Former Howell Mayor Joe DiBella told MoreMonmouthMusings that he will not be a candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder this year.
DiBella said that he appreciates that he name has been mentioned as a viable candidate, but that the timing is just not right for him. He will continue to attend Freeholder meetings, will stay active in the Monmouth GOP and will work to elect the GOP Freeholder candidate this year.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
22 hours ago
ok who is the "3rd candidate"?
From what I've heard, everyone is afraid to run for Freeholder this year. After seeing that Oxley spent the last campaign lining his pockets by using campaign money to get township attorney positions, and seeing that he is MIA on the situations in Manalapan and Marlboro, everyone recognizes that no republican will win while Oxley is chairman.
Anonymous 4:17
Interesting post. So what have you done lately to improve things in Marlboro and Manalapan? Lillian won with Charimen Oxley's leadership. Republicans also took control back in 4 towns.
Keep up your hard work bellyaching from the sidelines
Curley lost solely because Oxley did nothing to correct the situation in Manalapan. For four years there is a democrat serving as republican municipal chairman. Oxley knew all about it. Curley knew all about it. Oxley did nothing. He's the county chairman and did nothing. What exactly did you expect someone without that power to do? That makes your comment a little silly, doesn't it? As for republicans taking back control in four towns, they also lost control in several others. Let's keep it real. That's the normal ebb and flow of municipal governments.
Anonymous 6:34 said...
Curley lost solely because Oxley did nothing to correct the situation in Manalapan. For four years there is a democrat serving as republican municipal chairman. Oxley knew all about it. Curley knew all about it. Oxley did nothing. He's the county chairman and did nothing. What exactly did you expect someone without that power to do? That makes your comment a little silly, doesn't it? As for republicans taking back control in four towns, they also lost control in several others. Let's keep it real. That's the normal ebb and flow of municipal governments.
I'm getting tired of this belly aching.
What would you have Oxley and Curley do that they didn't do? If "team members" refuse to work together and/or purposefully work against each other, how do you make them do the right thing?
It is not true the Oxley "didn't do anything." It is true that he doesn't have the power to force something.
The Manalapan GOP needs to get its own house in order. No outsider or higher authority can make that happen.
Also, Manalapan was not the "sole" reason Curley lost. There were plenty of places other than Manalapan that those 330 votes could have been picked up.
that sounds like it's coming right from the guy who is the reason the republicans can't win in Manalapan - McEnery. Manalapan can't get its house in order while McEnery is there. He was "reelected" municipal chairman after bringing in eight ringers to be "county committee" people who never showed up before or since and no one has any idea who they are. The rank and file republicans will have nothing to do with McEnery because they know he has sold himself to the democrats. Oxley has the power to take the party back from McEnery. All he has to do is tell Manalapan HE will decide who gets the line in Manalapan, not McEnery. That's what the law provides, so it's no big deal. He just has to get involved. It's not the republicans who can't get along with McEnery -- that's McEnery's pap. McEnery can't get along with republicans. In 2005 we had eighty active republicans. ACTIVE republicans. Little by little, McEnery had fights with groups of them at a time. Right now there are about five to seven republicans (including one -- Andrew Lucas who has voted 100% democrat on the township committee for the last three years) while there are about 20 active republicans against him. And those twenty are the workers. McEnery has never won an election. He says he has, but the only two elections won by the republicans in Manalapan since 1997 were taken out of his hands by the person he's so paranoid about, or the republicans would have lost those elections too. And Manalapan votes bottom up. That means if they don't get the margin for local candidates, they won't get the margin for assembly or freeholder candidates. Manalapan went for McCain by 1300 votes last year and lost the lccal election. The republican votes were there, but after they voted for president, they didn't vote for local candidates because there was no campaign to draw them into it. If they voted for local candidates, they would have voted for Curley (historical voting records prove that). If McEnery controls the election campaign this year again, Manalapan will lose, Declan and Casagrande will lose and Curley will lose again. That's the method. As Casey Stengel said, "you can look it up."
