By Dan Gallic
There is an old saying that goes, “All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to stay silent.” Well, the time has come where evil has succeeded in short form and needs good people to rise up to defeat it." It is time for good people to rise up and be heard.
The evil I speak of is not somebody, it is some thing. That thing is fascism.
That is a strong word. It is a loaded word and I use it correctly.
What I've learned in life, when dealing with people who have a cult of personality following, such as Obama, is that they are essentially honest. They let you know what they are about, perhaps not completely in a straight forward way, but if you listen close you can pick up their motivations and predict, in a fairly accurate way, where they are going. Perhaps that is why the "Obama Joker" poster has created such a stir. The Joker, portrayed by Heath Ledger, was very evil but honest, which made predicting his actions possible unlike a crazy person who's actions are not predictable.
In the midst of turmoil at town hall meetings, violence outside a closed door “public” meeting and loud protests all around the country, the president told dissenters that they should shut up and let him fix the mess they have created. If you don't believe me, you can see it here:
In a way, the President is telling them to “Sit Down and Shut Up”. I'm a big fan of that statement when it's meant for an individual who is just being stupid, but for the President to utter such as statement it is... well... I don't know the word because it's so reckless, dangerous, stupid, outrageous... there just isn't a word that actually described what he has just done.
As the President of the United states, not as a blogger, talking head or other asundry literary giants (read sarcasm), he has told his dissenters that their input is not needed, but more importantly cast blame on them for a present “evil”. Sort of how Hilter told the Jewish people they are not needed and that they were responsible for the non-Jewish plight because their greed. Or like Stalin saying the Intellectuals were not needed and that they were the cause of poverty amongst the working class. History is full of these monsters.
Is Obama a monster? No. Is he on the way to be one? Yes.
Now this may come as a shock to some people but I actually favor National Health Care and the single payer system. I do so out of social justice and not because of some lofty economic reason or it “fixes” things. BUT (notice the caps and the incorrect grammer) I do not support what the President is offering. I am apt to go protest his offer. I am also not a health care professional, nor a person who derives income from the health care industry or someone who created this “mess”, yet I am one of those who would raise my voice in opposition to his plan. Am I to be quieted? Am I to be stilled? And how are you going to stop me from speaking my mind? Will you have me arrested, like those who were arrested for praying the rosary outside of an abortion mill? Will you have me ridiculed and professional scorned like so many conservatives have by the liberal media? Will you mock my children and file lawsuits against me to destroy my reputation and financially cripple me like they did Sarah Palin?
What is Obama going to do? His words are not empty words, that was proven by the White Houses “send me all the bad people's names” request earlier this week.
Folks, this guy is guy is getting scary.
To conclude and highlight my point ask yourself this questions: “Politically speaking, who would fan the flames of fascism when violence is breaking out where free speech is being squashed?”
Answer that question and you'll find Obama.
It is time to act, mobilize, be heard. It is time for all us couch potatoes to realize inaction is not an option. Health Care Reform is now an euphemism for fascism and good people cannot stay quiet.
It is time!
PS. Hey Corzine, please keep using Obama as a centerpiece of your campaign. Please.
A World Without Christ?
22 hours ago
1 comment:
In the speech it seems like he's referencing Republicans in Congress, not protesters. If there's a longer clip that indicates he's actually talking to or about the protesters, I'd like to see that.
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