Hornik denies charge. Claims GOP cancelled event for fear of poor attendance
Country Club Mum
Marlboro Republican Council candidates Jack Zatz, Carol Mazzola, and Selika Josiah-Gore claimed today that Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik pressured the owner of the Bella Vista Country Club in Marlboro to cancel a fundraiser the Republican candidates had scheduled for September 16th.
“We had confirmed weeks ago with Bella Vista for this event, and were expecting a turnout of more than 100 supporters of our ticket to attend.” stated Zatz. “Then, all of the sudden, the Bella Vista said they had to cancel our event, and I became aware that it was a result of an email the Mayor sent to the owner. When I confronted Mayor Hornik about his actions, he admitted it to me. This kind of intimidation by an elected official against a local business owner is outrageous,” said Zatz.
Hornik, who is a member of the club, confirmed to MoreMonmouthMusings that he sent an email to the owner asking if he supported the GOP's message,"Can we afford to hand over this November 3 election to a Hornik + 5-Democrat Council with no one on the council to question their agenda??" Hornik denied confirming to Zatz that he had a hand in cancelling the event.
Hornik said, "They have no one coming to this event. This is a diversion to exit from a failed event and blame me for it. The sponsor of the event pulled out and Zatz couldn't get another club member to sponsor it. Without a member sponsor, they can not hold an event at a private club."
Marlboro’s GOP Municipal Chair, John Gibardi, said the candidates were able to re-book the GOP event at the Colts Neck Inn for the same time, 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16. “Fortunately we were able to re-schedule another venue and contact supporters to inform them that our event was pushed out of town by the mayor.” said Gibardi. “He may be able to stop us from having an event in our own town, but he can't stop us from talking about Marlboro’s high property taxes and wasteful spending which have so many people in Marlboro worried.
A spokesperson for the Bella Vista Country Club said he "understands the event has been cancelled," but would not say why or who cancelled it.
The campaign is seeking legal opinions on whether the Mayor’s actions constitute an ethics violation.
Montana Cowboys, Adam Smith, and Trump
12 hours ago
The owner of Buena Vista refused to consider another country club member to sponsor our event after the Mayor's pressure. If he, the Mayor, was not trying to get our event cancelled why would he assume he knew our head count? It should also be pointed out that Mayor Hornik is not privy to our RSVP list and could not possibly know how many people were attending. He overstepped his authority on this, and may have further consequences.
Hello Anonymous - I was at the budget approval hearing you refer to and candidate Jack Zatz WAS there - I heard him speak about and challenge Hornik's deferral of the pension expense to the tune of $1Million - putting a future burden on Marlboro's future taxpayers for the next 10 years - read about it - It was covered by the News Transcript. So it wasn't any real budget cuts the Mayor did - - more like "smoke n mirror" deferral of expenses.
Umm, hello responder, and guess what, you were there for the approval process, so you know that I am 100% correct whne I say that no details were discussed during the "approval" meeting - which was a general council meeting. You can look at the township website, there were two full budget meetings prior to that where all of the details of the budget were deliberated upon. Cuts were made. Details were discussed. Neither Zatz, nor any of his running mates, were present. This is a fact.
1) Hornik isn't up this year
2) Isn't he still popular? Why go after him if so?
3) This is a stupid issue that won't attract a vote, should have just stuck with hitting the move to defer pensions.
Marlboro GOP, the kings of shooting themselves in the foot.
The comments by Anonymous are ludicrous. This story is not about casting stones at Mr. Gibardi whom you seem to have a personal problem with, but about the abuse of power by a man who the public has put its' trust in: Mr. Hornik. By pressuring a business in Marlboro not to hold an event that had been previously scheduled and planned by the owner of Bella Vista for weeks, he is asserting a totalitarian, dirty tactic that is an absolute abuse of his power as mayor. This is the issue, nothing more. Your personal attack on Mr. Gibardi shows your obvious inability to see past your apparent hatred of him. Shame on Mr. Hornik for his bully tactics, and shame on you for your radical, inappropriate rantings. The fact that you sign your comments "Anonymous" shows a lot about your character (actually lack thereof).
The lack of character lies with Mayor Hornik if this is true. However, as always we in Marlboro GOP spend too much time building our own EGOS rather than promoting our candidates. For the first time in awhile we have candidates that really care about Marlboro not themselves. The problem :they are being lead Girbardi who makes sure HIS name appears on every single piece of literature, has a secret campaign which almost no one feels part of. Unfortunately, Girbardi and his 4 friends won't get Jack, Carol and Selika elected.Marlboro GOP better known as The Self Appointed Csar Girbardi, needs to take a good look at his motives. Good Luck to the Candidates (you'll need it)
The bigger question purely on the fundraiser Why did the original sponsor back out? Was the original sponsor also "bullied" by Hornik? There is more to this story than what the Chairman is sharing.Why would Jon Hornik risk his political career on a silly fundraiser, the devil is in the details!!!!!!!
Seems just more of the same problems the Monmouth GOP has. The party bosses are more concerned about there personal power, axes to grind and profit then real Republican agendas
Hornik is an active supporter of Michelle "Don't call me a Lady" Roth, who has cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars on her personal vendettas against people who wouldn't kiss her ring, and has cost the taxpayers literally millions of dollars protecting John Lynch's real estate interests. Hornik and Roth are both tools of the Monmouth County Democratic Party. If the residents of either of these towns think they are being managed by local politicians, they're sadly mistaken. It's time the residents of both of these towns put an end to the carpetbaggers costing them millions for the personal agendas of out of area politicians. Need more proof? How about the sewer authority's hiring of the Burlington County puppet of George Norcross as its "spokesman." Is there any reason our sewers need a public relations person? And Chairman Eric Abraham's "shock" to learn that Meyers was a political hack is reminiscent of the "shock" by Captain Renault in Casablanca that there was gambling going on.
Since Mr. Gibardi took over the GOP Chairmanship, its been downhill for Marlboro Republicans. He failed to support Jeff Cantor, when Jeff ran for Freeholder. Mr G supported the ethically challenged Kleinberg, etc, etc, etc.
Need I say more??? Ms. Mazzolla, who is running for Council was a financial supporter of Kleinberg...John, your time is up. My prediction: The Dems are going to take all seats via landslide. Time to go John!!
John Gibardi, Marlboro GOP Municipal Chairman said...
"The owner of Buena Vista refused to consider another country club member to sponsor our event...."
Where/Who is Buena Vista?
Art: You are known for you honesty and ability to seperate the wheat from the chaff. here is a press release from the County Club: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/09/prweb2884354.htm
As a life long Republican, in Marlboro, I advise you take whatever the GOP Chair says with a grain of salt.
We learned that the hard way last election cycle when he was handily defeated 3-0. It must be up to Jennifer Beck, Caroline and Declan to force the County GOP to get rid of this chair if we ever want to see a rebirth of GOP ideals and policies in Marlboro. We need a change from the top to reunited our party and run competiive and qualified candidates. Marlboro is too big and too important to let it automatically fall into Democratic hands or allow an ineffective party to adversley influence County elections (like the loss of Jeff Cantor). Shore up Marlboro and we even can beat Frank Pallone and Rush Holt!!!!
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