Deadline for Freeholder candidates to declare extended to March 7.
Monmouth County GOP Chairman Joe Oxley is awarding the party line to former U.S Attorney Christopher Christie in the New Jersey Republican primary for Governor.
Christie, Former Mayor Steve Lonegan and a representative of Assemblyman Rick Merkt's campaign addressed a gathering of GOP leaders this morning. The group included past and present elected officials, party leaders and municipal chairs.
After the presentation by candidates, Oxley asked the group for feedback, a sense of the group, for the purpose of awarding the line. Those who spoke overwhelmingly felt that Christie was the stronger candidate, while believing that Lonegan is very strong on the issues. One municipal chairman even said, "I'm voting for Lonegan when I go into the voting booth, but I hope Christie wins the primary because he has a better chance in the general election against Corzine.
There was a brief controversy in the room as several of the group were surprised that an endorsement would be awarded today and that there will be no county convention.
Oxley said, "The last three county conventions did not even have a quorum and resulted in our loss of control of our county government. I have gathered the senior leaders of our party and will rely on this group for advise. This is the system I am comfortable with."
Oxley announced that he is awarding the party line to all incumbent Assembly members in the county, declaring that he is very comfortable with the jobs they are doing and with their electability.
At the request of a municipal chairman, Oxley extended the deadline for Freeholder candidates to come forward until March 7. Candidates should have the support of either their municipal chairman or a member of their legislative delegation.
Chairman Oxley's announcement is up on the new party website.
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
5 hours ago
Bravo to the chairman for showing leadership and ending the circus that has taken place the last few election cycles that has resulted in the Republicans losing control of the freeholder board.
"Breaking News: Christie is awarded the Monmouth GOP line in June Primary"
What a surprise. I'm shocked... not really!
Are we supposed to be surprised? We might like what Lonegan says, but let's be honest, Christie is the only viable candidate.
A lot of thoughts here that I'll probably send to you in an e-mail to post later...but for now since I'm a little short on time, I'll sum it up quick:
1) In accordance to my earlier post about conventions, I wish the Chairman would have awarded no candidate the line.
2) That being said, he makes valuable points.
3) Since my earlier post, I've now realized that few conventions fit the definitions of "Fair" and "open". Whether it's a candidate having a star next to their name, paying 10 bucks and being allowed to vote as long as you're a registered R, or no quorom present, there are rare conventions that can be considered "Fair" and "open".
4) This has absolutely nothing to do with the Governor's race, no matter how Steve Lonegan, his campaign, or his supporters will paint it.
5) This isn't protecting Christie at all, he would have crushed the convention. What more proof do you need than Andy Unanue's convention win last year? You want the numbers, I looked em up, he won 146-86-33 (Jersey Joe, Murray finished 2nd and 3rd respectively). Even combined, the two didn't come really close to the guy nobody knew a damn about and all he needed was a friendly face or two stumping on his behalf. In respect to Steve, he's not Joe or Murray so that comparison is a little unfair. That being said Chris Christie isn't Andy Unanue either...not by a longshot. He'd crush in the convention...and you're only lying to yourself by saying he wouldn't.
6) This is all about freeholders, and frankly after losing three elections in a row, maybe..just maybe Oxley has a point with the convention system not being able to produce the best candidate.
7) If Lonegan runs alternate slates now, he will lose support, not gain anything. There are various downfalls, one being spreading oneself too thin, two being money, three being just getting the required signatures, four being ticking off supporters of our Assembly incumbents who might be Lonegan backers, and etc. I can go on and on.
I don't even need to post my thoughts as a story...I said more then enough here..ha.
So, one RINO is endorsing another RINO. What's new about this? Real leadership means allowing the voters to have a fair and honest primary, something that the leadership of the republican party in New Jersey is afraid of. What a bunch of cowards!
The rumor is out that Chris "Cupcake" Christie will be getting the endorsement from three other prominent republicans, Arlen Specter, Susan Collins and Olymppia Snow.
