Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Principles, Priorities and Pragmatism in the Abortion Debate

Matt Rooney's Principles, Priorities and Pragmatism in the Abortion Debate at Save Jersey is a MUST READ for all men and women of good will.


Anonymous said...

Rooney has never really impressed me all that much. I nonetheless took a look at his blog post because you, Art, recommended it.

I wrote the following in response:

Lincoln would not have supported a pro-slavery politician if that politician also supported some restrictions on slavery. In the same way that it is morally unacceptable to vote for a politician that favors some slavery, it is morally repugnant to vote for a politician that supports some form of legalized abortion. It is not okay to support legalized abortion just a little. It is not okay to rationalize away a vote for a pro-abortion candidate like Kim Guadango because you think that she will support some policies that will reduce the overall number of abortions performed. Cooperation with evil is never permissible. And make no mistake, voting for a pro-abortion candidate is cooperating with evil.

I'm voting for Steve Lonegan for Governor. I'll write-in his name. I will not vote for a pro-abortion ticket no matter how attractive their position on other issues may be.

Anonymous said...

Actually you are wrong about that. Lincoln was very pragmatic about the slavery issue and was more interested in perserving the union.

I am pro life and it is a huge consideration for me. Especially at the federal level.
But in this particular election what the Lt. Gov. thinks about the issue not so much. Once Roe v wade gets overturned I will start worrying about what the Lt. Gov. thinks.
Right now i just want to get rid of Dems.

stopthesocialists said...

anonymous 4:18 - do you think throwing away your vote on Steve and possibly helping to re-elect Corzine will do anything to advance your pro-life interests? I am ardently pro-life, but would rather elect a ticket closest to my beliefs this time around and keep the rest of the party moving in that direction, than re-elect a far left buffoon who would probably allow abortion mills in shopping malls if he thought he could tax them.

JustifiedRight.com said...

This was Matt's best work.

Anonymous said...

Compromise on liberal Republicans is what landed us a State Supreme Court that stuffs COAH and Abbott School districts down our throats. Voting for liberals who call themselves Republicans at best slows down the destruction of this state. Only when Republicans refuse to elect RINOs will we have a chance to elect officials who will change the direct of the ship of State rather then just piont the bow a few degrees port or starbord. The later still puts us over the edge of the abyss, just takes a few years more.

Anonymous said...

What Matt Rooney fails to understand is that some things are more important that elections. Sometimes you just have to stand on principle, even if it hurts. And make no mistake, Mr. Rooney, if you can't stand in defense of innocent human life, then you have no principles.

I'm voting for Steve Lonegan. I urge other pro-lifers to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous 2:37 - thanks for voting Lonegan.

Your Pal,

John Corzine

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 8:51,

Thanks for suggesting that an election is more important than saving the lives of innocent babies in the womb. Thanks for thinking that it is okay to cooperate with evil just a little.

Your friend,


Leslie said...

thank you for your friendship and support! this is a faith based pro life clinic. I know Rick does support this group. They do not get Government funding. They give counseling to girls that look for an alternative other than an abortion. They have to battle planned parent hood standing in their parking lots telling girls about the burden of being a single parent. We need your support and more importantly your money. Give is a such a great 4 letter word!
I am doing a walk for Hope Women Centers. This is a faith based organization counseling young women about their pregnancies. They also counsel post abortion women that are trying to cope. Please, I ask you to support this group with as little as $20 or as much as you can. They rely upon private donations ONLY! Please visit my web page to support.
They do all the following for FREE! We need your money!
1. Pregnancy Tests
2. Peer Counseling
3. Ultra Sound
4. Limited STD testing