Monday, March 16, 2009

John Curley Meet and Greet

Zachary’s Restaurant
71 Oceanport Ave.
West Long Branch
Get reacquainted with John Curley
As your Freeholder candidate, John will work to take back
Monmouth County from those who are already threatening our
way of life.
As your Freeholder, John will offer transparency and integrity to
all of the people of Monmouth County.
Wednesday, March 18
6:30-8:30 PM
$35 per person at the door
For more information, email
Donations can be made to: John P Curley for Freeholder,
PO Box 144, Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750

New Jersey election law allows contributions with a limit of $2600 from individuals and corporations,
except those industries regulated by the State of New Jersey. PACs may contribute $8200 per election.
A partnership may contribute a maximum of $2600 per partner per election. A letter allocating the
contribution to the individual partner(s) must accompany the check.
New Jersey election law requires we collect the name, address, occupation, employer and employer’s
address for every individual contribution in excess of $300. Contributions are not deductible for
income tax purposes.

11 comments: said...

Glad you are back Art. Sober yet?

Anonymous said...

sorry, John had his shot: not too hard to find the missing 300 votes, if you think about it...need a fresh new face this year....

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Curly's as unhinged as ever. Glenn Mason was a police detective in Hazlet with 25 years on the force. I think that qualifies him for the job. Favoritism? Sure - the Dems hired one of their own. Despicable? Heck no - Mason's qualified as anyone.

Is this seriously the best GOP can come up with in one of their "strongholds" - a retread loser with a reputation for volatility?

Anonymous said...

The party spent a lot of money and John put in a lot of hard work last year. The Dems ran Mallett over and over again for every office they could think of because they understand the value of name recognition. McMorrow has that in spades - putting someone new up against her is just offering up a sacrafice. And anonymous 12:29 - the point is that NO ONE needed to fill that job. Our chairman should have said it and I'm glad that some representative of our party did. You seem to want your candidates to be loyal to you but you have no loyalty to them. John's the right guy at the right time already going after the other side on the issues. I know John well - volatile, no. Passionate - absolutely. Seeing him in office will be a nice change for our party.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Are you telling me the party leadership selected Curley as their Freeholder candidate for 2009? If that is the case it is clear the Monmouth GOP has no interest in finding the most qualified candidate, it is just an old boys and girls network.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:32

The chairmen very eloquently spoke at the Freeholder meeting last Thursday regarding the Mason appointment. Apparently you weren't there and your shill didn't bother to brief you on the meeting. In your lust to promote an unstable candidate why do you need to attack anyone else? If you truly know John well then please don't attempt to re-write history by trying to convince anyone he isn't volatile. The FOP revoked their endorsement last year because of his stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Riddle me this batman! If every candidate the Republicans run is "Unstable," why would voters’ trust the Republican choice this year?

Anna Little won as Freeholder and yet the chosen brain(…DEAD) trust of Puharic thought we needed to vet her again. We ran her before vetting her? Really?

Now, you are posting that Curley is unstable. How about Barham, the embarrassment, oh my, or Canter the new Demo-traitor. Did we vet them?

Maybe you should invent a "Hind sight, Monday morning quarterback" device. We could use it to keep our candidates from running! We would be spared the disappointment.

Maybe we should choose McEnery's "Never did any public service, and newly registered Republican that doesn't vote very often," candidate. Then, at least, we will be able to tell the voters BEFORE the election about the candidate we are going to justifiably bash after the election.

John Curley is a fine conservative that pushes for Republican values. Oooops, how can we support a Republican who promotes conservative values! We can't have that, can we?

This post may sound anti-Republican, but it is not. Maybe we should trust the voters who almost elected John Curley and find the a few more to help get him elected. The losses come from poor candidate management and lack of unified support. We keep bringing candidates to the show, then, we bash em because they weren’t the Messiah.

We all know Obama must be the Messiah! Perhaps the Democrats should vet him now. I could really support that activity!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:51

Riddle me this Terrance.

Curley moved out of Red bank and resigned his council seat without telling anyone. Whack job! We can do better.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Someone posts a legitimate argument and the response is to attack the person, not the argument. Try giving a legitimate rebuttal. I am interested in who you think we should run. I hope your person won't get a simular cheap shot!

Anonymous said...

we need a qualified woman Rep to beat a woman Dem who has proven bi-partisan support.. Spatola grabs the young professionals, parents, working moms, and, as a bonus: splits the teacher-vote.. looks like a winner to me!..oh, and ps: she's a conservative, all her life, too...

Anonymous said...

The above post is now MOOT. McMorrow is out, Curley is in!