ESedler said...

If Corzine wins re-election, I give up....

I don't care if it was the Republican I hated most in New Jersey (person has not entered the primary and will not), ANYBODY is better than the failure known as Corzine.

He has been an absolute disaster who has only made this state worse.

Even Rick couldn't make a suitable case for him, which is why Rick will do nothing but attack the Republican nominee.

Challenge for any Corzine supporter:
Name Five Good things he did for New Jersey's Economy.

Heck I'd say name one, but most will cite the cutting a little bit on pensions for state employees and such, even Lonegan cited that one.

How about name two?
What the hell good has Corzine done?

Anonymous said...

i think art gets maybe a job

ambrosiajr said...

Heeyyy...what up with that Eric? I haven't said anything at all about Corzine. And listen son, when was the last time you spoke nicely of any democrat? At least I speak nicely of Anna Little, and could actually support her for Freeholder again. (of course, not running against McMorrow, who is truly a class act too). I even used to respect McCain and spoke glowingly of his true American hero status. At least let me start to criticize before you attack me. That would be fair.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldnt short run for re-election?

If Pallone's seat is available, then who would fill it?

Anonymous said...

It's as simple as "ABC" ... Anybody But Corzine!

Hey, how about Art Gallagher for Governor? You know where you stand with Art!

James Hogan said...

Branchport creek will still be polluted with horse feces; but Pallone will make another speech about how he'll save the environment, before accepting a campaign contribution from the track owners.

The rest of those stupid dolphins will die one at a time; but I'll still pay $10/lb for some good MahiMahi and pay thousands more in taxes for "studies" of said silly animals. Pallone will say a whole lot of nothing but add the dolphins to his dog & pony show.

The Yellowstone SuperVolcano will erupt causing millions of deaths and trillions in damage. I’ll “live blog” the event since I’m also prepared for SuperVolcanoes. The conspiracy nut jobs will blame Obama/Biden and the US Government citing unrelated, out of context, random news clips as well as some graphs and charts. FEMA will require additional flood insurance to cover lava floods, Pallone will support this too.

My property taxes will be raised.
My income taxes will be raised.
My utility rates will be raised.
My healthcare costs will be raised AND I'll lose some coverage anyhow.

MiddletownMike said...


Patrick Short IS seeking re-election in Middletown and Tom Hall will not be looking to regain his seat on the committee.

That is not a prediction, it is fact.

ambrosiajr said...

I predict that if little Jimmy Hogan ever decides to get married, that Uncle Frank will not be invited to the wedding.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up Mouthpiece Mike. The only fact is that Short will face the same fate as Walsh and Whatshisname. I hear you can still find Walsh on the corner of Route 35 and Harmony Road waving to the thousands who voted against her.

ESedler said...

I'm just warming up Rick. :).

Besides, I still have yet to see a suitable case for Corzine yet...anywhere..

I like a few NJ Democrats, but it's so hard to find blue dogs that showcase enough independence from the powers that be.

Why would I wait for you to get started when I can pre-empt you?

Happy New Year. I look forward to finalllly going on offense in 2009.

ESedler said...

On the predictions...:
Jon Corzine will defeat Christopher Christie for Governor of New Jersey. Corzine will make history by being re-elected with an upside down approval rating.

- I really hope not...I don't see it happening, but I've been proven wrong by this state's electorate before. Does anybody else still think Corzine will be pulled off the ticket and replaced by Codey?

No one will care who the Lt. Governor candidates are.

-True, although here's my guesses:
GOP: If Christie wins: Senator Beck, Bergen County Clerk Donovan, Senator Allen, or Assemblywoman McHose. If Lonegan wins, maybe Assemblywoman McHose or someone unexpected..who knows.
DEM: Assemblywoman Watson Coleman, Senator Buono, Mayor Diaz of Perth Amboy, Mayor Booker of Newark, Senator Sweeney, or Senate President Codey if Corzine is really scared.

The NJGOP picks up one seat, Linda Stender's, in the Assembly. They declare victory despite losing to the least popular governor since Jim Florio.

