Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Corzine to the Irish:"I hope you've had a few beers today. What do you think?" "Keep the Irish Traditions Going."


Anonymous said...

yet another glaring example of the lib double-standard: any reasonable person knows, if it was flipped, an R would be dead, just dead, from the stereotyping!! take note again folks, and TELL people, what they do and how they've been duped, for far too long , and how only THEY as voters, can change this disgusting nonsense!!

stopthesocialists said...

Let's see Corzine go to Newark or Camden and tell the crowd, "I hope you had a few watermelons today. Keep the Black traditions going." Even then he would probably get a pass from the press. Remember Obama's crack about his bowling ability being like someone in the Special Olympics? Boy, did the press bury that or what?

Bayonne Irish said...

I'm Irish
Its true we drink a lot of beer.