Monmouth GOP Chairman Joe Oxley has an announcement on the new web site that those interested in running for Freeholder this year should submit a letter of intent to him at headquarters, P.O. Box 808, Freehold NJ 07728.
The letter should arrive no later than February 27, and should indicate that you have the support of your Municipal Chair or a member of your district's legislative delegation.
Get busy candidates!
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
11 hours ago
How old does one have to be to run for Freeholder?
haha...kidding kidding I swear.
We should start a Draft Committee for someone we all like...start throwing out names!
Draft Art for Freeholder? How about Barry (even though he signed off)? Honest Abe? Chris? Rick?!
Maybe Art can make a poll in his front page, and put everybody's name, just for fun...
There actually was a Freeholder Abe at one time, and he was a Republican! Abe Voorhees, though, not Lincoln. And he was an Abram, not an Abraham.
No thanks Eric...I wouldn't even want to run for Freeholder as a Democrat, let alone a Republican!
that's ok, the first Abraham was originally an Abram himself.
Since the GOP has decided a resident will not be considered for Freeholder unless they get approval of their local party boss, I will vote for the democrat Freeholder candidate this year. Until the Monmouth County party stops acting like an crime mob they will keep losing support of the rank and file. Time for real Republicans to take back the party from the network that just trades political favors. Half of the "leadership" in this party sound more like deocrats then Republicans anyway.
does the fact that the former howell mayor shows up at a freeholder meeting and makes the papers mean he is interested?
I agree the requirement of having your local municipal chair support your candidacy even before being considered a candidate is just BS. It's a veiled attempt to control the process and make sure that those "nominated" don't get any opposition from outsiders.
However, I can think of a few Republicans who might not care and will run a primary anyway. That should be fun to watch.
Why would the party select Dibella? He's smart, good looking, young, articulate and electable. These are all traits that would immediately disqualify him based on how the Monmouth County Party selects candidates.
MCRC website indicated local chair OR a member of your legislative delegation. If one of those four people don't support your candidacy then you need to do a little more work establishing yourself prior to screening for COUNTY office.
Something tells me Rick may have a whole lot in common with Barbara McMorrow this year...
I think tonight might be a good judge on who's running. If you plan on running for Freeholder, you might want to show up to Lincoln Day...
what do you do if you want to run for Freeholder but live in a town like Manalapan where the republican municipal chair has been working for the last few years to elect Democrats?
"MCRC website indicated local chair OR a member of your legislative delegation. If one of those four people don't support your candidacy then you need to do a little more work establishing yourself prior to screening for COUNTY office."
And this my fellow Republicans is why the party can't field someone with half a brain, that appeals to the public and is electable. That's why we have selected candidates that are appealling to the party bosses and incumbents, rather than the general public..that's why there's no cross over votes, and that's why we lost control of the County.
"Anonymous said...
what do you do if you want to run for Freeholder but live in a town like Manalapan where the republican municipal chair has been working for the last few years to elect Democrats?"
You could:
1) talk to Beck, O'Scanlon or Casagrande.
2)Get one person to change their vote for chairman.
3) Move.
You know things are bad when the leadership is in such bad shape they need to block qualified candidates by setting rules like you have to get approval from a local chair who can not even get Republicans in control of his/her own town. So much for looking for the best candidate, looks like the boss people want the candidate who will pay them the most money. This party is in big trouble. I will not contrbute any money to any candidates until this Stalinist rule is removed. Time for Republicans to act like Republicans
I don't find that rule so out-of-the-line. The idea is to get a candidate who can win in November. If that person can't even get the endorsement of his/her own town's organization, what chances would he/she have in the elections?
Anonymous said...
You know things are bad when the leadership is in such bad shape they need to block qualified candidates by setting rules like you have to get approval from a local chair who can not even get Republicans in control of his/her own town.
What mystery candidates are you talking about?
So much for looking for the best candidate, looks like the boss people want the candidate who will pay them the most money.
Are you serious?
This party is in big trouble. I will not contrbute any money to any candidates until this Stalinist rule is removed.
Have you ever contributed before?