-I'm not sure about that, that district is pretty Dem. Assembly GOP Picks up more then one seat: One in 14 (Beating DeAngelo), Maybe one or two in 36 or 38, Maybe one in D1 (Beating Milam), and there are a few other possibilities down south depending on how the top of the ticket does.

All Monmouth County incumbent Assembly Members will be re-elected.

-Definately. Watch the 12th though. I'm wondering who the Dems will field.

Wally Edge's identity will not be revealed.

- Who cares? Who will believe it if it is revealed anyway? Perhaps the question should be who is the person threatening to "reveal" Wally? Bloggers shouldn't touch this one if they've ever used PolitickerNJ for news, and we all know we do, because it is the best we have on the web and the newspapers can't come close to the amount they cover.

At least one more of the Monmouth Rastamen will be revealed.

-I don't even know who the first one was...or what the whole story was on this. I missed it. Maybe one day you can tell me the story, Art.

Barbara McMorrow will be re-elected Monmouth County Freeholder.

-No comment. It'll be a close match though.

Patrick Short will decline to seek re-election to the Middletown Township Committee. Tom Hall comes out of retirement and defeats Whatshisname, giving the Middletown GOP a 4-1 majority.

-Even if Short's in, Middletown R's beat him and pick up the seat.

A new weekly newspaper will appear on the bayshore of Northern Monmouth County to fill the void left by The Courier Caliendo Crier.

-Will you publish it Art?

U.S. GDP will be positive in the in the second quarter of 2009. The media will give Barack Obama credit for a miraculous economic recovery.

-Hopefully, and very likely.

Oil will be trading at over $80 per barrel in July. Gasoline will cost over $3.00 per gallon.

-Yeah, get it cheap while you still can.

Frank Lautenberg will announce his retirement in November. Corzine will appoint Congressman Steve Rothman to fill the U.S. Senate seat. Frank Pallone is appointed Ambassador to India.

-I give Lautenberg a few years, he doesn't want to leave yet. Maybe in like 2-4 years he'll be gone. I think Corzine would appoint Pallone over Rothman, since Pallone is being a good lil attack dog, but let's hope Corzine isn't the one making that decision.

The New York Times will cease publishing a daily print edition.

-What's the New York Times? Is that a paper? I always thought it was a tabloid.

Tom DeSeno will be a guest host on Fox and Friends.

-Guest Host? Sh*t, tommy will be co-hosting that show by the end of 2009.

Art Gallagher said...

A new weekly newspaper will appear on the bayshore of Northern Monmouth County to fill the void left by The Courier Caliendo Crier.

-Will you publish it Art?

That depends on whether or not Tommy gets me a gig at Fox.

Want to write for it?

ambrosiajr said...

I would...maybe the dissenting voice of reason.

Art Gallagher said...

ambrosiajr said...

I would...maybe the dissenting voice of reason.

You would be welcome.

ESedler said...

Absolutely, I'd write for your paper Art.

I miss writing nowadays, which must be why I comment pretty often on here and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I predict full time positions for cronies Sedler and Sullivan. If The Courier goes under the plight of many Middletown residents will vanish as well. No more party games!

Anonymous said...

What would be your basis for the prediction that Middletown's strongest Dem would bow out?

Art Gallagher said...

Anonymous said...

What would be your basis for the prediction that Middletown's strongest Dem would bow out?

You think Short is Middletown's strongest Dem? I think Sean Byrnes is far more talented, better looking and has much less baggage than Short.

I heard rumors that Short might not run. Despite Mike Morris's protest to the contrary, the rumors make sense.

The Middletown GOP showed this year that they can play hardball. They never had to before. The Dems were stunned and didn't do anything but whine.

Why would Short want to face the same kind of scrutiny that Walsh did and suffer a career ending defeat when he can come down with a case of family and business obligations, bow out gracefully and be thanked for his service.

I hope Short runs. It will make for great blogging and great copy in the new weekly newspaper.

ESedler said...

Haha, I always wanted to be called a "crony".

Thank you Anon!

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting for that "ring-knocker" Short to run. He was passed over so many times for full bird colonel that he must have felt he was in a wind tunnel. If he is retired from the Army, does he receive taxpayer supported health benefits? Although I support such for those veterans who served in combat, an armchair "general" is questionable. (my opinion). And why, as a "veteran" he refuses to say the pledge of allegiance at township meetings is going to be an interesting question. (I understand someone videotaped him).

