Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christie sounds like a candidate

Former U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie told a Toms River audience that he would announce his future plans within the six week time frame he promised when he stepped down from office on December 1. That would mean an announcement is coming by Monday.

Christie struck a tone of Reaganesque optimism in his remarks, as reported by the Asbury Park Press:

"I've been traveling around the state for the last week engaging in these swearing in ceremonies and for seven years as U.S. attorney I did that, and people asked me all the time why I wanted to spend the first week of January traveling all over the state and performing an oath I can pretty much state by heart now," Christie said.

"I want to tell you why. Because all too often in the job that I had, you saw some of the worst that public service had to offer, and I think days like today are days of renewal and rebirth for all of us. Renewal in our faith, in our hope, in our trust that government can serve us well and serve us honestly and faithfully and justly.

"And a rebirth for our democratic values, things that bring us here, the things we believe in, the things we and our forebearers have fought for and died for.

"And with all of the cynicism that people feel and sometimes rightfully so, cynicism, I think, is a feeling that we can only afford to have when times are good. When times are bad, we have to put aside our cynicism and act -- each and everyone of us -- to restore our hope that tomorrow is a better day and to recommit ourselves to the idea that each and every one us, not just the people up here, but each and every one of us has a role, and I believe a responsibility, to make tomorrow a better day."

"So let's not be judged, defined by the lowest common denominator," Christie said. "Let's aspire to better and today is one of those days where we can all turn a page and aspire to our better angels and that's why I'm here today.''

He sounds like a candidate and like a leader.

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