How about everyone just be happy that DiBella isn't running....
Anonymous 7:20
"All he has to do is tell Manalapan he will decide who gets the line in Manalapan, not McEnery. That's what the law provides, so it's no big deal."
An awful lot of anger in your post. The "line" you are talking about is 15 months away. What do you plan on doing in the meantime to make things better? You are doing lots of blaming and really haven't contributed anything. We get it. You hate McEnery. Work on the county campaign. Work on the legislative campaign. Work on electing a republican governor. There are lots of positive things you could be doing.
Give it up Oxley is more like the teflon don then the chairman and Art you seem to have flipped recently on the county politics situation. Let's just move forward- Oxley got his 4 towns-3 for him and 1 for Lane- and the rest of us got Amy Mallet- now lets all smile and look happy! That's an order from the Chairman!!!!!
to anonymous 10:11
No, the line is three months away. Manalapan has an election every year. You should really get your facts straight before you criticize honest people trying to put the party above the egomaniacs who care only for personal power.
Also, Manalapan was not the "sole" reason Curley lost. There were plenty of places other than Manalapan that those 330 votes could have been picked up.
Hmmmm, like Howell. When an organization spends most of its time and energy on alienating people instead of focusing on the positive and getting people elected, the results tend to be disasterous.
Now the real question is what is Mike Howell going to do since he has already endorsed DiBella and stated he is going door to door for him?
Anonymous 12:12
"No, the line is three months away. Manalapan has an election every year. You should really get your facts straight before you criticize honest people trying to put the party above the egomaniacs who care only for personal power."
Now we get are angeling for the line and still haven't indicated you've done anything to be helpful other than bellyache. Take another look at the state statute. Every two years for county committee reorganizations. Sorry! Now you'll have to do some work.
You know, I am starting to regret I did not vote for Dibella at the county convention when he sought the nomination.
To anonymous 12:12: nobody said anything about county committee. We're talking about getting township committee people elected to get back control of the township. It's THOSE voters who vote bottom up in Manalapan and elect the freeholder and assembly candidates. You're exactly like McEnery. You're so full of hate for your fellow republicans you can't even read correctly.
sorry. that was meant for anonymous 7:35, who was responding to anonymous 12:12.
Curley lost because he wasn't a team-player,listened to the wrong people, and didn't meet the obligations he pledged'll be a tough year, we lean Dem in many places now..we need a fresh face who will capture the young for the towns, if the chair jumped in, there'd be criticism for butting in..and, PS:I'd rather have our people, including the chair, represent the towns than the D'Amico/Cryan buddies, and, please, check the reports, NO county $ went to "buy" town jobs...stop with the jealousy thing and go register a few voters, or something, to assist the cause in becoming less "blue" around here!!..!!
Curley lost because he got fewer votes than Amy Mallet. It's really just a math thing. McCain took Manalapan by 1300 votes. The democrats took all the local elections. There was a 1600 vote swing between the margin FOR republicans for president and the margin AGAINST republicans for local elections. Curley lost by what, 200 or 300 votes? Had the manalapan republican municipal chairman not sabotaged the local election, Curley would have picked up enough votes to have won. It's all there in black and white. Curley was good enough to win and would have were it not for McEnery throwing Manalapan to the dems.
Let me say this again - somebody needs to convince Dibella to run. The other names floating around are pathetic - nice people but can't win. There needs to be a "Draft Joe" movement and get Dibella to run. The Chairman has got to step up here and get this guy to run. I'll say it again - he got royally screwed 2 years ago at Brookdale (the scene of the crime) and we have NOT won since. Lets finally run someone that has the chops to win. Mr. Dibella - run for Freeholder - PLEASE! We need you!
and we have NOT won since.
Lillian Burry and Rob Clifton have won since then and Cantor and Curley were witnin an eylash of wimming.
There has been no leadership in Marlboro and Manalapan as of lately.
However, the two renegade factions of the marlboro and manalapan Republican camps have been speaking. Together they will forge a strong alliance.
They will determine the outcome of the next assembly positions.
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