Also, he works for a company which has now been exposed as providing products to Iran, somehow circumventing the current laws against such trade.

He will also need to explain the forging of signatures on his petitions as well as the wheeling of contributions in from Middlesex vendors thru an Ocean County "front".

Oh yes, I would like to see Short run!

Anonymous said...

Pallone will be ambassador to Tanzania if hes lucky

Anonymous said...

For once, I hope Middletown Mike is right and Short runs again. The Republicans obviously took him too lightly the first time and didn't drag out the baggage that Art mentioned. With the airing of little Patty Walsh's past, Short will make a nice sequel. And remember, Short won't have the Caliendo Crier to prop him up and give him free political exposure week after week. Oh to have that paper be the paper it was ten or 15 years ago! One thing you are wrong about Art; even if Short steps down voluntarily, his political career is over. His past baggage and crazy behavior that he exhibited in Middletown will follow him like a flattened skunk sac on a Goodyear tire.

Anonymous said...

Art - one of the posts raised an interesting question - is Short receiving taxpayer-funded health benefits? If yes, isn't that against township law? How do we find out?

Art Gallagher said...

If Short is receiving VA benefits, good for him. I can't imagine that Middletown has an ordinance that would require a vet to foresake their benefits.

Anonymous said...

I recall reading that Short emphatically denied that he is a veteran. Do you still feel the same if Short is not, as he claims, a veteran?

Art Gallagher said...

If he is not a veteran he shouldn't be getting VA benefits.

Anonymous said...

Relative to vet status: He rose in rank to LTC, no promotion after that. I understand he is retired and if he served the requisite number of years, he can retire with a pension, possibly health benefits. There is no info available if Short ever served in a war zone or actual combat.

Short, Patrick C. LTC 35093 1977 (West Point)

Patrick C. Short ‘77

O: 732-706-9168

Board of Governors
West Point Society of NJ

info from:

Anonymous said...

What constitutes a veteran in the legal sense? Does one have to serve in combat? Someone has to know the answer. If this guy isn't a veteran, then why did his campaign material picture him in uniform? Was he trying to dupe the voters into thinking he was a veteran? If he's not a veteran, then he owes every true veteran a public apology. The Repubs. better look deep into this one.

Anonymous said...

The riverfront vermin is at it already. Do any of you jokers have any class at all?? Common decency escapes most of you and intelligence is absent. It's not a party's plain stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:09 a.m. - would you mind filling the rest of us in on exactly what you are talking about? Are you a Short supporter who is opposed to discussing facts about one of the most flawed, unbalanced individuals to ever stumble into local government? If so, why don't you take a rational approach and refute some of the postings with facts, rather than spout meaningless drivel with no point or relevance to the discussion?

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror and what do you see poster 10:16...... a vacant stare??? Stupidity does rein in Middletown and anywhere else that slander reins. Time for issues not this BS....maybe Mr.G should educate you about the Rastaman scene and it's outcome.

Anonymous said...

to sts

Short is a "veteran", having worn the uniform of one of the military services. He is a grad of West Point. New Jersey requires for "veteran status" in the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS)that the individual have served on active duty during specific time frames (wartime such as WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf 1 and Gulf 2). If not on active duty during these times, while a "veteran", you are not a qualified "veteran" for PERS.
We would need to know his exact dates on active duty (not training).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:58 - first of all, it's "reign" not "rein" and second of all, no one can figure out what the hell you are talking about. Rather than throw around words like slander and stupidity, you would serve this blog well by providing some facts. Come to think of it, your prose sounds eerily similar to a certain demented Lincroft resident who has a bug up her butt because horses and buggies no longer traverse Swimming River Road and Brookdale College was built there 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

sts:'you' re a certain real estate agent that thinks you have the right to slander anyone and get away with it... and maybe it's about time you realized this country has laws against that conduct.Ask Mr G. about the Rastaman's you're petition drive coming along....only four more months to collect you haven't gotten one since election day !!!! What are you looking for????? destination sewage authority.

