Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Stop The Negativity: Stand By Your Record"

Chris Christie's Campaign for Governor today released their latest web video entitled, "Stop The Negativity: Stand By Your Record." The web video features Governor Corzine praising Chris Christie's work as U.S. Attorney, including him stating, "I was an endorser and supporter of Chris Christie as U.S. Attorney to clean up corruption. I am going to continue to be." (Jon Corzine, "On the Record," NJN, June 10, 2005)

When Jon Corzine's not trailing in the polls, he praises Chris Christie and commits to running clean campaigns. Now in 2009, Jon Corzine has found himself trailing Chris Christie in 21 straight public opinion polls, and will resort to using any tactic to try to distort and smear the record of Christie.

Corzine's 2000 Campaign Says New Jerseyans "Deserve A Clean Campaign." ''But we agree with Bob Franks that New Jersey voters deserve a clean campaign and we plan on running a campaign focused on the issues,'' he said." (Tim Haggerty, "At car wash, Franks vows clean race but rubs Corzine," The Times of Trenton, 07/22/00)

Corzine Agreed With The Principle Of Bob Franks Clean Campaign Pledge. "Shea said the Corzine campaign had received the Framework for Civility just yesterday afternoon and agreed with it in principle. He said Corzine will have to look at it further before he decides whether to sign it." (Tim Haggerty, "At car wash, Franks vows clean race but rubs Corzine," The Times of Trenton, 07/22/00)

Jon Corzine Promised A Clean Campaign While Running For U.S. Senate.
"Jon Corzine yesterday promised a clean campaign for U.S. Senate. To that end, the Democratic candidate signed the Framework for Civility for Political Candidates, sponsored by the Interfaith Alliance. Among its promises: Refraining from deception, half-truths, falsification or innuendo in describing opponents, assuming responsibility for the words and actions of your campaign staff, and ensuring that your campaign organization has documents supporting factual claims about you or your opponent's record or background" ("High Noon in Hudson?" Jersey Journal, 08/26/00)

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