Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Christie Welcomes President Obama


NFS said...

Frankly, Christie is starting to worry me. Christie is the only viable challenger to Corzine, whom I consider an enemy of the taxpayer, and Obama is on the side of our enemy. Why Christie is welcoming a supporter of the enemy makes no sense to me.

Baba O'Riley said...

Frankly yours and others concerns are completely overblown and ridiculous. Christie just was polite and respectful and then focused on the state issues and his message against Corzine. I don't see how this has the slightest hint of praise towards the President.

Stop nitpicking little things.

stopthesocialists said...

Right Baba. This was a clever, high road way of putting Obama on the spot by highlighting the state's problems before he comes to NJ to show support for the man responsible for the predicament we are in. The Democrats must really need Corzine's money to have Obama sticking his neck out like this. The only thing that could make this a bigger circus would be to announce the "community servant" Randall Pinkett as his Lt. Governor. At that point, Christie could start ordering the new drapes for Drumthwacket.