Anonymous said...

sts.....government reins......a reign is a royal power or authority or period of rule.

Anonymous said...

Ha - hey anonymous 6:30 a.m. - as the great Ronald Reagan said to Jimmy Carter, "there you go again."
I'll say it one more time v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Facts are not slander!!!!! Mr. Short's very public persona and kooky antics are his own undoing. One need only look at his record to shudder in disbelief that he even made it this far. Make room on your front lawn for the Pat Short sign - right where you had the Walsh/Grenafege" sign. As Yogi said, "it will be deja vu all over again" as you support the loser in Middletown's election. Btw, shouldn't you be watching for trucks going past your house?.

Anonymous said...

And for the record, "reins" are part of a bridle used to direct a horse. The way you used "rein" was to imply "to rule." Wrong again.

Anonymous said...

sts;wrong again, used as in to guide,to control ,check or restrain and what differnce does it make,know it all,malicious individual???? Maybe it's about time you did something constructive with your time. ....Stupidity does prevail in Middletown and anywhere else as long as idiots who think slander and libelous tongues work to their advantage.Get it now ??? You're the one talking against everyone running for office in this town and county.Maybe you ought to mind your own business when it comes to other people has nothing to do with YOU!!!!! You're entitled to your views and so are the rest of us !!!!

Anonymous said...

Judging from your posts, you are one angry person in need of some help, but then again, spending your life lying in wait for a truck to drive by would make anyone cuckoo. I have a feeling we can go back and forth until next New Year's and not get a coherent statement about why you feel Pat Short is worth voting for dog catcher, no less a seat in one of the biggest towns in the state. You also cannot name one slanderous thing said about Pat Short or anyone else for that matter. To paraphrase Art, "show me one instance where Pat Short has done anything more than flap his gums and get quoted in the Caliendo Crier."

Anonymous said... are the one talking about Pat Short not me.....if he seeks re-election....I WILL VOTE FOR HIM and that's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. From your rantings I wonder whose sick here. You think you can read people's minds,try to tell us what to think,what to do....who do you really think you are??? I could tell you what I think you are but it's a waste of ignorant to comprehend. Mr Short is a veteran,he's earned whatever benefits he may get as such in the service of his country .What constructive can you CLAIM FAME FOR??? Run for office if you have so much conviction but you are only being USED!!!!

Anonymous said...

My predictions:

Art has some crazy scheme to expand MoreMonmouthMeanderings

Corzine steps down for a federal position and the GOP finds a winner to replace him

Obama enacts legislature geared toward the second term of his reign

Lonegan has an ugly powerplay and the winner emerges sullied and untouchable

Art gets a real job

Monmouth, assuming they take things more seriously, will retake the Freeholders

Middletown conservatives will run a dirtier campaign against the liberals, and the liberals will fail to play hardball

The Philadelphia Eagles win the Superbowl

Anonymous said...

Short and his running-mate are going to take back Middletown. I am sure the Democrats can play as dirty as any of them. Unfortunately, I do not see how well The Courier will fair. It showed during last election just how irrelevant it has become. I predict the Azzolina's will finally cut their losses and dissolve the community staple. It is sad, really. My other prediction is that many will wish they voted McCain...any thoughts Art?

Anonymous said...

And Art will never get hired anywhere...

Art Gallagher said...

any thoughts Art?

Short will not have a running mate. If he runs, he will lose.

I don't see The Courier lasting the year unless someone buys it.

I hope Obama succeeds.

Art Gallagher said...

And Art will never get hired anywhere...

That one you can pretty much count on. I am a hirer, not a hiree.

Anonymous said...

Congrats anonymous 6:22 - that post surpassed all your others combined for incoherence and pointlessness. OK, we know who one of Pat Short's voters will be, now we just have to identify the other six. I am starting think I am doing a public service by having you answer my posts - it keeps you from writing those zany, incoherent letters to the papers. When I get to be in my 70s, I envision being retired, traveling, playing golf, etc. - not playing the role of local nutcase. To paraphrase the commercial - Pat Short and Anonymous 6:22 - perfect together!

