A senior level source in the Monmouth Democratic Party told MoreMonmouthMusings that Freeholder Director Barbara McMorrow will be awarded the party's line for Freeholder in the June primary if she wants it, and that she is expected to be the Democratic nominee for Freeholder on the November ballot.
Today's Asbury Park Press has a story that confirms that McMorrow is running for re-election, but indicated that she might not be in favor with the Democratic Party and would have to compete for the nomination.
It seems that the APP might be trying to stir things up. Who do they think they are? A blog?
The deadline for candidates to declare their intention to seek the Republican endorsement for Freeholder is Saturday March 7.
Make Alberta America
22 hours ago
Oh well with Oxley at the helm of the ship Monmouth Republicans are out another election...
If anyone believed that story in the Press, then I have a bridge to nowhere I can sell them.
"Oh well with Oxley at the helm of the ship Monmouth Republicans are out another election..."
Chairmen Oxley is doing pretty well so far. A Gubernatorial candidate. Also, 8 strong legislative candidates. So far that looks like a winning ticket with no bickering, infighting or factions. Get on bus becsuse it is getting ready to leave the terminal.
That has nothing to do with oxley--his job was made easy because christie is the strongest candidate the gop has fielded in years. Few would oppose his action on that.
Typical naysayer. In your view, the Chairmen gets no credit for successful things but full blame for everthing which goes wrong.
You didn't by any chance happen to make the Lincoln day dinner? Now that was exciting and positive. Probably why you missed it
To Anonymous #1: you ol' "Puharic junkies"(the few left) are really getting to be a total boring drag: get over youselves, or just give it up and shut up, for heaven sakes- the 2 years of grousing and negativism are DONE: you had your shot, you screwed up royally, now wake up and do, say, or BE something decent and positive,please,if you can, or just leave!.. enough!..
Monmouth County Republican Committee
Joseph W. Oxley, Chairman
P.O. Box 808
Freehold, NJ 07728
Barbara McMorrow endorsed for Freeholder
For Immediate Release
February 24, 2009
Molly Pitcher, Red Bank, NJ. Today, Monmouth County Republican Chairman, Joseph W. Oxley, convened a meeting of the organization’s Screening Committee. All past and present State, County and elected Republican Party officials and current Municipal Chairs were invited to hear presentations from the counties freeholder candidates. The support for Freeholder Barbara McMorrow from the Screening Committee was solid. Based on the depth of that support Chairman Oxley announced that on behalf of the Monmouth County Republican Committee he was formally endorsing Barbara McMorrow for Freeholder.
"Support for Barbara McMorrow in Monmouth County is broad, strong and enthusiastic," said Chairman Oxley. "The excitement this morning clearly indicated that Barbara McMorrow's hard work in pissing off establishment Democrats throughout the county has cemented her status as the Standard-bearer for the Monmouth County GOP in both June and November."
Since Republicans have awarded the line to McMorrow before the Democrats have, she will be pressured to run as a Republican, since we are all pretty sure she's more of a moderate Republican than a Democrat anyway. Unconfirmed reports have surfaced that a drunken Union County boss and a power hungry County Commissioner have put out a hit on McMorrow and the "Hammerhead" will likely be hunting her down.
McMorrow was last seen in tears muttering something about all the pressure.
Lacking candidates to take on McMorrow, Democrats have turned to Eileen Kean as their standard bearer for Freeholder. "Despite her role as president of the Neptune Republicans and family ties to Senator Sean Kean, we believe that she is a true Democrat based on her generous contributions to Congressman Pallone and others", said Chairman Victor Scudiery.
Kean has yet to accept the Democratic nomination, while McMorrow has caved into the pressure and will run as a Republican in June and November.
I'm glad there's some humour in this to start my day. Very funny and creative.
No bickering regarding the line? There are a lot of Lonegan supporters who are furious that their voices were not heard. In the end, they'll support anybody against Corzine, but don't count on these folks to work for the county party any time soon. They've ben told they're not needed.
To date, what has Oxley succeeded in doing? He has thrown out the county commission, lost control of Monmouth County and turned away all but the staunchest old guard Larrison folks. Oh, yeah - he got some municipal jobs for himself.
Right and how did Oxley have anything to do with selecting people like Christie, Beck, OScanlon. Geeeze you guys are really reaching.
Oxley was responsible for losing control of the county freeholders. He knew how important Manalapan and Marlboro were to the republicans. But his entire focus last november was on lining his pockets. He did nothing about the democratic party-supporting municipal chairman in Manalapan, and he is doing nothing this year. He did nothing about the battles in Marlboro. The result last November is measurable. McCain carried Manalapan by 1300 votes. The local republicans, freeholder down, lost by hundreds. Had they even come close to what McCain won by, no democrat would have been elected to the freeholders last year. This year he is MIA again. I guess he doesn't think he can be appointed municipal attorney in Manalapan or Marlboro.
And that is EXACTLY why the republicans will lose the 12th district this year. And when they do, the Oxley apologists will have thousands of reasons why it wasn't his fault and had nothing to do with Manalapan and Marlboro, even though the numbers will be just as glaringly clear as they have been in the past. Now if the democrats take control of the 12th district assembly this year, with strong candidates, does Jennifer Beck really think she's going to get reelected two years from now?
Beck will probably win because she gets the job done. The party bosses would never have picked her if they had a choice. The redistricting that will happen after the census will be her biggest problem. The question is can the weakest links survive?
When the 12 district wins you won't give Oxley any credit. But you are already making excuses for losing and want him to get the blame. Amazing!
I am a registerd Republican
I will vote against Mallet and Damico the first chance I get.
However the Republicans have not yet mentioned a possible candidate that would stop me from voting for McMorrow.
She is smart and has integrity. That matters more then party. Unless the Republicans come up with someone at least as good she gets my vote. If the Republicans were smart they would endorse her.
PS a lobbyist as freeholder candidate who has an exlobbyist brother now a do nothing substantive legislator is not going to do it for me.
McMorrow will have an opportunity to vote against the wasteful patronage inspector General position today. She will also decide if union support or saving millions of taypayors $$$ by shuttering the YDC is a more important priority. Smart? Integrity? Today she will kick of her campaign.
Joe DiBella for Freeholder,2009!..
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