Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Christie Holds Double Digit Lead

According to Public Policy Polling.


Anonymous said...

Art, I check RCP and this poll is a Dem poll, so the 14 point spread is even more significant than the Strategic Vision poll which is an R poll. In affiton, this latest poll is well after the visit so it shows there was no movement associated with the Presidential endorsement.

What could be troubling for Christie is that the unusually low support for Corzine among African American and Hispanic voters will eventually rise, making this contest much closer in the end.

stopthesocialists said...

Possibly anon 7:07, but not likely, at least not this year. Keep this in mind. Chris is going after the black vote with the urban education issue. Should help to siphon off some support. Most telling though, is Corzine's absolutely idiotic choice for Lt. Governor. It is no secret that blacks tend to be anti-Semitic (i.e. Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton). Picking a Jewish woman will certainly not energize the urban vote. So if Corzine recovers slightly in those categories, who cares? I'll be just as happy with a 10 point lead in October, as I am with a 14-point lead now.

Anonymous said...

no matter how bad Bozo's been we're still a Dem state, and should he stay in, it will close, as it always does..: don't get too cocky, guys, it's still only JULY!! - that's a lifetime in politics!..