Anonymous said... are writing to more than one anonymous poster, As for who you think you're addressing.get do not have the ability or the polish for politics or writing either for that matter."Pedal your verbose nonsense somewhere else".Maybe they'll make you another one of Judy's lapdogs.Your fangs show and you know how to bark incessantly.That's all it takes on the republican ticket in Middletown!!!!

Anonymous said...

For the umpteenth time anonymous, what are you talking about? Reading your bizarre, pointless prose is getting old real quick. I'll help you. Comment on these facts:

Pat Short:
- was hauled into county court for falsifying petitions.
- was thrown out of the anti-town center group for trying to use it to further his political career.
- sent an obscene e-mail to the township committee after one of the members offered their help in learning about the town government.
- said the committee doubled their salary when it hadn't been increased for over 25 years.

Those are just some of his exploits that appeared in the local papers. God knows what hasn't hit. Care to comment? Are you still going to vote for such a person? Let's get into facts, rather than your meaningless platitudes.

Anonymous said...

sts When hell freezes over slandering ----- ..It's easy to slander people anonymously....put your NAME to your nonsense and prove you have the courage of your convictions but your only claim to fame is denigrating and your comrades in town.... some of the lowest life of the republican party ... ....How's your petition drive,,,# of signatures to date ????? 0000000 ??????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - it is obvious that your psychosis precludes you from any legitimate discourse. You repeat the same nonsense over and over again, without ever saying anything substantive. I listed several established facts about arguably one of the worst public officials in Middletown's history (going back to 1667!)and you are incapable of comment. This is why you have the reputation you have in Lincroft.

Anonymous said...

sts:speaking of character flaws....should be concerned about your own.....before you wag your malicious denigrating tongue you should consider the cost.You have a license to protect and no one gets a "license to libel".Demagoguery is olympic sport in the republican party under the current majority.The democrats in town should start checking YOU out and find out what is motivating YOU.Can't wait until that happens!!!!!! Might prove more entertaining than the Super Bowl.

Anonymous said...

Might prove more entertaining than the Super Bowl,sts !!!!

Anonymous said...

The campaign has already begun and the Dems are dead in the water...

Anonymous said...

Only your opinion but it won't stop them from throwing you in the drink if it helps.Maybe that's what you need,a cold shock of reality!!!

Anonymous said...

Well without Short what is the democratic ticket? This could all be speculation but all is fair in love and campaigns

Anonymous said...

NOT QUITE!!!!!!! And better remember that before YOU ASSAIL ANYONE!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous calls Short's deceitful actions "character flaws?" And people who simply point them out are "assailing" him? Wow!! Thank God most people agree that Short is a horrible representative and in all likelihood be a one termer. If you want to be taken seriously, you may want to address all of Short's so-called "character flaws" that I listed if you want to defend him. Otherwise, you are wrong and I am right.

Anonymous said...

And precisely what are MY character flaws, hmmm? Disdain for a bad elected official? A desire for good government in Middletown? A willingness to use facts to back up an argument? You mean those character flaws?

Anonymous said...

Do you really think what you' re doing is the way to "good government". You listen to too much propaganda and believe all that you hear and what you are doing IS WRONG !!! It is wrong now,it will be wrong tomorrow,next week,next month,next year and is forever wrong..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like anonymous drinks too much kool-aid. Probably even believes Pat Walsh paid back that $100,000 (or is it really $180,000?).

Take a deep breath anon and smell the coffee. Life is too short (no pun intended) to go ballistic. STS, you should also calm down ... don't want a good voter giving themselves high blood pressure or a heart attack!

Happy New Year everyone!

Anonymous said...

Stop the presses! Are you saying that Short didn't falsify petitions, or send an obscene e-mail, or lie about the council doubling their salary or was thrown out of the anti-town center group or denied he was a veteran? This is major news that should be sent to the papers - along with your evidence. Is this what you are saying? A simple yes or no will do.

Anonymous said...

to anon 8:48

I thought it was you and your dem candidates who got thrown in the water last November! Bet that was the cold shock you're talking about!

Just count yourself lucky that wasn't Ted Kennedy in the water with you. You might have become another Mary Joe!

Anonymous said...

