Saturday, June 13, 2009

Outrage At Letterman Comments

I received this message from a loyal MMM reader Andrew Bane this morning:

Letter I sent to CBS. You should be writing about this & the double standards.

"Just wondering when you are going to fire letterman like you did IMUS? Imus was gone for calling a basketball team Nappy Headed Hos. letterman calls for the RAPE of a 14 year old & that’s ok. He was not talking about an 18 year old, but if he was he should still be fired. Also wondering if al sharpton is protesting about this, as he should be. It was an awful thing said about a 14 year and all women, yet he don’t protest. I guess if Imus said that about the Obama girls he would be protesting. You may not have people or even some fat man that does not work protesting out side your building, but the protesting has started. I, and many other people that I know, will not be watching any CBS 2 New York TV shows until Sexual Pervert is off the air. Not some half assed apology, but off the air, just like IMUS. Feel free to contact me with some lame story as to why he is still on the air."

Tommy DeSeno weighed in on Letterman's distasteful humor at Justified Right. Tommy's post includes email addresses to CBS executives, for those who inclined to express their outrage directly to the brass.

My take on this is different than that of my friends Andrew and Tommy.

Imus should not have been fired. His comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team were distasteful and funny to some. Letterman should not be fired. His comments were distasteful and funny to some.

Those of us on the right should condemn the likes of Letterman and change the channel. We don't need to turn ourselves into Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson. Two wrongs don't make a right. In the unlikely event that calls for Letterman's dismisal work, the Sharpton/Jackson methods will be validated.

A-Rod, also a victim of Letterman's cruel distasteful humor, had the best response. He ignored it.

Like most Americans, I stopped watching Letterman a long time ago. He's just not that funny and that bald guy with the Elton John costumes can't sing. If anything newsworthy happens on the show, Fox News will cover it.

This latest controversy will boost Letterman's ratings temporarily, which is what he wants. He will milk the controversy with funny "apologies" and make himself some money on the deal.

CBS is not going to fire Letterman. Calling for his firing will only prolong the controversy and continue to boost his ratings.

Prolonging this latest controversy won't do Sarah Palin's daughters any good.

Sarah Palin has done a good job expressing her outrage and exposing the media double standards. Now she should shut up about it and sue Letterman and CBS on behalf of her daughters. The 18 year old is probably a public figure and may not have a slander case, but the 14 year old is not a public figure. I'll leave the legal technicalities to Tommy, but the Palins should hit Letterman and CBS in the pocket book. That is the only way to change the behavior. Yes, a law suit would prolong the controversy, but at least the young Palin will have money for the therapy bills that are coming.

As for me, boycotting Letterman won't make any difference. If I'm still awake at 11:30 I tune in to the O'Reilly rerun. I won't be boycotting CBS, unless they cancel Criminal Minds, CSI NY and NFL Football.


Anonymous said...

Art I agree with you that neither one should be fired, but I am trying to point out the double standards. One gets fired & one don't for trying to by funny. I agree, if you don't like what they say turn it off. That is how you should protest. I would just like to see what CBS's comment is on the double standard. I must tell you the only thing I really watch is Criminal Minds, but I don't like how this season ended. I also watch Without a Trace, but I heard that may not be coming back. I guess the only way sharpton would have protested was if letterman called the 14 year old a Nappy Headed Ho! Andrew Bane

Unknown said...

Like Imus... I'm surprised there's outrage, since usually nobody follows those shows (Imus, Letterman).

Haha, wonder what would happen if some comedian would make a joke calling the Obama offsprings "nappy headed hos".

Joe Hadden said...

Just as overblown reactions from the politically correct crowd are annoying when someone says something they deem offensive, it is worse when those on the right are guilty of the same whiny sin.

Letterman is guilty of not realizing which daughter Palin took on the NYC trip with her. His jokes were clearly in reference to the 18 year old.

If you don't like Letterman, don't watch. Any other reaction is a politically correct, liberal response. If Mr. Letterman offends you, why reward him with extra attention? It's the reason he says offensive things in the first place.

I've heard a lot of complaints about Republicans acting like Democrats this year. When we whine about something a comedian said and try to get him fired, we are the hypocrites. We are what we loathe.

There are so many issues. There is so much at stake. David Letterman? Sarah Palin? Are you f**king kidding?

Unknown said...

Joe, this is about the double standards. When Imus said his dumb things, there was almost a national outcry (I mean... full-blown mainstream media outcry). You would've thought there would be riots if Imus would not be fired.

ML said...

Should they be fired. I can't decide. At least Imus made a decent apology.
What ticks me off is the double standard. Matt Lauer seemed more incensed that Palin intimated that Letterman is a dirty old man. Matt Lauer shoukd be fired.

Joe Hadden said...

Pointing out the double standard is fine. My problem with the reaction is the genuine outrage over what he said and that the reaction was that he ought to be punished. It is the same reaction liberals have when someone says something that is politically incorrect, therefore, we are also creating a double standard. If it was wrong to call on Imus to be fired, how can it be okay to demand Letterman's head?

Let the Democrats be the party of over sensitive whiners. Let's thicken our skin and quit making a big deal out of some thoughtless joke. If the Palin family is offended, let them handle it.