Time for Republicans to act like Republicans
I think it is a good idea for Municipal chairs and legislators to be involved in the process. If someone can not get the support of any of those people, what's to say they are "the best candidate"
There is nothing stopping someone who doesn't have the support of a chairman or legislator from submitting their name, and there is nothing stopping any such person from entering a primary.
This is not a Stalinists system. If it was, anonymous 8:42 am would have a bullet in his or her head by noon.
I agree, the Republican party is not a Stalinist state. Stalin was able to keep political control.
So, who would Anonymous like to see run for freeholder? Because it sounds like Anonymous might have a dog in this race.
By the way, you need a legislator's endorsement even to get a notary public license. So what's wrong with getting it when you're running for one of the highest offices in the county.
And for the mystery candidates, maybe that's good campaigning practice. Try to convince your own chair before campaigning in front of the whole county. It's not that hard, I bet even if you're just remotely qualified, your local chair would approve you.
Spare us. Most of the Municipal chairs are clowns. The reason they are municipal chairs is because they can not get elected to general office. No dog in this race. I will be voting only for a candidate that is not endorsed by his/her municipal chair and he/she will get my money. Wonder how many more seats you people have to lose before you get it.
"The reason they are municipal chairs is because they can not get elected to general office."
Maybe anonymous couldn't get elected municipal chair...
Look, if you don't want to support candidates who are backed by their municipal chair or a Monmouth County legislator, would backing by George Norcross or a Camden County legislator make you happy?
Good God,no matter how hard people try, the grumbling, grousing and nitpicking goes on-why?....THAT's why we've lost,thanks to such people who can't get past their own personal grudges and ambitions, but who continue to offer NOTHING positive, in the way of real help, to make things better.. not to mention so many peoples' "fav" Gov. candidate last night, who, 4 yrs. ago, helped the general public start doubting the party that built and managed the county damn well for so long, and started us down the path of confusion and defeat..I, for one, even though he's the likely winner, and another same ol' org. candidate, another "Dem-lite," will instead vote for a conservative, to try something different, God knows this sad state needs for the county, it IS open, give Joe names!.... why would you NOT want to be known to those who HAVE gotten elected, or helped elect locals??.. it IS a political party, there are two main ones, it is the system we have, and as Rep's, we can win and govern well, so, what's the issue??.. please, name names, WHO's "the best"??.. let them, and you, come forward!! want an engraved invite??..-can't afford them! we're all just trying to keep the thing going,and come back, after a lousy year, in a tough climate, both with the econmomy, and pay-to-play, and expensive mail, etc.etc!!-get on the bus, or stay at the grouchy curb! if you'll notice, last night, many former "leaders" were welcomed, and pictured, and offered a nice time, and can, should they choose to at any time, come in, and assist the entire effort- there's a lot to be done!! ..
Oh well. Suggested that the plan to make candidates get approval from municipal chairs was bad. Apparently many do not understand that empowering the petty clowns who tore this party apart trying to align against each other to put their puppets on the ballot is kinda dumb. So when you try to help and provide solutions and they don't listen, why would you try to help enforce a bad plan. Watch that Tom Cruise movie Valkerie. Sometimesyou just have to say no. FYI most Republicans have no interest in being involved in these petty partisan backroom nonsense. That is why you can not even fill many of the empty party seats in this county.
I got two words for you - Curley Burry. Instead of picking the best candidates the municipal chairs pick those who promise to give them more power and appoint their buddies and family members. We will keep losing seats no matter how many "get on the bus"under this system. Do any of you actually think they were the two best candidates? Wake up - The problem is the bus drivers, not the passengers.
what part of "name names" doesn't the reader get?..we're all waiting: WHOM would you finally approve of, and actually do some work, for??.... if you're Holmdel, where've you been?.. despite numerous communication attempts, you're AWOL: so, you didn't get your chosen candidate yet: try, try again, to get enough votes...if you're another town, step forward, asap, and beat those "cronies" you hate!..
Right, keep drivng the bus over the cliff as you tell everyone the current route is the best route. Wouldn't just about anyone have been better then Curley and Burry.
Curley and Burry are much better that Lucas and Canter. At least they are Republicans!
Municipal Chairs that support the Democrats should become Democrats! The Secretary that publically supports the Democrats in his town should become a Democrat!
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