Saturday, January 03, 2009

CWA to Corzine: A Heartfelt GFY

"Bottom line, no governor is going to threaten myself or any of the workers. We're tired of his threats and the innuendos and everything else. When the governor said, "This is the way it is, or else' — or else, mister, or else maybe you ought to pack up your bag over your failed policies over the last four years and go. Maybe that's what you should do." ~ Rae Roeder, president of CWA Local 1033 on Corzine's proposed wage freeze


NFS said...

The wreckless practice of awarding lavish perks and salaries on State, County and local government union workers is the exact failed policy why the State pension fund & health care fund for retirees are broke. The essential taxpayers, many of whom are of broke, uninsured & unemployed, are tired too ... tired of having their hard earned money being extorted from them by union hacks like Roeder.

ESedler said...

Is Corzine running to the right?

It really is an interesting strategy, since union support was one of the biggest forces for his election in 2005. By pitting himself against them, he's taking out some of the boots on the ground for him. Of course he can always pay for new boots.

I don't think this will suddenly improve Corzine's appeal with soft Republicans or independents that do not like unions and generally do not approve of the job Corzine has done. These people know the damage Corzine has already done in the past.

Yet again, most of the cuts he is offering seem like he picked out the most obvious places where it would hurt everyone just to prove a point. There has to be other areas outside of the same he keeps going to that he just simply isn't touching.