So what will the excuse be when we lose the race this year? Until the entrench GOP leadership is gone, or finally realize things have changed in the past 20 years the dems will keep expanding. The taking back of the State seats at the last election was due to outside forces not the Monmouth GOP. You just do not get it.
What's a "Fair" and "honest" primary: One where Lonegan wins? How about Unions, when Chris wins, which he will probably do, will that be called a fair primary? Just how many counties host "Fair" and "honest" conventions?
How about Ocean..they host a convention and everyone unanimously endorses the same candidate. Is that "fair"?
Let's hear some descriptions...
I agree with Eric. Conventions are not necessarily fair and open. They lend themselves to back room deals and tacit agreements between chairmen and candidates, mini-bosses trying to accumulate their own power in the county and we don't necessarliy end up with the best candidates. Its time for another way.
I just got what RINO means. Good point. Until the party is taken back by real Republicans nation wide and locally, there is little hope. Until then the middle of the road people just see no real reason to come out and vote, there is not much difference.
I just lost some respect for Oxley.
We should have open elections. We should let all Republicans vote. You could argue that the masses don't know enough to pick the right candidate. However, they would have a vested interest in voting for their candidate in the general election. When they feel cheated, they could care less to even show up and vote.
The flip side is backroom deals either by the chairman and his favorites or the municipal chairpersons swapping votes for personal glory. Then you have those that actually support the Dems in their town. Traitors!
To bad duels are outlawed!
You can still vote for anybody in the June primaries, right?
Great Point Chris.
Primary voting Republicans will decide who represents us, and maybe it's about time we all respected that choice instead of make excuses for losing.
A good candidate can convince people to jump county lines.
where did the 'cupcake' nickname come from? im curious.
Whenever a Chairmen gets a group together to pick any candidate (opposed to the elected Committee people choosing a candidate),it is an exercise in elitism and a statement that democracy does not work.That the elite are the only people who know and can be trusted with good decisions.The rank and file workers of the party have no say.It is ironic in this case because Christie would of won anyway with a county convention.Good Chairman,bad decision.The elite have decided Christie is the best,I hope the voters of NJ are sensible enough to follow the led of the Illuminati of the Republican Party in November.
Say hello to the New Chairman same as the old Chairmans.
This is why I am no longer involved in politics and stopped giving money to the Republican party (or any party for that matter)
Somebody explain to me how good all Joe is acting any differently then Puharic or Nieman (who is looking more and more like the best of the lot) or Dowd.
I'll be back when the party cleans up its act.
Whenever a Chairmen gets a group together to pick any candidate (opposed to the elected Committee people choosing a candidate),it is an exercise in elitism and a statement that democracy does not work.
Isn't that what the caucuses in Iowa and few other states are about? They've been working well for quite a while and I never heard anything like they would be anti-Democratic.
Wait, does this mean Monmouth is Jersey's Iowa?
I have to disagree with Chairman Oxley's comments on the conventions.
Fred ran the only fully open conventions - and the candidates won.
Adam didn't run an open convention. He screened people out before hand - and they lost.
Joe's wrong.
Steve Lonegan said at Lincoln Day that he would not run a slate of candidates only if the winner was chosen by open Convention.
I have not endorsed Christie, Lonegan or Merkt, but I wouldn't hold it against Lonegan and Merkt if they ran a slate.
I don't like being told who I can and can't vote for.
Folks, wake up. This is not about which Gov candidate gets the line..its about which Freeholder candidate get the line.
I'm not philosophically opposed to giving the Chairman and a small inner circle control over who the candidates are..I'm just opposed to giving THIS Chairman that control.
The idea that we lost the last couple of county races because of the candidates chosen by the convention process is laughable.
Say it ain't so, Joe; please say it ain't so.
