Friday, June 12, 2009

Christie to NJEA: Thanks But No Thanks

Christie declines to compete for NJEA endorsement.


stopthesocialists said...

First Jasy Webber and now this. If there was ever any doubt that Christie is the man to lead this state, those two moves should get rid of it. Why should he go through the dog and pony show when the NJEA always ends up backing the Democrats? If anything, having the Republicans meekly go in to ultimately "lose" the endorsement to Corzine only serves to legitimize the NJEA, when in reality, they are a PAC who is only interested in electing Democrats and strong-arming the taxpayers. Nice Chris, and everyone, For Kid's Sake vote for Christie in November! Two can use that slogan.

Anonymous said...

the tv ads for Bozo have GOT to be shown by Christie, now, as totally disengenuous!! how dare they: telling us we need to "invest" in public education, here!.. good God, it seems like ALL we seem to do is PAY and pay more, to pass-through kids who have no respect, say "like,like," and are great at texting and facebook/twitter, but can't read a train schedule, look up something in a phone book, or write a check,for the most part: why can't we make them break down the portion of our state deficit that can be attributed to the years of "flush-here" money, thrown into the Abbott districts, no to mention the money wasted and stolen by the failed School Construction Corp??.. this is as unbelievable an outrage as Obamanatiion, that we have to finally yell STOP to, with our votes, in Nov.!!..

chill1019 said...

It sounds like change is coming. Congratulations to Chris Christie and his up front letter to the NJEA. He gets it.