A dog should know when to stay down

Anonymous said...

Matters not what party throws the muck. All of it is wrong!!!!! And "good government" is NOT the result. This voter is disgusted with these shenanigans regardless of whether the crap is about "Rosemarie's Baby" or the crap is about a $100,000 loan. Grow up and prove any of you can foster "good government".Dubious at best !!!!

Anonymous said...

Calm as can be anonymous 1:12 - just determined to get a cogent statement from the pride of Lincroft who is posting anonymously. Haven't had any success, as you can see, but I'm tryin'!

Anonymous said...

Hey Art:

You got a winner of a post here - you'll need to put it back at the top of the blog so we can keep these threads going. Maybe some more long information on Short will appear!

ambrosiajr said...

This sure is entertaining Art...keep it going!

Art Gallagher said...

I don't think there has been this many comments on a post since 2006, and there were a few I didn't put up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 2:53

I think we have proven that we can provide good government. The voters decided that issue last November and you and your candidates got wet (sorry about the water-boarding).

Where in NJ can the Dems do a better job than the GOP has done in Middletown?

On a more serious note, all sides need to end the rhetoric and think out of the box to come up with ideas to run government more efficiently to cut spending and lower taxes.

If a Dem comes up with a good idea, that works, it should be tried, not just thrown out. Where Dems control, if a Rep does the same, they should also accept it.

Too much political posturing serves no one's interest. (shot at both sides here).

Art Gallagher said...

For what its worth re: Short.

At Middletown's reorg yesterday, Short concluded is remarks by saying that he "looks forward to completing his term this year."

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon about using an idea if it is good, regardless of who it comes from. However, do yourself a favor and attend a Middletown Township committee meeting some time. What a freak show. First you have Pat Walsh planted on her ample butt in the front of the room filming the whole thing. Then you have Caliendo on the cell phone or passing notes to his henchman on what to say to disrupt the meetings. Next are the parade of hygiene-challenged Dem regulars - some with arrest records getting up to make statements. The cherry on top is Short when he starts flapping his gums. The contrast between the two parties cannot be greater. I like to sit in the back and watch it all unfold.

Anonymous said...

Btw Art, I guess that makes 69,000 who are looking forward to Short finishing out his term this year.

JJ Sullivan said...

After 70 posts, I would like to humbly suggest that aspects of the present discourse are best served devoid of obvious personal animosities.
I am a no-nothing (and a crony, and a lap dog) but here are my naïve wagers for 09...

In 2009 I predict a continuation of this wasteful dialogue if commenters are not forced (or shamed) into putting their identities next to the opinion/accusation/denounciation

I predict more schooling for undecided 20 somethings (BearSterns was my backup now some more school maybe.) Somehow I am losing money hand-over-fist without doing anything. All I can do is look at the diminishing trust reports.

In 2009 the economy will most certainly continue this downward trend. Property rates will bottom out, people with Roth IRAs, trusts and the rest of potentially deathbed assets will continue to see 45 percent quarterly dives.(Let's hope not for too much longer)

I believe Israel is the true 51st state, and its fate will dictate that of America.

As for all else, I will not pretend to have an opinion, because I don't. I have nothing but respect for all members of county and local government, regardless of partisan allegiance.

In the words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along..." (outside the political arena)"

All have the remedy, or claim to. Only history can pass judgment. I do think all officials I've encountered would agree with this quip from Suetonius:

"To the governors who recommended burdensome taxes for his provinces, (Tiberius) wrote in answer that it was the part of a good sheperd to shear his flock, not skin it."

All agree on an 'ends,' lest we forget the intent of the civilized world. Now for the 'means'...

Anonymous said...


I have attended the zoo they call Middletown meetings,and I am afraid if I continue to go I'll burst a blood vessel or break someone's nose!

While Short's conduct is nothing short of pathetic, Sean Byrnes seems to make some, but not much, sense.

Anonymous said... are a vicious.malicious specimen and should really worry about your license when someone finally takes issue with your actions. Art should instruct you about the results and pending litigation in the Rastaman episodes. Bring us all up to date,ART.This chick needs an enlightening lesson or two or is Peter going to represent her "pro bono"????

ambrosiajr said...