My disappointment in our chairman is profound.
it is true that the last two conventions were purposefully booked in remote location and/or at a bad time, to keep the turnout of c.c. down, and it worked, and it cost us, bigtime.. it was a good try, to first open up the old steering comm. to the masses, but we found that some people couldn't/wouldn't unite, if their first horse didn't get it, and that is what has weakened us: self-interest and grudging thus has showed in Nov., in going the distance as a united campaign, and in forgetting to focus on winning the seats to keep control, so here we are, in a mess in Freehold, now.. whomever gets the nom. this year, had better be prepared to focus on COUNTY issues and knowledge, on being a TEAM player, raise money, knock on doors where told to, (based on past turnouts), and pull NO surprises or throw curves that require damage control.. we NEED to get Freehold back, and not worry about who our own personal choice may be, or how many votes we showed up with on one conv.night!- "eye on the prize" is the one lesson the scrappy Dems can teach us..
Kudos to the chairman. Finally a leader who has the courage to lead. My admiration for the chairman is profound.
Please. The purpose is to hand pick the Freeholders who will hand out jobs to who they are told. The candidates the bosses select will be sad choices and McMorow will easily win re-election if she runs, since she is more of a Republican then any of the current GOP "leaders"
As usual, DeSeno doesn't have his facts straight. Andrew Lucas was selected through a fully open convention under Niemann. Andrew lost.
I did not post your comment because it contained a reference that could be read as slanderous without more background or documentation.
You are welcome to re-word it and resubmit it without the reference or with solid backup. I recommend the former.
The very first Anonymous posting called what the chairman did "leadership". This was not an act of leadership by any stretch; it was dictatorial rule.
The very first Anonymous posting also calls what has happened the last few election cycles "the circus". Interesting. Since when is democracy a circus? That speaks volumes.
We lose in this state and now this county because of this kind of dissension in the ranks. Leadership is earned, it is not commanded. It requires the participation of the masses who gave you the authority to lead. Who was really 'leading' here with this 'elite' group? A true leader would have held your so-called "circus" of a democratically run convention, dealt with majority rule, and instilled in those unhappy with the outcome allegiance to and support for the duly-ELECTED candidate according to the principles set forth by the likes of Lincoln. Truly, where is that Grand Old Party here in Monmouth, aside from using Lincoln's name to make money? Blasphemy!
Was it the reference of being good not to elect Lucas because he is a RINO or how Neiman messed with the process? Both are true.
Was it the reference of being good not to elect Lucas because he is a RINO or how Neiman messed with the process? Both are true.
Neither of those.
here we go again: WHO is acceptable to the anonymous who's obviously continuously disgruntled about either backing a losing convention candidate or two, or who wanted some job at one point and didn't get it??. call your electeds and suggest your favs....
When you lose a Freeholder seat in the same year McCain takes the county by over 10,000 votes I would venture a guess all 10,000 are not upset about not getting a job. FYI most real Republicans have no interest in some County job. Unfortunately the local party leadership (for both parties) is made up of people who do because they can not make it in the private sector.
Without a convention, I guess the chairman will have to go town to town with a checkbook to drum up more jobs for himself. I would have thought a convention would simplify his goal of getting more municipal work for himself. In a year when Republicans are feeling powerless enough watching the national scene play out in such a disgusting manner, taking away the voices of elected county committeepeople only serves to disengage us further. Instead of rebuilding party infrastructure and growing a strong county committee that will work for our candidates, El Supremo is telling us we're not smart enough to make decisions. Well, I guess that ability is reserved for the Harry Larrison club. This isn't leadership, it's despotic and I for one wouldn't follow Joe into battle.
And by the way, Art, I'd like some real breaking news - can you tell us what Christie stands for? He's got to better than Corzine but I haven't heard a word of policy from this guy yet.....
And by the way, Art, I'd like some real breaking news - can you tell us what Christie stands for? He's got to better than Corzine but I haven't heard a word of policy from this guy yet.....
Stay tuned.
Well, so far,Christie's grabbed the COAH issue from Lonegan that he was speaking about for a long time.. other than that, I guess we're supposed to be grateful he helped lock up those 8 bad R's, that helped us go downhill for 3 years.. will believe any good campaign when/if they present one..
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