"Hygiene challenged dems"...very nice. You should come to an all Republican Colts Neck Township Committee meeting sometime. You have to take a shower after its over. I had to stop going since my blood pressure shot up everytime I went.

Just for the record...most of us dems take regular showers and wash our hands constantly. We're very hygienic for the most part.

You MUST be talking about converted republicans. (present blogger excluded)

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Byrnes biggest problem is the company he keeps. Unfortunately, a person with potential gets dragged down with the rest of them, rather than him elevating them. Sort of like the argument against bussing years ago - rather than the good kids bringing up the bad kids, the good kids got mixed up in the baser environment. Human nature, I guess. And JJ, you have to lighten up a bit - these posts are for the most part, a good-natured joust using opinions as lances. Everyone except you-know-who from Lincroft, you know, the person who subdivided a farm, built a house near the road, and complains about traffic, gets it.

Anonymous said...

K.....the Thorpe's built their home in the early sixties and the farm was subdivided and sold in 1992 by the Thorpe family heirs.Why don't you shut up about what you know nothing about. And if you have more to say ....say it to her if you have the courage.And what does their business have to do with you??????? or this blog???? or Pat Short????? or anyone else you are attacking ??????

posted edited by moderator

JJ Sullivan said...

STS- you sure have ruffled some feathers.

Perhaps I'm off-the-mark on my hodgepodge predictions but let's all act like adults (insert italized quote followed by insult here-address to JJ @ ill never think about your comment

In all seriousnessSTS, thank you for the advice, I have to focus on simplifying casual comments.

However, I am "light" and enjoy productive debates between partisan foes. I feel myself capable of sopping up the buckets of tears. I completed the process of joining a fraternity. The initiation of a pledge uses all the subtle delicacy of a Gitmo guard handling bin Laden, so I am fairly immune to words of degradation/confrontation.

I got a kick from all the comments, but the posts allow for heated exchanges, often done from behind the veil (and God bless for caring). Fiery and staunch opposition is healthy, just try and leave it on the pitch.

I'm trying to increase DA peace among the well-intentioned.- HNY GFY-

Anonymous said...

Who mentioned anyone by name? My, my, I appear to have hit a nerve. Art, if this post is angry now, I can't imagine what it was like before you edited it. Since it's a new year, and I'm feeling kindly towards humanity, what with the spirit of Christmas still with me and all, I'd like to give the angry anonymous (tee hee) poster some free advice. Life is but a fleeting moment - why not move to somewhere secluded with no trucks, no neighbors, no road closures, no colleges, no township or county meetings and bask in the serenity of peaceful inactivity. The rest of us will somehow be able to carry on.

Anonymous said...

Who is Barbara Thorpe?

Anonymous said...

Art....when you begin to print real names....print them all.And bring us up to date on "Rastaman" please. Someone I know of needs to know !!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bite. who or what is "Rastaman"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:45 - why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

Art - move this back to the top. Let's see if we can break 100 threads; I bet we can.

Who else will out themselves??

Anonymous said...

None of you with malicious,vicious tongues have the courage. I believe a very important aspect of your upbringing is missing. Contrary to what your behavior shows...... YOU ARE responsible for what you say!!!! Hey,Art, cat got your tongue????? Where's the update on the rastaman????????? Many of your integrity challenged posters need to know...

Art Gallagher said...

Hey,Art, cat got your tongue????? Where's the update on the rastaman????????? Many of your integrity challenged posters need to know...

The year is young.

Anonymous said...

COP OUT. You helped with some of the ugly untrue propaganda in Middletown and you should feel some responsibility for your followers . Are you just interested in the posts and not your posters.Hello......

Art Gallagher said...

COP OUT. You helped with some of the ugly untrue propaganda in Middletown and you should feel some responsibility for your followers . Are you just interested in the posts and not your posters.Hello......

I will glady refund your subscription.

Anonymous said...

Art, don't waste your time. The rather hysterical anonymous poster is an unbalanced individual from the south side of town who is mad at the world for what is. in effect, her own doing. As one could understand, she has latched onto another unbalanced individual who sits on the township committee. Funny how these folks find each other.